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#3688798 - 04/28/09 09:05 PM CrossFit
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Holy hell, I did my first crossfit class today, and i've been out of the gym for 3 months due to a broken foot, so I really suffered.

todays workout was:

25 boxjumps
25 kettle bell swings
25 pushups
250 jump ropes

repeat 4X as fast as you can...

Needless to say, I didn't finish all 4 rounds. Anyone else into this stuff?

Edited by Andrew Mitchell (06/30/09 04:05 PM)

#3689400 - 04/29/09 12:07 AM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
240sx805 Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 12/11/01
Posts: 61595
Loc: CA
didnt finish? wtf, quitter! keep going even if you have to slow down, some work outs you have to pace yourself

today i did

2 rounds for time:
50 air squats
50 push-ups
50 sit-ups
50 box jumps ( 24in)
50 KB Swings (55lb)
50 Burpees
Run 800 meters

#3689480 - 04/29/09 12:42 AM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: 240sx805]
Lewis Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 12/14/05
Posts: 18385
Loc: IA
God, I HATE burpees.

Always had to do this in Muay thai.

#3689537 - 04/29/09 01:06 AM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: Lewis]
240sx805 Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 12/11/01
Posts: 61595
Loc: CA
oh man that second set of 50 was killing me, started doing sets of ten then five trying not to puke.
#3689938 - 04/29/09 09:16 AM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: 240sx805]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
The instructor was like, do 15 more kettle bell swings and 15 more pushups and then we're done, i gotta close up shop, it was the last class of the day. I was halfway through my 3rd time, but i wanted to die...i couldn't puke, but i felt the acidity coming up...blahh

#3690757 - 04/29/09 01:28 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Nice work man. The workouts can be intimidating as shit. But everything is really varied, for instance yesterday was a powerlifting day.

I've been doing Crossfit for about 3 months and the results have been absolutely amazing. If you can stick with it you will get in great shape and look like it too. You'll get functionally a lot stronger and you'll have a lot more stamina. Plus it strips fat off you like a motherfucker.

You should really stick with it. Most CF gyms are pretty expensive (mine is 150 a month) but it's absolutely worth it. Especially if you go 3 days on/1 day off.

#3691361 - 04/29/09 04:45 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Yeah I plan on joining, and it is pricey, for example IF i were to go 5 days a week it would be $180 for the month. I don't intend on doing a full immersion like that quite yet... so i'll probably do 3 days a week and I believe thats around $120.

I'm 6'2" 190ish and I'd like to maintain this weight but drop some of the fat around my stomach at a bare minimum, if not gain lean mass... I think this will prove to be a good way to do it as long as I keep up with my diet and rest.

#3691474 - 04/29/09 05:37 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
240sx805 Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 12/11/01
Posts: 61595
Loc: CA
120 and 150 ouch. i pay like 75 and go almost 5 times a week for crossfit and jiu jitsu. i dont know if i would pay 150 a month for that. i would rather go buy my own weights at that point.
#3691579 - 04/29/09 06:13 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: 240sx805]
Silock Moderator Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/23/00
Posts: 60326
Loc: Jayhawk Country
$180 PER MONTH? Geezus FUCK. I pay $30/mo for my membership and I still think that's too much.
#3691944 - 04/29/09 08:40 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: Silock]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
 Originally Posted By: Silock
$180 PER MONTH? Geezus FUCK. I pay $30/mo for my membership and I still think that's too much.

You kinda have to regard it as personal training - and on that scale, it's pretty reasonable. I once looked into personal training at LA Fitness and they wanted like 400 a month.

In most CF gyms you will have a coach showing you how to do particular workouts and watching your form, as well as pushing you to actually finish. Crossfit is a HUGELY mental workout regimen, and it really helps when someone is yelling at you to finish since some of the workouts are so brutal.

Yeah I plan on joining, and it is pricey, for example IF i were to go 5 days a week it would be $180 for the month. I don't intend on doing a full immersion like that quite yet... so i'll probably do 3 days a week and I believe thats around $120.

