#8861389 - 11/23/16 04:47 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: ]
pathetic sad bitch.
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Registered: 01/23/12
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I guess. I'll add 1 pt:*
*running sucks
general douchebaggery
#8870819 - 12/05/16 02:02 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: schtickaz.ai]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
Posts: 11513
Loc: The OC
Been keeping active with marathon training and a few 10Ks. Had Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. Then got 2nd in my age group this weekend at the Riverside 10K.
Next up is the Pasadena Half, Oceanside 15K, then LA Marathon.
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8871180 - 12/05/16 01:49 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Design]
pathetic sad bitch.
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Registered: 01/23/12
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wewt nice. I'm back [sorta?] and just seem to have general soft-tissue funny business in my hip now post run, and kinda glute-focused (???) as far as I can tell.
at 15 mpw, see <zero> reason to push this up any higher right now, doing [2] treadmill sessions and a track workout focused on 5k stuff
*edit: Signed up for CIM lol [26.2] in 2017**
**against my better judgement
general douchebaggery
#8893488 - 12/27/16 09:58 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: schtickaz.ai]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 02/23/09
Posts: 9013
Loc: MA
Runners help, Never been a runner at all. Have played sports with a focus on soccer my whole life and at time have been match fit (full 90 minute game running approx 3-6 miles depending on the game) but i have never ran for any sort of distance and I am god awful at it.
My two areas i have questions are #1. Whats the best way to get into it? My thought process is to run 1/2 mile, walk a half. And then increase that ratio till i can run 3 miles or so without collapsing. #2 When i do try to run the same speed for extended periods of time, whether its on the slow or fast, my outside shin muscle (anterior tibialis muscle?) Gets a massive pump and gets extremely tight only 2-3 minutes into running. This goes away fairly quick when i bring it back down to a walk to stop running. I have tired getting some stretching in and doing different types of stretching to work it out but doesn't seem to matter. My flexibility/elastability is pretty good. I am willing to bet my form and how my foot strikes the ground is absolutely horrid as I have only ever been focused on quick bursts and maximum performance from runs no more than 100 yards. I also do not run with any special running shoe as any running I do is done with a workout. Currently using a Nike solid sole training shoe, similar to the Nike Metcons.
Hilux Surf / M4
#8894551 - 12/28/16 12:31 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: McCavityCat]
pathetic sad bitch.
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Registered: 01/23/12
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Galloway run/walk method sounds like you're unterested in?
Otherwise start slow and stay there imo, 2 miles, couple tumes a week, gradually move up
No fucking clue whatsvup with your shin man, sounds like somethung to figure out. Im in/out of PT and something always hurts after a quality workout for me but this sounds different.
Also it sounds like you need to slow the fuck down for now
Sidenote: taking another ~3 weeks off to rehab my hip lol
general douchebaggery
#8896172 - 12/29/16 01:06 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: schtickaz.ai]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 02/23/09
Posts: 9013
Loc: MA
Thanks, ill look into that method. I guess i should say im not currently out there banging out running till exhaustion. Just things i notice when i do run for extended periods. The shin thing is very strange, its definitely muscle related and not tendon/bone. My guess is it has to do with how i push off with my feet and causes the flex of that muscle and the repetition without rest is what its just not used to.
Hilux Surf / M4
#8896823 - 12/30/16 12:18 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: McCavityCat]
pathetic sad bitch.
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Registered: 01/23/12
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Yea who knows, i still say PT should help
That said the 'frustrating' part of running imo is all the injury/pain/muscoloskeletal shit you always havecto deal with when a little older/newb/heavier
Whatever your muscoloskeletal weakness is, running will find it. I thought i had a lower back problem w/runs over about an hour, then i had to take 4 weeks off on a knee thing, then i had actual achilles tendinitis on my left achilles for like a year before i realized that pain wasnt 'ok', and now i have bursitis on my right hip and i am banning myself from pavement running for probably all of 2017 which probably is a good idea anyways
And its not like a run a lot, im getting this stuff at 15-25 mpw, peaked at 30 lol. Am on the wrong side of 40 tho and heavier than most runners (190+).
So i thought running was only about following a program and nailing your paces and HR zones and key workouts but nowadays i think all that matters is injury prevention/recovery. If you can remain injury free then you can make conditioning gains, but not until then.
Probably a PT experienced with runners can help evaluate where you are, YMMV. My PT guy tells me to back off whenever my hip even bothers me a little the day after a run, including taking a complete week off or more.
Some older runners w/injury history may need complete rest as part of a normal cycle, like one week in a month completely at rest, or one week in six or whatever is required.
Like i want to be able to handle some 50-55 mpw peak weeks but i will have to get through this bursitis first.
general douchebaggery
#8900642 - 01/03/17 02:30 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
Posts: 11513
Loc: The OC
Nice work Chris. A little pudge is good for the soul.
