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#5494080 - 04/13/11 12:46 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
ElementBabe Offline
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Registered: 08/06/00
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yeah im screwed at that OHS weight. flexibility issues \:\(
#5494115 - 04/13/11 02:16 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
137 Offline
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LOL it will take me 8 minutes to do 60 burpee's with that fucking double foot planted jump. I was like all set on doing a gay skip over the bar and he was like NOOOOOOOOOOO in that instructional video.

battle plan deaded haha.

#5494290 - 04/13/11 08:30 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: 137]
lunchbox Offline
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I was excited at first, because I can do MU... now I am not so sure I will even make it to the MU portion of the workout, lol.
#5496168 - 04/13/11 08:27 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: lunchbox]
NateD Offline
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Alright well I did this today. I'm coming off a head cold/sore throat so I did pretty decent all things considered. Made it all the way to muscle ups and got two just as time expired.

If I repeat it, and I'm not sure I will, hopefully I will be a little more healthy and finish the burpees faster. It took me about six minutes to finish them. OHS were okay, I did two sets of ten (power snatching the bar into place was not as hard as I feared) and then six and four. I think I had just under a minute left when I finished them, and walking over to the rings burned some time.

Good times. I was on my back for a good while after.

Anyone else? Highest score at my gym so far is 119. I love this shit.

#5496484 - 04/13/11 11:00 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
ElementBabe Offline
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i did sets of OHS today and 120 is really about my limit especially for multiple reps. i doubt i will get through all 30

then did 100 burpees in 5:58

#5496860 - 04/14/11 08:56 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
NateD Offline
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Registered: 01/26/01
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Loc: Atlanta, GA
The bar facing burpees makes them much harder. Jumping over the bar can suck it
#5498204 - 04/14/11 05:18 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
137 Offline
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got a stupid infection on one of my legs, should be healed up by next tuesday. It was brewing since last week. I'll save ya pictures you can google msra. lol Not as bad as duc's

#5499809 - 04/15/11 01:12 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: 137]
lunchbox Offline
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Loc: Detroit
got through the burpees pretty quick, had 6 minutes to do the rest and maxed out at 11 OHS. Going to try again on sunday. I wasn't really gassed by the burpees, so I guess I will just have to suck it up and do the OHS like a boss. The one thing the games is certainly doing is showing where I am weak. Weaks 1 and 2 I was doing great, 60th percentile. Then we get into the heavier stuff and it is all down hill. I guess I will be working on my power lifting for the next few months.
#5501153 - 04/16/11 11:51 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: lunchbox]
NateD Offline
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Registered: 01/26/01
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Loc: Atlanta, GA
Nice work man. I did it again today, and I was SO FRIGGING CLOSE a full round!! I got 96 reps this time. Faster on the burpees, barely over five minutes, and then my OHS were about the same if not slower. Made it to MU's with about 90 seconds to spare and got 6.

I think I'm pretty happy with it, I had the highest score of the non-superstar group in my gym. Being strong with overhead squats definitely helps.

#5501258 - 04/16/11 01:50 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
ElementBabe Offline
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i got 81 reps. i paced myself on the burpees, probably taking at least 5 minutes, knowing that i needed to be in decent shape for OHS. w/ my last 1RM OHS attempt @ 126#, i just had to get as many as i could. it wasn't too bad but I am icing my elbow right now because I slightly hyperextended it letting the bar hang back on one of the reps.

i'm confident if i did this a few more times the improvement in OHS would be enough to get me to muscle ups in time

#5503106 - 04/18/11 01:42 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
137 Offline
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felt good to work out today after taking a week off due to that stupid infection.
(click if you want to see it, healing stage.)

400m run warmup
2 rounds
10 squats
10 push ups
10 jumping pull ups.

build up 1 rep max front squat. (90kg) tried 110 but ditched it on the way up, wasn't feeling that false grip, probably could've gotten it with an x grab or a weight belt

then we did a 15 minute amrap

10 push press 40kg
10 ab mat situps
10 ring rows
10 box jumps

I got 6 rounds and 1 situp. Fucking box jumps slay me, everything else was low impact but fuck if I don't fear those boxes.

rested for a bit, and did the 11am skills class (learning how to hand stand push up)

I got the flipping up towards the wall part but hitting like one and then your legs come back down and you're back on your feet does anyone elses legs feel numb?

Well we practiced that for a bit and coach made us do diane for shits and giggles. substituting hand stand push ups with incline push ups if needed. I had no fucking gas in my tank I got through the first round and the second set of deads I was done. Got one push up in and I had nothing left.

Felt so fucking amazing, slept like a baby when I got home.

