#5743556 - 08/16/11 09:00 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Blackhawks 4 Lyfe!
Post Master Sr
Registered: 03/03/02
Posts: 4184
Loc: Massachusetts
Just had my second intro class yesterday and it was the first where we actually started to learn some of the basic exercises. My legs were pretty much spent after the warmup which included a lot of variations on lunges, which I haven't done in years, and set the inside of my hamstrings burning and had me wobbly legged for the rest of the time.
Then we worked on form for deadlifts, air squats, wall balls, and i forget the name but it's like a push press but without using the legs.
After that started the workout which was 500m row, 40 air squats, 30 sit ups, 20 push ups and 10 jumping pull ups. After the rowing I had to break everything down into sets of 10 to get enough breaks but at least I got through it. It ended up taking me just over 14 minutes.
Overall I really like crossfit, although right now it's really kicking my ass and showing me how out of shape I really am. I'm also a bit worried that if I'm sucking this bad in the intro classes then after the third when I can start the regular wod I'm gonna be screwed. They mentioned starting at only 75% for awhile so I might have to do that for a few weeks.
Lastly, what do you guys eat before working out? In yesterdays class I felt a bit light headed at some points, although not as bad as the first class where I got so light headed I felt like I was gonna pass out. I know part of it is because I'm out of shape but I also feel like I didn't have enough to eat beforehand.
And what kind of after workout recovery are you doing? I've seen some people drinking cocunut water.
#5743812 - 08/16/11 10:49 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Ionfyst]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Just had my second intro class yesterday and it was the first where we actually started to learn some of the basic exercises. My legs were pretty much spent after the warmup  which included a lot of variations on lunges, which I haven't done in years, and set the inside of my hamstrings burning and had me wobbly legged for the rest of the time. Yeah, it'll happen when you're new. It's a big beating for your body which probably hasn't done that much in quite awhile.
Then we worked on form for deadlifts, air squats, wall balls, and i forget the name but it's like a push press but without using the legs. Probably shoulder press.
After that started the workout which was 500m row, 40 air squats, 30 sit ups, 20 push ups and 10 jumping pull ups. After the rowing I had to break everything down into sets of 10 to get enough breaks but at least I got through it. It ended up taking me just over 14 minutes. It's really not that bad. You should be glad you finished at all, because a lot of new folks can't finish before they want to puke. Nice work (seriously, that may sound sarcastic but it isn't, lol.)
Overall I really like crossfit, although right now it's really kicking my ass and showing me how out of shape I really am. I'm also a bit worried that if I'm sucking this bad in the intro classes then after the third when I can start the regular wod I'm gonna be screwed. They mentioned starting at only 75% for awhile so I might have to do that for a few weeks. You will actually ramp up more easily than you might think. Your body will take a few weeks to adapt to training like that, and you will be REALLY SORE, but it will happen. You can scale any workout to whatever your physical capability is, which is the beauty of it. They can cut down on reps, weight, time domain, etc etc so you can get a good workout and be able to finish it. You'll never actually get to the point where it's not hard, it will ALWAYS be hard. It is always hard for me and I've been doing it for 2.5 years now. If it gets to be not hard, you need to work harder and start scaling back up. You'll just find yourself getting faster and stronger, but it will still suck just as much.
And if you stick with it long term and bust your ass, you will get in shape to a degree that you never thought possible. I came in over two years ago not being able to lift shit, flabby body and all. Now I can do muscle ups, rope climbs, olympic lifts, and all sorts of other cool shit that I never thought I'd be able to do much less even heard of. Just yesterday I did weighted ring dips with over 70lbs and it wasn't really even that hard. The sky is the limit, my friend. It's a lifestyle, and once it's a lifestyle you don't have to feel bad taking a couple weeks off because you'll always be a crossfitter and you'll always know how to stay in shape.
Lastly, what do you guys eat before working out? In yesterdays class I felt a bit light headed at some points, although not as bad as the first class where I got so light headed I felt like I was gonna pass out. I know part of it is because I'm out of shape but I also feel like I didn't have enough to eat beforehand.
And what kind of after workout recovery are you doing? I've seen some people drinking cocunut water. I say personal preference, but like Impulsive I do like protein an hour or so before. Nothing too much that'll sit heavy on your stomach if you're still getting a little queasy. Fruit is good. If I'm doing a morning workout, I like to do it in a fasted state.
#5744022 - 08/16/11 11:47 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Dahlia]
Blackhawks 4 Lyfe!
Post Master Sr
Registered: 03/03/02
Posts: 4184
Loc: Massachusetts
Thanks for all the input, I'm having a ton of fun even with all the soreness. It's nice to actually have a reason for being sore.
Do any of you do anything on the off days? I'm currently doing a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule and was thinking about running on the off days to loosen myself up.
