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#4450034 - 01/22/10 02:02 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
That's a great time for Angie!

I've been busy,so I haven't been working out too much, more coaching than anything... however we hung rings for muscle ups at the gym finally and they are no longer a problem for me, I haven't tried them in a WOD yet, but I can do 5 in a row consistently, haven't tried for more as they hurt my elbows like crazy, even when I'm warmed up properly.

Anyone else have similar pain? It feels like tendinitis or something on the outside of my elbows and into my triceps, it doesn't feel like sore muscles...

#4453606 - 01/24/10 07:55 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
i know exactly what you're talking about with the muscle ups. it's like my arm would feel after throwing hundreds of baseballs
#4455916 - 01/25/10 08:58 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
I guess I'm lucky, I haven't had any elbow pain like that. Then again I can only do one at a time.
#4457255 - 01/25/10 03:08 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
lunchbox Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/12/02
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Loc: Detroit
Can't do the muscle ups yet, but I am working on my form. I can now do about 12-14 kipping pull ups before I loose the rhythm. I used to have to do them one kip at a time, I couldn't string them together. I am hoping that the coordination from that will help with the muscle up.

I am also trying my hardest to do a 75% paleo zone diet. I am down about 5 lbs and we like to loose 10 more to get solidly into the 165 range.

#4458187 - 01/25/10 06:56 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: lunchbox]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
i'm really happy about the WOD i just did. went pretty hard, after it felt like my lungs were full of blood. i still have some of that feeling

the WOD seemed sort of like a Fran preparation

the clock starts, and then...
Max rep thrusters @ 111#
21-15-9 of chest to bar pullups, burpees

got 16 thrusters, 6:26 total time

admittedly i stopped early on the thrusters because i was just trying to get more than 15. but i'm really happy about this because I think it means I can get Fran at 95# unbroken since I also did the first 21 C2B pullups unbroken

#4461579 - 01/26/10 04:42 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Nice job dude. You really need to try Fran with rx'd weight. Shit if our non-Crossfitters around here can do it, you can too. ;\)

I've been doing lots of olympic lifts the past week and am really enjoying it. I did "the chief" last week and today I did:

3 rounds of
10 135lb clean and jerk (with full squat clean)
30 GHD situps

Tough workout but way fun.

#4478418 - 02/01/10 11:11 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Any interesting WODs lately? We can't let this thread drop off the front page

I did a doozy of a workout on Saturday. It was:
5 rounds of
500m row
5 thrusters (prescribed is 135lb, I used 115)

Did it in 16:30 roughly. It was a special kind of pain going straight from the rower to the thrusters. But I was really proud of my performance for this one, I did all of the thrusters unbroken. I often have a problem keeping up my intensity so this one took a lot of heart to push through without resting.

#4488527 - 02/04/10 01:32 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Try Fran in a boat, or Fran on water, whatever name you want to use...

1000m row

21 Thrusters (guys 95#, girls 65#)

21 Pull Ups

750m row

15 Thrusters

15 Pull Ups

500m row

9 Thrusters

9 Pull Ups

It's pretty shitty. I've been on a hiatus from working out other than doing pullups, muscle ups and push ups, since my back is still fuxored. I did have a good Airrosti session on tuesday and he also adjusted my back and it's been feeling great since then, so I'm going to get in some WODs ASAP as i'm getting depressed from not working out!!!

Coaching has been going great, had a modified fran WOD the other day for the class, 21-15-9 of thrusters/burpees, that left everyone on the ground begging for air/water/death...

#4489330 - 02/04/10 05:29 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
A buddy of mine did "Friane" yesterday. Basically Fran and Diane combined into one.

95lb thrusters
225lb deadlifts
handstand pushups

Sounds brutal

#4489991 - 02/04/10 09:51 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
did Karen today. 150 wall balls 20#. got 7:17. wanted to beat 7:05. if i had known what time it was i could have done it, which means i didn't try as hard as i could have. disappointed about it because i'm trying to go all out on the benchmark WODs
#4502631 - 02/09/10 06:15 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
did a Half Cindy, 12 rounds + pullups. first time kipping in it. last time was 11 rounds w/ strict pullups. no rep failures so just need to speed it up a bit
#4535222 - 02/22/10 11:22 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Did y'all see the WOD on Sunday?


Three rounds for time of:
75 Squats
25 Ring handstand push-ups
25 L-pull-ups

Never tried ring handstand push-ups, i'm pretty good at the regular handstand push ups, working on depth on paralettes as of lately.

Can anyone do ring handstand push ups or have you tried?

#4535588 - 02/22/10 01:00 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
i think the challenge for me would be getting into the handstand position on rings. are they done freestanding?
#4537755 - 02/23/10 08:54 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
PR, 35 pullups. then my grip started to give out.
#4541844 - 02/24/10 01:52 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Nice work. Sick job on Karen BTW.