#5503252 - 04/18/11 07:51 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
NateD Offline
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Registered: 01/26/01
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Loc: Atlanta, GA
 Originally Posted By: antness
i got 81 reps. i paced myself on the burpees, probably taking at least 5 minutes, knowing that i needed to be in decent shape for OHS. w/ my last 1RM OHS attempt @ 126#, i just had to get as many as i could. it wasn't too bad but I am icing my elbow right now because I slightly hyperextended it letting the bar hang back on one of the reps.

i'm confident if i did this a few more times the improvement in OHS would be enough to get me to muscle ups in time

Yeah dude, that is really solid, considering your 1RM. Nice job!

Wayne you are hitting some crazy volume, make sure you are eating and sleeping enough. How sore are you usually?

I've never experienced any leg numbness from handstands personally, but speaking of numbness, my left hand used to go numb/pins and needles from OHS, lol.

#5504202 - 04/18/11 03:52 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
137 Offline
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I snack on paleo shit a lot more than I used to just go with nothing in the tank, I eat carbs still however. I'm not too fond of that full caveman fuck carbs diet shit.

I just woke up sore as hell so I'll probably pass on doing a wod today, traps are slayed I thought I was just sleeping uncomfortably lol.

#5508998 - 04/20/11 02:52 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: 137]
137 Offline
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I tried kipping toes to bar today, holy fuck the momentum you carry when your legs swing down is scary. Our pull up bars are like hollow tubes rather than thin pull up bars like you'd find at a park or something.

That wod is going to be bloody murder, who's going to try touch and go on the cleans?

#5515147 - 04/23/11 12:19 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: 137]
NateD Offline
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I kinda did. I only did the first round of them unbroken and then I dropped each time thereafter.

How'd everyone do on this week's games wod? I got 7 rounds plus 8 toes to bar. I'm pretty happy with that considering I'm sick and have been on a cocktail of drugs for a sinus infection, lol. Toes to bar held me back the most after round 4, I got too tired to string them all together and had to start doing a double swing to get my feet up there. I think I probably rested a bit too much on cleans too.

#5515850 - 04/23/11 11:51 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
137 Offline
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I did 4 rounds and 3 cleans. I kept trying to get at the wall balls and mentally do them in sets of 5 without stopping. I just started getting sloppy on them. Way too much traffic in the gym that day. I probably could've done all of my t2b legit but ended up on a high bar for a few so only did knee raises =(

I did do the cleans at rx weight though. So I'm happy.

#5515893 - 04/24/11 12:31 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: 137]
ElementBabe Offline
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Registered: 08/06/00
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are you guys using judges at your gyms or honor system?
#5515894 - 04/24/11 12:32 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
ElementBabe Offline
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Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST 7 rounds 3 cleans
#5516028 - 04/24/11 03:33 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
137 Offline
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Loc: Newsomville, CA
 Originally Posted By: antness
are you guys using judges at your gyms or honor system?

The people who are competing were being judged. I already know I suck so I no rep myself, I ain't trying to brag about my little punk ass 4 rounds when chicks are busting out 7-9 rounds at my gym.

This is the 2nd time I've done toes to bar since starting crossfit so I don't have kip shit or the lat strength to muscle them out.

A lot of people at my gym were getting no repped on the toes to bar and wall balls, this chick got pissed and ripped her watch off and blamed the no rep on it LOL.

#5516220 - 04/24/11 11:21 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: 137]
ElementBabe Offline
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Registered: 08/06/00
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Loc: EST
i suck too, a few guys got 10-11 rnds and i think the top female score was 12 or 13 rnds...but she's going to make it to regionals
#5517207 - 04/25/11 02:22 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
ElementBabe Offline
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Registered: 08/06/00
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Loc: EST

Charles Barkley does the WOD

OMG the cleans. either he is in REALLY BAD SHAPE or being a big black man former NBA player he can clean 145# like i clean the bar

#5517236 - 04/25/11 06:09 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
137 Offline
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he hasn't exercised since he retired man, I'd expect nothing less. If he sticks with it he'll probably be in ridiculously good shape due to muscle memory. And he's black

#5517241 - 04/25/11 06:24 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: 137]
ElementBabe Offline
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yeah i just wonder if doing the lifts w/ that form at the full weight is because
- he's so much stronger than everyone else that this is really light
- no one wants to tell him no

it's got to be an awkward situation for the trainers involved for many reasons. i doubt he went through on-ramp sessions ;\)

#5519234 - 04/25/11 08:42 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
lunchbox Offline
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Registered: 03/12/02
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Loc: Detroit
Got 5 rounds plus 7 toe bar, I am sick as hell and wanted to do it again but couldn't get the strength up to go in the gym. Hope I am better by the end of the week to get the last WOD in.
#5521117 - 04/26/11 03:06 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: lunchbox]
toothy Offline
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Registered: 06/05/05
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So after about 10 months off of crossfit I went to a local affiliate today to try things out again. For breakfast I just had 3 scoops of protein powder and a scoop of flax seed meal. Bad idea... but more on this later. The warm-up was 400m run, stretching, and 5x5 push press. I didn't want to rush into things too quickly so I only went up to 155lbs. Was feeling pretty good..