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8900645 - 01/03/17 02:33 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: McCavityCat]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
Posts: 11513
Loc: The OC
Thanks, ill look into that method. I guess i should say im not currently out there banging out running till exhaustion. Just things i notice when i do run for extended periods. The shin thing is very strange, its definitely muscle related and not tendon/bone. My guess is it has to do with how i push off with my feet and causes the flex of that muscle and the repetition without rest is what its just not used to.
I agree with Stickaz' recommendations. Also, try toe taps for the sensitive shins. You can do standing up but this video explains it in basic terms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66r_kWvgwUo
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8900688 - 01/03/17 02:56 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Design]
I've gotten a pumped feelign in my shins.
Most likely it could lead to shin splits. It's probably neuromuscular, your body is still working on timing shin contraction vs calf contraction and at some point you're working both muscles in direct conflict. This isn't efficient/productive, and ultimately the shin muscles lose. i.e if you run through it you'll probably develop shin splints.
I'd recommend continuing the run/walk method to "build up a base" until your body has gotten used to running again. Run a little slower and try to emphasize light steps, and relaxing your legs, and eventually our bodies are pretty good at figuring out what's "wrong" with practice.
#8907950 - 01/10/17 11:34 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
You also don't spend 45 hours a week at a desk. There's lots ways that's been shown to be unhealthy.
#8909242 - 01/11/17 11:59 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Ampsman in Extremis]
pathetic sad bitch.
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Registered: 01/23/12
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impressive. I'm thinking about a way to get a 10 miler in without being banned from my gym. Thinking a 5 miler, hide/water break. Sneak back in, shirt swap.. second 5 miler
side note: my 1-leg leap game is weak af, lol. its hillarious. I'm basically a damaged person trying to rehab at this point
general douchebaggery
#8909359 - 01/11/17 12:58 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
pathetic sad bitch.
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/23/12
Posts: 36538
Loc: State, Country, etc.
I've found I have far more similarities than differences with the '50+ masters runners training thread' of like 1800 pages on letsrun. It's kind of hillarious really, all the discussions about foam rolling, what happens to be hurting that day.... getting a compensatory injury after trying to rehab for the original one [lol that one is dear to my heart]
kudos to those that arent nearly broken all the time lol
general douchebaggery
#8913281 - 01/15/17 10:14 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: schtickaz.ai]
Registered: 10/13/01
Posts: 818
Loc: Gilbert, Az
Well I ran the Phoenix RnR today... kinda.
Injury knocked my training plan way down for a PR, so I've just been taking it easy the past weeks and figured I'd skip any kind of PR attempt and go for a 3:30-3:40 finish.
Well about 3-4 days ago, some weird hip pain showed up, and didn't really go away in time for the race. I knew I was in trouble around mile 2, but stuck with the 3:30 group until a little after mile 5 when it turned into a full slog. At mile 8 or so, I was just hoping I could do anything to finish at all.
What followed was 18 of some of the most painful/soul grinding miles I've done... but I refused to DNF for whatever reason. Whatever's wrong with my hip threw my gait way off, which cascaded into all kinds of problems.
Glad I finished, but I'll definitely be limping around the next few days.
#8914131 - 01/16/17 06:53 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: SJP0tato]
pathetic sad bitch.
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Registered: 01/23/12
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Damn man hope you're OK. I've got a hip thing going on too and I've promised myself I'll walk off course if I feel it in a race this year (OK maybe not a 5k). Hope your recovery goes well..
general douchebaggery
#8937526 - 02/06/17 03:20 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: schtickaz.ai]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
Posts: 11513
Loc: The OC
Geez SJPotato... way to stick it out but hope you're nursing that hip.
I thought I'd update this thread since it's been a while. I ran the Pasadena Half a few weeks back in pouring rain (a first for me). Ended up doing a decent time despite the crazy weather. 1:49:xx I think.
Also, now hitting the full 20 in marathon training and things seem to be feeling good. Didn't really have a goal in mind except to hit under 4 hours again. To be honest, the training schedule has been a good way to keep me off the holiday binge lol. We did 12 last week and are supposed to do 14 this week, followed by 22 the following week. But I might split it up and do a couple 20 milers. Still doing tempo runs during the weekdays to keep the speed up. Averaging around 35 miles a week.
LA Marathon in 6 weeks followed by Ragnar in April.
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8960932 - 03/01/17 01:12 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: schtickaz.ai]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
Posts: 11513
Loc: The OC
Nice work Stickaz.
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8963294 - 03/03/17 04:25 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: chris4652008]
pathetic sad bitch.
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Registered: 01/23/12
Posts: 36538
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solid. your 5K time seems to be the best on that list.... might want to focus on it... just my humble $0.01...
general douchebaggery
#8964824 - 03/06/17 10:47 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: chris4652008]
pathetic sad bitch.
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/23/12
Posts: 36538
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marathons are terrible! resist the urge to step up imo
general douchebaggery
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