#5642673 - 06/25/11 12:50 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Use it, love it. No need for the blogging shit, all the workouts are on the site and it usually just takes a few clicks to post a wod and write some comments about it. It will also track weight, benchmarks, how many times per week you work out. I'm glad to see you're still on it. You will be a badass a year from now, possibly sooner.
Did Badger today, it was really fucking hard. 3 rounds of 30 95lb squat cleans, 30 pullups, and 800m run. Yikes!
#5643455 - 06/26/11 02:25 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
get ppl from your gym together and do BTWB. i have admin ability for my gym so i can add the workouts if no one else does it. usually someone gets to it first though
#5643494 - 06/26/11 03:39 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/06/02
Posts: 41864
Loc: Newsomville, CA
get ppl from your gym together and do BTWB. i have admin ability for my gym so i can add the workouts if no one else does it. usually someone gets to it first though
California is still pretty shitty on the economy some people can barely afford their gym memberships much less worry about the fee associated with tracking their workouts. Not everyone is as gung ho or computer articulate as myself sadly.
#5645457 - 06/27/11 10:41 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
yeah fuck badger, my buddy did that the other day. fuck that in the butthole. Second just like you guys had reported before earlier in the thread. beyond the whiteboard is a pain in the ass if you're not doing mainsite workouts.
My gym is not listed, the food logging thing sucks if you're not eating paleo. I think I'll stick to the shitty bodyspace.com editor. It might be something you can talk to the gym owner about; helping people track their workouts is something that would be in their best interests. Also it's pitifully cheap, it's $36 per year which is $3/month. Very much worth it, IMO.
Entering workouts yourself can be a pain in the ass, but chances are someone has already posted a workout of what you might be doing each day (unless the dude comes up with custom programming every single day, which I doubt.) There are over 11,000 workouts already programmed into the site. And even if you have to create them on your own, it's pretty simple and could probably be done in the time it would take you to write out a whole blog post.
To each his own though, just my opinion
#5647419 - 06/28/11 12:16 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/06/02
Posts: 41864
Loc: Newsomville, CA
(unless the dude comes up with custom programming every single day, which I doubt.)
Actually he does, I talked to him last week about this article he shared from the wall street journal about the bulgarian training method and how it brought them success in the olympics and stuff.
So I told him I wanted to see how many days unbroken I could come in and train, he showed me how he comes up with his training.
There are 3 different types of movements in crossfit.
gymnastics olympic lifting metabolic conditioning.
Because crossfit is all three he programs a week to include one of each. or a combination of two.
a week could be.
gymnastics gymnastics + o lift gymnastics + met con etc.
he'll plug in 3 weeks worth of training combinations into random.org and it will shake up those movements. So then he has to figure out what kind of training that you can do one day, that won't fuck you up if you come in the next day but still get the most out of that training.
So last week was all met-con and a mix of here and there but still mainly all custom programming, he doesn't do anything the main or local gyms do. Closest we've gotten was Murph on Memorial Day.
This week is going to be a lot of O-lift.
Today consisted of just squatting and tabata kettle bell swinging.
A: Back Squat Establish a 1RM B: 2 Rounds: (Max -10kg x 1, Max -5kg x 1, Max x 1) C: Tabata Kettlebell Swings (m 24kg, w 16kg)
Tomorrows training is
A: Push Press Build to a 3RM 5 Rounds: B1: 5 Push Press @ 80%; 30 sec B2: 7 Toes to Bar; 30 sec B3: 30m Shuttle Run; 30 sec
That would be day 9 in a row for me, my body feels good no overall soreness. I've been finishing the wods I'm going to be at the beach this friday and out drinking and eating like shit on saturday.
So I plan on nothing less than busting ass the rest of the week, it's all mental.
Post wod conditioning is what allowed me to go on this far.
#5647746 - 06/28/11 09:14 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
9 days in a row with no rest? Jeebus. I've personally always had the best luck with 3 on 1 off.
#5649374 - 06/28/11 07:04 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Did "Nate" today, totally crushed it. 20 min amrap of 2 muscle ups, 4 HSPUs, 8 kb swings with 70lbs.
16 rounds + 1 muscle up. 
This is one of my favorite wods.
#5650436 - 06/29/11 09:47 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Sounds like you guys are doing OPT style training with the part A and part B stuff. I've done a few workouts where you have to go unbroken, it's tough shit (try doing unbroken squat cleans with 135, yikes). I'd never make it through those DU, although I'm getting better at them. Personal best so far is 15 in a row, so I'm getting there.
#5667177 - 07/08/11 07:27 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
GI Jane is tough, especially if you do it with a bar that is actually 1 foot above your reach.
As for me, I'm pretty sure I pulled a muscle doing heavy deadlifts yesterday
#5668252 - 07/08/11 02:07 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/06/02
Posts: 41864
Loc: Newsomville, CA
GI Jane is tough, especially if you do it with a bar that is actually 1 foot above your reach. As for me, I'm pretty sure I pulled a muscle doing heavy deadlifts yesterday
I did it in a squat cage, so yeah I had to fucking leap. I did like 5 chin ups, then 5 kipping pull ups and just alternated my grip so I didn't have hamburger hands like everyone else.