Sounds good. Don't let the soreness deter you either. The first few times I went I was sore as fuck for a solid week after, especially from all the pullups. The more you go the less sore you will get. You'll definitely gain lean mass and burn fat at the same time, it's really kind of amazing.

#3692266 - 04/29/09 10:31 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Yeah the classes vary from about 5-6 people in the early morning classes to the prime time 6pm/7pm classes with 20plus and there is at least 1 coach there to help and yell and tell if you you're doing something wrong etc.

It's definitely different than my 24hr fitness membership of $40 a month and it kinda sucks, but I'm going to give it a shot.

It's going to be a hell of a lot better than going to the gym and having 300 plus people there and having to wait for equip. all the damn time.

I'm surprised that classes are cheaper in San Diego though...

#3693091 - 04/30/09 10:08 AM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
The prices at each affiliate are different but 150 a month seems to be the norm. When they get really big their prices get insane (for instance Crossfit Central in Austin TX is like 300 a month for unlimited) because if they charged less they'd have too many people. Keeping prices high is incentive for only the most dedicated people to keep going back. Those who aren't really serious about CF will balk at the price or just eventually drop out.

Incidentally, the owner of my gym told me that the people who started with a 2x/week membership usually ended up dropping out because they didn't come often enough for their bodies to get used to the movement. They'd come twice a week, get their ass beat and be sore for a week then get beat up again and then eventually drop out. It got a lot better for me after I went full-time at it so I can definitely see where he's coming from.

#3693867 - 04/30/09 03:09 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
240sx805 Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 12/11/01
Posts: 61595
Loc: CA
thats what i dont like about most crossfit gyms. the high price and they expect you to do their class and work out. i like doing my own thing and to be left alone unless i dont know a technique that i need to do.
#3694269 - 04/30/09 06:14 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: 240sx805]
Dahlia Offline
CSi's Little Nanook
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Registered: 01/17/04
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Loc: North of 60
I wish there was a Crossfit studio closer to my home/work \:\( I don't know if I can justify the travel time/gas money...especially since I already travel across the city for kickboxing....

Maybe I could do the workouts at my gym? Apparently they are getting kettle bells soon (and I know they have them at the kickboxing gym).
Strangers have the best candy

Good night, sweet Spencer (June 10th, 2004 - July 9th, 2015) <3

#3695623 - 05/01/09 09:25 AM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: Dahlia]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
 Originally Posted By: Dahlia
I wish there was a Crossfit studio closer to my home/work \:\( I don't know if I can justify the travel time/gas money...especially since I already travel across the city for kickboxing....

Maybe I could do the workouts at my gym? Apparently they are getting kettle bells soon (and I know they have them at the kickboxing gym).

It's possible if you're really dedicated to it. People will probably look at you like you're crazy, especially if you do a lot of kipping pullups and olympic lifts.

At the very least, you should try a month out at a CF gym, learn to do everything, then try to do it on your own. But all the comradery that comes from a CF gym shouldn't be discounted. I am personally very loyal to my gym now.

#3697360 - 05/01/09 07:27 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: NateD]
Dahlia Offline
CSi's Little Nanook
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Registered: 01/17/04
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Loc: North of 60
How long do the workouts usually run again?
Strangers have the best candy

Good night, sweet Spencer (June 10th, 2004 - July 9th, 2015) <3

#3697399 - 05/01/09 07:46 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: Dahlia]
240sx805 Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 12/11/01
Posts: 61595
Loc: CA
anywhere from 8mins to 60mins, could go longer if you are doing some crazy workout with a lot of running.
#3705780 - 05/05/09 08:15 AM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: 240sx805]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
So I signed up for a month for $160, which kind of sucks but i'm really enjoying it, had my 3rd class this AM.

warm up:

10 push ups
10 air squat
10 knees to elbows
10 kettle bell swings
400 meter run


3X for time:
10 squat clean/press
500 meter row

again, didn't finish in the allotted time of 20min. I did it in 22min though, which isn't bad...