For the wod: 5 Rounds

30 pullups
20 situps
10 burpees

Boy am I out of shape.. The first round I was able to complete with no stopping, but since my body wasn't in condition, that second round of pullups was pretty killer. I had to split it into about 6 or 7 rounds for the 30. Once I finished the second round I attempted to go back to the bar and instead went outside to puke white(vanilla) foam for about 3 minutes. I went back in and couldn't kip anymore so I did the next 2 rounds with jumping pullups, which were still pretty hard(lol). Puked a second time after the 4th round for another 3 minutes.. more white foam. Then finished the 5th round and just sat there for about 15 minutes recuperating.

10 Months ago this would have been a relative breeze but now it was tougher than shit. I feel pretty good though now so thats a plus. All the guys there were really chill and let me know that I was a trooper for puking twice and still finishing.

#5521313 - 04/26/11 04:20 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: toothy]
NateD Offline
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Registered: 01/26/01
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Why on earth did they let you do that many pullups after almost a year off and after doing 5x5 push press?

Gotta start back slow man. You could have maybe...oh I dunno, stopped after the first time puking? Lol. You got guts...there's toughing it out and then there's taking it a bit too far. Take it a little easier next time, it's not going to come back all at once. Welcome back to the fold though, stick with it so you don't ever have to deal with this again!

#5522235 - 04/26/11 11:07 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
ElementBabe Offline
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Registered: 08/06/00
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Loc: EST

yahoo sports article that posts the Barkley vid

the comments show the huge gap in ideas that still exists in fitness. a lot of "barkley is overweight, he should just be doing cardio" and "throwing the weights around" = power cleans

#5522660 - 04/27/11 08:32 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
NateD Offline
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Registered: 01/26/01
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Loc: Atlanta, GA
To be fair, his form is pretty awful, lol. He did wall balls weird too, I wonder if he has knee issues?
#5524260 - 04/27/11 04:22 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
ElementBabe Offline
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Registered: 08/06/00
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Loc: EST
actually one of the comments said barkley was doing it right and the girl was doing it wrong because she was moving the weight too
#5524751 - 04/27/11 08:14 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
NateD Offline
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Loc: Atlanta, GA
Just did the 11.6 workout earlier, anyone else take it on yet? I got 78 reps, sorta weaksauce lol. Made it to the round of 15 thrusters with about 2:30 to spare, but that's when I completely imploded and by the time I finished it I had like 10 seconds to do pullups. My legs are WRECKED!
#5525362 - 04/28/11 01:21 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
137 Offline
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tell me about it, todays wod was build up to 1 rep max of push press, I hit 80kg so new pr.

then the wod was (AND I PAID FOR THAT PR LATER)

4 rounds
15 push press at 44kg
30 russian kettle bell swings
200m run

shit took me 20 minutes, it's like impossible for me to run after doing fucking hip flexor workouts, deads, push press/jerk/snatch. People did that workout in 8 minutes, fucking beef cakes with lungs.

third round threw the bar right into my chin and pushed through to my nose above head, that felt awesome =/ I just peeled off the 4kg on round 3, and then the last 5 reps I cleaned the bar off.

KB swings in any shape or form slay me.

#5525365 - 04/28/11 01:26 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: 137]
ElementBabe Offline
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Registered: 08/06/00
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Loc: EST
havent done it yet, but since Fran is 90 reps i can't imagine getting less than that
#5525523 - 04/28/11 07:43 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
NateD Offline
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Registered: 01/26/01
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Loc: Atlanta, GA
 Originally Posted By: antness
havent done it yet, but since Fran is 90 reps i can't imagine getting less than that

Most folks in my gym actually haven't gotten 90 reps, it's been in the 70s or 80s for most folks. You might be surprised, lol.

#5526509 - 04/28/11 01:30 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
ElementBabe Offline
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why? because the Thruster is 5# more? because of the way the sets are broken up? or is it the C2B pullups? if its the C2B, i'll be fine, because i don't find them any harder than regular pullups
#5526575 - 04/28/11 02:01 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
137 Offline
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Registered: 12/06/02
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Loc: Newsomville, CA
wish I could get my chest to the bar =(

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