#5744159 - 08/16/11 12:36 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Ionfyst]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
On off days, I don't do shit. You should take it easy until you're a little more experienced...if I were you I would MAYBE do a light jog on Tuesday or Thursday, depending on how you feel. Let your body recover.
#5748695 - 08/18/11 12:23 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Impulsive]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
I did Fran today. Messed up the timer, but I wasn't rushing it so I'm guessing 10 minutes??. The thrusters actually were pretty easy. I did have a bit of issue with the push presses as they just tend to stress my shoulder too much (rotator cuff I'm guessing), bit the 21 wasn't too bad. But fat chance of yanking 21 pull ups in one shot. I've always done slow, controlled dead hang pulls ups and not a chance I can do kipping either. I've tried it, but I'm obviously doing it wrong as I can get the same amount of reps with a dead hang. By the time I got the the 9, I the thrusters were still not too bad.
Finished it off with a bit of chest work, punching bag, HIIT on the bike and some jump rope. Sat down for dinner and I could feel the legs immediately. Usually takes a day or so to really stiffen up. Nice job dude. Now imagine doing the same workout in less than three minutes. If you don't really rush it, some of the effect is lost. Let us know when/if you try the other ones!
As far as the kipping pullup goes, the power comes from the hips. If you're hanging on the bar at full extension and swing your hips (not your legs) you can do it. Imagine someone with their hand in front of your stomach and behind the small of your back. If you're swinging properly, you would hit each.
#5748837 - 08/18/11 01:07 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Impulsive]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Fair enough, wasn't sure if you were taking it easy on thrusters or not.
Kipping takes practice, and most of the time learning properly is figuring out how to push off the bar which will put you back into perfect position. In any case, whether you do them or not really depends on your goals. Regular deadhang pullups are usually used to build strength, kipping really isn't. It's just a way to do the work faster and keep your heart rate up, so it's kind of an apples to oranges comparison.
There is a "heavy fran" version which might be more suited to you: 15-12-9 of 135lb thrusters and 45lb weighted pullups. Can't really kip with 45lbs on you, lol. Shit's pretty tough but also totally different from the regular version.
#5755822 - 08/22/11 11:15 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Dahlia]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Lol, nice. It's hard to make it through Filthy 50 the first time around, even with reduced reps. Most folks are ok until they hit the wall balls and then it's game over. 
Keep at it though and before long you won't be finishing last anymore! It will keep your ego in check too.
#5756641 - 08/22/11 05:35 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Impulsive]
CSi's Little Nanook
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/17/04
Posts: 18240
Loc: North of 60
For time: 50 Box jump, 24 inch box 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood Walking Lunge, 50 steps 50 Knees to elbows 50 Push press, 45 pounds 50 Back extensions 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 50 Burpees 50 Double unders
This is what we did today (but 35)
And my box jump was only at 10 inches because of my groin - but, most of the girls were doing 10 also.
Since I can't do double unders (you would think being on a jump rope demo team for 3 years I would be able to do them ), I had to 50 tuck jumps
Strangers have the best candy  Good night, sweet Spencer (June 10th, 2004 - July 9th, 2015)
#5757574 - 08/23/11 02:14 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Dahlia]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/06/02
Posts: 41864
Loc: Newsomville, CA
todays wod crushed me.
6 rounds 30 double unders 10 HANG squat snatches with 40kg(88lbs) 10 Ring Push Ups
I got to round 4, 20 minutes in I did 3 reps of the hanging squat snatch and my shoulder was fucking toast, I couldn't keep it active anymore to lock the weight out at the bottom of my hang snatch.
I scaled down to 29kg, did singles, and finished my last round on paralets for the push ups. Figured since I didn't do rx why continue to do the other exercises at rx.
Lots of people in class finished before me in the 13-16 mark range, NONE of them did RX, some did the required weight but didn't squat with their snatch. That weight was ungodly tough on the shoulders, once you do the double unders and the push ups on the rings your traps and core tired as shit. I literally would get 1-2 reps in before I had to rest a bit.
I really need to break this mental block that I need to rest, I need to walk around the weight, and just fucking attack, attack, attack. It aggravates the shit out of me. But I will not sacrifice form for ego.
It's okay to say "I'm not there yet"
#5757889 - 08/23/11 09:46 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Thanks, good info. I jump rope all the time and can't do double unders. I'd just do 100 singles  I might have to give this a shot with the wife. Shit looks killer. What a decent time to complete this? I can't imagine my grip lasting for 50 knees to elbows. Usually we do 4-1 singles to du. Dahlia is right, tuck jumps are a better approximation. Up to you though. For me, around 25 minutes is pretty decent and anything faster than 20 minutes is flying. I can usually do everything unbroken until the knees to elbows then I start slowing down.