 Originally Posted By: Andrew Mitchell
Did y'all see the WOD on Sunday?


Three rounds for time of:
75 Squats
25 Ring handstand push-ups
25 L-pull-ups

Never tried ring handstand push-ups, i'm pretty good at the regular handstand push ups, working on depth on paralettes as of lately.

Can anyone do ring handstand push ups or have you tried?

I don't even see how ring HSPU's are even possible for most but the most skilled gymnasts, unless the rings were fixed to the ground in some fashion. Unless there was something on either side of you that you could use to balance your legs on, but damn it'd be scary either way. I don't think I'd want to try it.

#4563791 - 03/04/10 06:49 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Tried 30 muscle ups on the rings the other day, not for time, just to see if I could do that many in one sitting. I prob. could have done twice that, it felt great, granted I wasn't trying to do it for time, so it wasn't bad, I was banging them out about 4-6 at a time. Next stop 30 M.U. for time!

#4569788 - 03/05/10 06:46 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
ahhhhhh..tomorrow is Fran. i'm terrified already. did it once a few months ago, but that was before i could kip and i did 77#.

closest thing we did to Fran after i could kip was:

Max rep thrusters 111#
21-15-9 of C2B pullups, burpees

got 16 reps (could have kept going) & 6:25 total time on that

i believe i can do fran in under 4 minutes i guess i'll find out tomorrow. i think i can do the first 21 thrusters and all the pullups unbroken. its the 2nd + 3rd round of thrusters where my legs might not have enough

#4571102 - 03/06/10 01:04 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
If you do, you're officially a badass. You are totally ready. How'd it go?

I took on "War Frank" today:

25 muscle ups
100 squats
35 GHD situps
x 3 rounds

I'm not strong enough on MU's yet to do that many, so the first round I did 10. After that I just couldn't nail them so for the remaining two rounds I just 20 jumping MU's. Took awhile though, 35:41. Only two folks in the gym did it rx. This was a tough one.

Afterwards everyone was hanging around outside since it's such a nice day today, so we ended up doing some sled pulls with weighted vests. 100m down to the end of the parking lot dragging 150lbs while wearing a 20lb vest, 15 pushups, then come back and do 15 box jumps all while wearing said vest. Killer shit. Didn't do any of it for time though, but I did do two rounds of that. Weighted box jumps are just freaky.

Also, the owner's dog was there...he's an 80lb 6 month year old American bulldog. We had him outside tied to a 72lb kettlebell. The damn thing took off all the way down the parking lot dragging the kettlebell as if it was nothing the whole way during someone's sled pull. Crazy ass dog.

#4571148 - 03/06/10 01:38 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
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Loc: EST
5:44 Rx on the Fran

first set of thrusters/pullups unbroken
2nd set of thrusters i think 3 sets of 5. i could have probably taken it to 2 sets. i didnt want to burn out or lift to failure.
2nd set of pullups, my grip was giving out, i think i came down once.
3rd set went about the same as the 2nd set. grip strength issues

didnt go hard enough to get Fran lung which id id get on the workout i posted above

but its a good starting point for the first time doing it Rx especially for a half pint like me (145lb)

#4574418 - 03/08/10 10:18 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Good job dude. My first time I made it through the first set of thrusters unbroken, and then up to like 15 pullups. After that I had to break the thrusters up into sets, my legs were just dead.

I'm still not sure what makes Fran such a terrifying workout. I guess maybe because it's such a big deal in the crossfit world and can be so very short if you're good at it.

#4583533 - 03/11/10 10:39 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
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Loc: Atlanta, GA
Oh man we had a doozy of a workout yesterday:

225lb deadlift
135lb overhead squats

I scaled down to 205/95, respectively. 135 is close to my max on OHS and my deadlifts have been a little lacking. This was tough though. The first round of overhead squats wasn't too bad but later on it got really hard to keep the bar balanced and my shoulders tight. I had to really push to finish up. I really liked this one.

#4631433 - 03/30/10 10:21 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
So is this thread dead? Andrew, how's your new training lifestyle going? Antness you still hitting those wods?

I've been killing it lately, pretty happy with my performance for the most part. Today I did a full snatch with 155lbs, no small feat since I weigh only 165. I was pretty proud of that, you feel like such a badass when you catch the bar in exactly the sweet spot. I wanted to get bodyweight after that but I just couldn't get under the bar in time.

Greating fucking lift though. Definitely not easy to learn, and I have no idea how these monsters in the Olympics are pulling 3 and 400lbs. Christ.

I also did the infamous "Murph" last week:

run 1 mile
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 squats
run 1 mile

11 minute PR, but still kinda slow at 54 minutes. Probably didn't help that I had barely eaten that day, and the middle of it is such a long slog so you think you will never finish. And that last mile is a bitch.

Tomorrow is 30 muscle ups, pretty stoked about that since I feel stronger on them now. Here's to hoping I finish without getting a miserable time, lol.