#3706285 - 05/05/09 11:11 AM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Nice work! Doing cardio during/after olympic lifts can be tough and will wear you out. Keep at it, we'll want an update in a month to hear of your results \:\)
#3706322 - 05/05/09 11:21 AM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: NateD]
toothy Offline
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Registered: 06/05/05
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Loc: Brooklyn, NY
$160 a month seems like a lot to me. I feel that you could just as easily go to and get exercises and then go to the gym with one of your buddies and have HIM scream at you and it would be just as effective.

#3707139 - 05/05/09 03:05 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: toothy]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
A lot of the bigger gyms won't allow you to do some of the workouts, and frankly the gym I was at before starting this just wouldn't have enough room, there is always at least 100-150 est. people there. Like I said in one of my other posts, there is almost always a wait for equipment, but I hear what you're saying. I think as long as there are people like me that are willing to pay the premium for it i guess it's not going to change.

I think Nate was saying something about the camaraderie, and I already would agree, everyone is very friendly and helpful and if the coach is busy or not around they are there to give you that extra push or motivate you to finish strong, which is cool. The regular gym just doesn't cut it...

We've been keeping track of all the times and what weights we're using so we can set PRs and track our improvements etc. The workout from yesterday and today and then Thursday are actually from a comp that was held in Dallas this past weekend that my coach/trainer whatever you wanna call him took 4th place at.

#3707426 - 05/05/09 04:11 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
240sx805 Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 12/11/01
Posts: 61595
Loc: CA
most gyms dont have the bumper plates that you can throw around, kettle bells, or medicine balls that you can throw in the air.
for 160 a month i would just start collecting my own stuff.

#3707691 - 05/05/09 05:42 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
 Originally Posted By: Andrew Mitchell
A lot of the bigger gyms won't allow you to do some of the workouts, and frankly the gym I was at before starting this just wouldn't have enough room, there is always at least 100-150 est. people there. Like I said in one of my other posts, there is almost always a wait for equipment, but I hear what you're saying. I think as long as there are people like me that are willing to pay the premium for it i guess it's not going to change.

I think Nate was saying something about the camaraderie, and I already would agree, everyone is very friendly and helpful and if the coach is busy or not around they are there to give you that extra push or motivate you to finish strong, which is cool. The regular gym just doesn't cut it...

We've been keeping track of all the times and what weights we're using so we can set PRs and track our improvements etc. The workout from yesterday and today and then Thursday are actually from a comp that was held in Dallas this past weekend that my coach/trainer whatever you wanna call him took 4th place at.

Yeah, it'd be hard to do it in a globo-gym unless they have rings, kettlebells, etc. Not to mention the space often required to do the olympic lifts.

Are you If not, it's amazing and easy way to keep track of your WODs/lifts/etc.

If I ever get my own house that has an unfinished basement, I might just start doing it on my own. Until then I am cool with paying a lot of money for CF, it is worth it.

#3708070 - 05/05/09 07:50 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: NateD]
I Live In Canada Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/18/07
Posts: 10023
Good friend of mine qualified 13th in eastern Canada over the weekend for the crossfit games. Hes only been doing it for a couple months so not to bad.

#3708292 - 05/05/09 09:09 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: I Live In Canada]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Holy shit, I am beyond sore...Of all the years I've lifted weights/soccer/lacrosse etc. My muscles have never been as sore as they are today. Biceps/Lats/abs my legs are ok now, but I know tomorrow and thursday they're going to be shitty...

That's sweet your friend qualified.

Edited by Andrew Mitchell (05/05/09 09:14 PM)

#3709433 - 05/06/09 09:29 AM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: I Live In Canada]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
 Originally Posted By: Ryantsi2
Good friend of mine qualified 13th in eastern Canada over the weekend for the crossfit games. Hes only been doing it for a couple months so not to bad.

That's damned impressive. Never seen anyone do muscleups like that. And to get in the games after crossfitting only a few months is nuts, but I'm sure he was probably in pretty good shape before.

I'm going to go to the qualifier next year, didn't think I was ready to go this year. I don't harbor any expectations of actually getting to the games, but it'll be an interesting experience nonetheless.