I really need to break this mental block that I need to rest, I need to walk around the weight, and just fucking attack, attack, attack. It aggravates the shit out of me. But I will not sacrifice form for ego.
It's okay to say "I'm not there yet" Good man. Over time you will learn how to push harder against that mental barrier. You really just have to get comfortable doing movements when you're out of breath. And good for you on not sacrificing your form. Looks like a pretty gnarly wod, I'd love to try it sometime.
#5760603 - 08/24/11 07:22 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Blackhawks 4 Lyfe!
Post Master Sr
Registered: 03/03/02
Posts: 4184
Loc: Massachusetts
Had my first official WOD this morning and the warmup included lunges again and my legs weren't toast like last time so I feel it went pretty well.
We started off working on pullups and getting my form for the swing down, but since it was my first time and I was sucking I finished it off with 10 sets of 2 dead hangs.
Then it was 10 minutes amrap annie, which I did double reps but single swing (jump?) for the jumprope and regular situps. I made it to just over halfway through the third set of situps. The situps were killer with the abmat.
#5761470 - 08/24/11 01:26 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Dahlia]
Blackhawks 4 Lyfe!
Post Master Sr
Registered: 03/03/02
Posts: 4184
Loc: Massachusetts
Fight Gone Bad. I am considering it for the end of September. It's a fund raiser here in the city. Is it something world wide?
Yeah, I think it's everywhere as there are a bunch of posters around my gym for it. There's also Barbells for Boobs, although I'm not sure if that one is only local.
#5761629 - 08/24/11 02:30 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Ionfyst]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
They're both a worldwide thing that happen every year, although Barbells for Boobs isn't as big yet. You should try it Dahlia, FGB is an awesome workout!
#5765743 - 08/26/11 09:34 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Blackhawks 4 Lyfe!
Post Master Sr
Registered: 03/03/02
Posts: 4184
Loc: Massachusetts
today's workout was tough but good. it started off with working on form for overhead/back squats and then 5 5 5 5 5 up to your max.
after that, I'm not sure what the normal workout was but they had me do 10 minute amrap ladder, push presses and dead hang pullups. I made it 8.5 rounds. the pullups were killer and a huge time sink. by round 4 I was struggling to do them nonstop and had to bust out a band to make it a bit easier.
#5781703 - 09/03/11 12:58 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Shit son, you are getting beat up big time, lol. Make sure you are getting enough protein. Glutamine will also help A LOT with soreness.
Anyone do the 31 Heroes wod today? I was the only person to do it as prescribed in my gym.
It's also a partner workout:
31 minute amrap of: 8 thrusters @ 155 6 rope climbs, 15 ft 11 box jumps, 30"
Partner has to run 400m with a frigging 45lb plate or sand bag and you switch off. I had to carry my partner on the rope climbs because he couldn't do any. Between the two of us we got three full rounds, and the plate carry for 400m was actually the worst part. But 155lb thrusters are damned heavy!
#5785144 - 09/06/11 03:51 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/06/02
Posts: 41864
Loc: Newsomville, CA
team wod today. Team america was our team name, 4 people.
1 mile team run 200 pull ups 200 box jumps 400 kettlebell swings 24kg(55lbs) 1 mile relay race (each person tags the next in for a 400m run)
Not sure what our time was, I was too tired to care but it was around 37 minutes.
I pr'ed on my one mile time and ran it in 8:55 instead of 9:26 today I could've gone slightly faster too but I was pacing with a teammate and didn't want to leave him behind although I think he was running slow for me.
The pull ups weren't too bad, I did jumping for the most part, was able to bang out like 10-15 when it was my turn. The box jumps we got on all four corners of the box (we scored a bunch of those rogue fitness boxes from the crossfit games at our gym) and we each just jumped 1 at a time in a circle sounding off until we got to 200.
That was pretty fast, I would say the kettlebell swings murdered our guys. We each were able to get 20 swings in, I came out of the gate with 30, surprised the shit out of myself.
Got in at least 20 all the way through till the end, if someone before me couldn't get his reps in I'd suck it up and make up the difference so each guy started on an even number. At one point my hands were so sweaty I did like 3 american swings with one hand and 3 fingers lol.
The relay at the end wasn't bad I wasn't too fast but I felt the speed drop of BIGTIME around the 200 mark, I tried to go into it pretty fast but I didn't walk I just pushed through that jog.
Really happy with my groups performance, we came in like 3rd out of all the teams I believe there were like 5 teams. First time working out together with all of the guys in my group.
Now it's deadlifts, more running, and toes to bar tomorrow. I think I'm going to stay up and hit the 5am class.
#5786963 - 09/06/11 09:55 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 01/10/05
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Loc: So Cal
Joining next month.
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