Today was 1RM snatch, so legit I got 60kg on my third attempt, I tried 70 for shits and giggles but hell no it didn't feel good on the way up at all haha.
Edited by 137 (07/08/11 02:07 PM)
#5685116 - 07/16/11 07:14 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
i tried the 30 muscle up WOD today. i can do 12 unbroken last time i tried, and have done several WODs w/ 20-30 MUs so i didnt think it would be too bad. wrong.
i went with a rep scheme that would result in a 3:30 time. reps of 6-5-5-4-4-3-3, start each round on every 30 seconds, rest with time left. worked for the first 2 rounds, then it was one rep at a time.
through 15 reps - 1:35 through 20 reps - 4:06
at this point i was getting about 1 rep per minute. my forearms were just smoked and i couldn't get over the transition point anymore. i was really frustrated by how long it took to recover. i think a lot of it is my form, using a brute force method which is enough on WODs but is not efficient enough for 30 reps
next time im going to try 3 reps every 30 seconds, which would be a 5:00 time, still considered really good
edit: every rep included a negative, and it was a regular "Games standard" kip not the lever
Edited by antness (07/16/11 11:36 PM)
#5686287 - 07/17/11 05:58 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Did you do full turnout? My best is around 4:30 but I'm no good at turning out. I usually start by doing 5-8 or so in a row and then just one at a time afterwards. I can usually make it to 15-20 by around two minutes but then fatigue sets in big time. Nice work though!
#5686696 - 07/17/11 10:57 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
whats full turnout? i didnt flash the rings at the bottom if thats what you mean. but i was fully extended at the start of each rep, no bent arms.
#5689103 - 07/19/11 08:27 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Yeah, it's pretty hard. Much harder than not doing it at least, lol. If you watch any of the Games competitors doing muscle ups, they all have to turn out at the bottom (basically turning your palms away from you when you're at full extension.) It's mostly hard to do just because it's difficult to maintain the false grip when doing it. This isn't a problem for some people since they can do muscle ups without a false grip but you basically have to be a badass to do it.
Did a crazy mainsite wod last week, anyone see the one with L-rope climbs, HSPU, and frigging 45lb overhead squat pistols? I was only one of two people in my gym that finished it rx'd. It was fucking nuts. 5 rounds of 1 L-rope climb, 5 HSPU, 10 overhead squat pistols with a 45lb bar. Absolutely insane. And then DT was the day after that, it pretty much wrecked me. Good times.
#5689457 - 07/19/11 10:57 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
after my first rep ive fallen out of the false grip anyway so i dont think id have an issue w/ the turn out
#5701029 - 07/25/11 03:47 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/06/02
Posts: 41864
Loc: Newsomville, CA
#5703275 - 07/26/11 09:49 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Blackhawks 4 Lyfe!
Post Master Sr
Registered: 03/03/02
Posts: 4184
Loc: Massachusetts
What's the general level of fitness you guys see for newbies? A crossfit place just opened up near me and I've been thinking of checking it out but I've been slacking hardcore the last year and don't want to be the overweight asshole who has a heart attack during class
#5703956 - 07/26/11 01:59 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Blackhawks 4 Lyfe!
Post Master Sr
Registered: 03/03/02
Posts: 4184
Loc: Massachusetts
I think it may be a love/hate thing, you either love it or you hate it. People that get hooked immediately almost always have drastic results.
I've tagged along with my wife for a few crossfit inspired classes at her gym and I enjoy the format so I think I'm good on that front. I just didn't know if there was a basic level of fitness that should be attained before starting up. The general idea is that everyone in the group is doing the same workout e.g. reps, distances, etc. , but at different weights and times right?
My local place has a free newbie intro class that I think I might sign up for to get a better idea of whats what.
#5704105 - 07/26/11 03:02 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Ionfyst]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
I think it may be a love/hate thing, you either love it or you hate it. People that get hooked immediately almost always have drastic results. I've tagged along with my wife for a few crossfit inspired classes at her gym and I enjoy the format so I think I'm good on that front. I just didn't know if there was a basic level of fitness that should be attained before starting up. The general idea is that everyone in the group is doing the same workout e.g. reps, distances, etc. , but at different weights and times right? You are correct. There's no basic level of fitness that you need before you start. I hear that a lot and it's a crappy excuse. It will kick your ass at any fitness level. People have this weird idea that it's all a bunch of macho meathead firebreathers, but it's not. They can scale the reps, weight, time, or distance as needed to suit your particular level of fitness. Anyone can do this stuff.
Let us know how it goes! We will be expecting a full report
#5713931 - 08/01/11 11:33 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
190kg deadlift today. What up!!! Dude, really fucking impressive. Nice work!!
Anyone catch the Crossfit Games this past weekend? It was really cool, Rich Froning crushed it
#5715826 - 08/02/11 11:29 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
i went. it was good. tight black workout shorts/pants capital of the USA
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