#3710893 - 05/06/09 04:16 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: NateD]
I Live In Canada Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/18/07
Posts: 10023
He was a gymnast and is currently a Canada games coach so hes pretty comfy on the rings. I cant even do one muscle up lol.
#3711213 - 05/06/09 05:44 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: I Live In Canada]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Ha, kinda had a feeling he was a gymnast.

Yeah, everyone says muscleups take a few months to learn. I'm pretty close myself...I can do ring dips easy as well pullups on them, but I still haven't gotten the transition part down yet.

#3711225 - 05/06/09 05:47 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: NateD]

Some dude was doing a cross-fit work out today in my gym. It was empty but he took up so much space. He had the box (for jumps) set up, 185 on a bar, and shit. He wasn't disturbing anyone but I was closing in on needing the box and it was obvious he was going to be comming back and using it, I didn't want to mess up his work-out so I waited till he seemed done.
#3711455 - 05/06/09 07:28 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: ]
Dahlia Offline
CSi's Little Nanook
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/17/04
Posts: 18240
Loc: North of 60
Well, it looks like I won't be doing crossfit any time soon considering my groin....

Guess I will have to wait a while.
Strangers have the best candy

Good night, sweet Spencer (June 10th, 2004 - July 9th, 2015) <3

#3711827 - 05/06/09 10:15 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: Dahlia]
Silock Moderator Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/23/00
Posts: 60326
Loc: Jayhawk Country
I just got finished working out next to some dude doing a crossfit workout at my gym. Yeah, he took up a metric fuckton of space. Good thing the place was empty.
#3713418 - 05/07/09 11:59 AM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: I Live In Canada]
240sx805 Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 12/11/01
Posts: 61595
Loc: CA
 Originally Posted By: Ryantsi2
Good friend of mine qualified 13th in eastern Canada over the weekend for the crossfit games. Hes only been doing it for a couple months so not to bad.
woah those muscle ups were weird. i cant saying though because i cant do them.

#3717521 - 05/08/09 04:36 PM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: 240sx805]
I Live In Canada Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/18/07
Posts: 10023
Heres a better video from the qualifiers with some hot wommens included. One chick that cant weigh more than 125lbs is dead lifting 3 plates lol

#3722469 - 05/11/09 07:32 AM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: I Live In Canada]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Running with Kettle bells sucks.

#3738749 - 05/16/09 11:03 AM Re: First Crossfit class... [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
240sx805 Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 12/11/01
Posts: 61595
Loc: CA
 Originally Posted By: Andrew Mitchell
Running with Kettle bells sucks.
farmers carry ftw

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[BobBarker] UMM HOW i word this
[awful_david] How much grunting and loud breathing is appropriate during a poop sesh?
[BobBarker] how much of the leafy greens are we eating?
[Rex B16] at least once a day
[awful_david] I don’t know about eating, but I be smoking a lot of them leafy greens
[awful_david] If you catch my drift
[awful_david] Just kidding of course, I’m an adult with a job.
[awful_david] A middle aged adult at that
[Rex B16] once i get out of the nav, i am going to be on everything but skates
[BobBarker] ‘Ludes?
[BobBarker] farrr out, mannnn
[Rex B16] everything but needles and poor people shit like meth
[awful_david] If it wouldn’t destroy my life I’d use some meth every now and again
[awful_david] Shit is amazing
[Rex B16] what is?
[awful_david] Meth
[awful_david] The negatives are terrible
[awful_david] But the effects are amazinb
[awful_david] If you could have the effects without the negatives it would be the best drug ever
[awful_david] They should work on that
[randomosity] well david, you're in luck. I heard it's Elon's latest venture.
[BobBarker] fists like pistas
[BobBarker] i like to wrap my friends in plastic and beat them with a stick
[BobBarker] quote unquote
[Rex B16] can i get diet meth?
[Rex B16] like diet pepsi?
[Rex B16] just one calorie
[BobBarker] coke n weed probably be alright for me. Couple shrooms here and there
[Rex B16] do you do the coke and weed at the same time?
[TexasSI] Kinda wanna go see Eric Prydz in Austin on Sat. Am i too old lol?

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