#4631668 - 03/30/10 11:48 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
lunchbox Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/12/02
Posts: 12883
Loc: Detroit
Just checking in to say I am still hitting it. Did Cindy today

5 PU
10 push up
15 squats
20:00 AMRAP

Got 15 rounds, not great but pretty good for me.

Got my first muscle up last friday so I was pretty stoked, had 2 pretty good failures before I finally got it where I kipped my body to far forward and ended up pitching through the rings. My shoulders were sore as FUCK on saturday so I don't know if it was from all the attempts or what.

#4632058 - 03/31/10 08:56 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: lunchbox]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Good job dude! First muscle up is a big deal, and they are really tough on your shoulders when you're learning. But once you figure out how to pitch yourself through the rings consistently (everyone calls it 'going through the window') it gets a lot easier. Remember to keep your elbows in as close as possible too, it makes a world of difference.

I actually did the 30 muscle up workout this morning, finished in 15 minutes flat (last time I did it it was around 25 minutes!) My goal is sub-10 minutes so maybe next time.

Also that is a pretty good result for Cindy. I haven't done that workout in a long time (I find it to be miserably boring) but last time I did it I got 16 rounds.

#4633972 - 03/31/10 06:14 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
did a WOD from the New England Sectionals today

3 rounds of:
20 box jumps 24"
20 chest to bar pullups
20 wall-balls 20#/10' target

got 9:50 Rx which would have put me in 17th place of 100

#4633980 - 03/31/10 06:17 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
Happy Birthday toothy Offline
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Registered: 06/05/05
Posts: 5330
Loc: Brooklyn, NY
 Originally Posted By: antness
did a WOD from the New England Sectionals today

3 rounds of:
20 box jumps 24"
20 chest to bar pullups
20 wall-balls 20#/10' target

got 9:50 Rx which would have put me in 17th place of 100

was it wod 1 2 or 3?

#4634008 - 03/31/10 06:27 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: toothy]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
 Originally Posted By: toothy
 Originally Posted By: antness
did a WOD from the New England Sectionals today

3 rounds of:
20 box jumps 24"
20 chest to bar pullups
20 wall-balls 20#/10' target

got 9:50 Rx which would have put me in 17th place of 100

was it wod 1 2 or 3?

uh i think the 2nd one. called Fast and Furious. also didnt help i had to walk across the gym to get to the wall for wall balls. the wall that the pullup bars is on was being painted.

#4637275 - 04/01/10 05:41 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
lunchbox Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/12/02
Posts: 12883
Loc: Detroit
Fran for the first time today

9:06rx would have liked to made it into the 8's but at least I have a number next to my name now. I need to work on my pull ups. made it through the first round doing 3 sets of 7, 2nd round 3 sets of 5, but by round 3 I was doing singles. \:\(

#4637442 - 04/01/10 07:16 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: lunchbox]
Happy Birthday toothy Offline
Post Master Sr

Registered: 06/05/05
Posts: 5330
Loc: Brooklyn, NY
 Originally Posted By: beefbox
Fran for the first time today

9:06rx would have liked to made it into the 8's but at least I have a number next to my name now. I need to work on my pull ups. made it through the first round doing 3 sets of 7, 2nd round 3 sets of 5, but by round 3 I was doing singles. \:\(

were u doin kipping pullups?

#4637527 - 04/01/10 07:50 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: toothy]
lunchbox Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/12/02
Posts: 12883
Loc: Detroit
yeah, but my kip fell apart after round 2. In the best of times I have a hard time getting the rhythm right, and round 2 and 3 of fran are far from the best of times.
#4684882 - 04/20/10 11:37 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: lunchbox]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
had my first puke today before the last run..

Run 400m, Row 1000m, 19 C2B pullups, 19 sandbag overhead walking lunges, 19 sandbag front squats, 19 sandbag back squats, 19 burpees, Row 1000m, Run 400m

#4685394 - 04/21/10 09:40 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Ha, congrats. Did you finish afterward?! I've only come close to puking on max-rep pullups and on "Barbara". Those sandbag lifts sound killer.

I think I am really hitting my stride with CF. I've been posting 5+ workouts a week on the whiteboard for eight weeks straight now and have been hitting PRs left and right. This shit works

#4686485 - 04/21/10 02:28 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
yeah i finished. i did the 19 C2B in 1 set after i got off the rower and when i came down from the bar i was done. almost puked then.
#4686503 - 04/21/10 02:33 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
the workout was for a member of the box who was killed a day earlier. run over by a truck on his bike
#4695555 - 04/25/10 12:49 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
Agent Orange Offline
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Registered: 07/20/01
Posts: 6849
Loc: Suburbs of Colorado
What kind of results are you crossfit kids seeing? Drop in bf %? Putting on size? Huge number gains?
"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." - Lao Tzu

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