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#3996825 - 08/18/09 12:38 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
looks like a tough one, i did "Jackie" a couple days ago

1000m row (4:01)
50 reps 45lb thruster (20, 15, 15 reps)
30 pull-ups (broke it into 4 sets)


I thought it would be easy, but my legs were wobbly after the rowing. probably could have pushed through the thrusters in 1 set but no competition to push me

today i plan to do 2 min DU's / 2 min situp, then 90 sec, 1 min, 30 sec of each, after lifting upper body

#3996850 - 08/18/09 12:45 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Don't any of your gyms follow the HQ workouts?

I did Linda last week, toughest one for me yet.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of
Deadlift 1.5 x bodyweight
Bench 1 x bodyweight
Squat clean .75 x bodyweight

Fucking awful. Couldn't do 1.5 of bodyweight (245) that many times so I did 205 instead.

#3996984 - 08/18/09 01:31 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
haha Occasionally he'll follow main site WODs but he usually does his own programming, he seems to do the main site when they're really brutal or more endurance focused i think. His programming seems to be more strength based.

I haven't done that WOD, I saw it on the main page and was hoping it would be next. It was bad with 205? Whats your 1 RM max? We've been doing a lot of max efforts after our WODs. DL, Squat clean, front squats, hanging power cleans yesterday after some fight gone bad prep stuff. We did a rough DL wod not too long ago, it was:

row for calories
deadlift 225
lateral burpees over weight bar

I'm heading to NY thursday and Boston the following wed to visit family and stuff, i'll be hitting up the Albany, NY CrossFit affiliate and then to CrossFit Boston, should be fun.

I feel like right when my hands are getting on point and better theres a big pullup series and I tear a few calluses, i've stopped tearing in my usual places that i originally shredded, now i'm tearing in weird places like the tip of my pinkie...fuckin weird

#3996989 - 08/18/09 01:34 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
 Originally Posted By: antness
looks like a tough one, i did "Jackie" a couple days ago

1000m row (4:01)
50 reps 45lb thruster (20, 15, 15 reps)
30 pull-ups (broke it into 4 sets)


I thought it would be easy, but my legs were wobbly after the rowing. probably could have pushed through the thrusters in 1 set but no competition to push me

today i plan to do 2 min DU's / 2 min situp, then 90 sec, 1 min, 30 sec of each, after lifting upper body

That was yesterdays main site WOD right? I still can't get DUs dammit! I work on them when we have skill sessions and sometimes before or after a WOD if there is time, but it hasn't happened yet

#3997098 - 08/18/09 02:02 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
yes it was.

im just starting to learn DU's, i'm just doing a pattern of 3 singles followed by a DU, then i'll work to 2 singles followed by a DU. i cant repeat DU's without stopping to reset after each one

#3998458 - 08/18/09 08:20 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
it is done

2 min DU's: 30
2 min situp: 115
90 sec DU's: 26
90 sec situp: 75
1 min DU's: 21
1 min situp: 45
30 sec DU's: 13
30 sec situp: 25

Total DU's: 90
Total situps: 260

(situps were crunches)

#4000737 - 08/19/09 01:22 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Yeah I actually learned the DU's when that workout came up a couple days ago. Can't do multiple ones at a time either, but hey it's a start. It's a short quick workout, we ran a mile when we were done.

I haven't done that WOD, I saw it on the main page and was hoping it would be next. It was bad with 205? Whats your 1 RM max?

My max 1RM is 305. The bad thing was that we had maxed on deadlifts two days before so I was still pretty sore. Plus my form at the time was a little lacking - I've always done this shit where I lock out my legs well before I'm supposed to and do the rest with my lower back. Not good for lots of reps. But it was good cause it helped me work through that and to get set properly, so the bar comes off the ground as it should. I'm pretty happy about that part.

#4003948 - 08/20/09 11:55 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Anyone done Karen yet? 150 wall balls for time. Goddamn that one sucks, it was my second time out. 10:50 rx'd, not too happy with that time but it is almost two minutes faster than my first time a few months ago.
#4012682 - 08/24/09 11:37 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
lunchbox Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/12/02
Posts: 12883
Loc: Detroit
I am going in for my first session Wednesday morning at 7:30. They want to run a few sessions of fundamentals then throw me in with the group. Is that pretty standard?
#4015072 - 08/25/09 07:10 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: lunchbox]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Yeah most gyms do fundamental classes to give you the basics on how things work. Let us know how it goes and what you think of it.

I went back and read the beginning of this thread the other day, it's cool to see the progress everyone here has made in just a few months. If you stick with it you'll have great results.

#4016074 - 08/25/09 01:02 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
lunchbox Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/12/02
Posts: 12883
Loc: Detroit
 Originally Posted By: NateD Z24
Yeah most gyms do fundamental classes to give you the basics on how things work. Let us know how it goes and what you think of it.

I went back and read the beginning of this thread the other day, it's cool to see the progress everyone here has made in just a few months. If you stick with it you'll have great results.

I went into the gym today to do some light lifts (I mean really light, mostly just going through the motions) just to get loose for tomorrow and now my left hamstring is all tight... lol. way to go asshole!

edit: first session done. like I said it was just a one on one with the instructor. He had me go through the major moves holding a PVC pipe to make sure my form was down. evidently I have a flexibility issue in my back that doesn't allow me to squat properly. When I push my butt back my back goes forward, he tried to force my body in the right position (no homo) but I just couldn't flex that way. It is weird because flexing the opposite way I am fine, I can touch my toes no problem, but I can't flex backwards... The instructor said it wasn't a big deal and we will just have to work on my flexibility and form and make sure I don't blow my back out with heavy weights in the mean time.

After that he had me do a base line test of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats, repeat for 5 minutes. I made it through 3 full times and to my 8th push-up of the 4th round.

I have my second elements session saturday and he said he thinks after that he may be able to set me loose with the regular class. can't wait.

Edited by lunchbox (08/26/09 09:45 AM)

#4019359 - 08/26/09 12:30 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: lunchbox]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Awesome! Glad you enjoyed it. The baseline test is an abbreviated version of "Cindy", which is exactly what you did but 20 minutes instead of 5.

My advice to you as a beginner is to go as much as possible. I've had the best results with the 3 days on/1 day off schedule. You will be sore like you have never known soreness at the beginning but if you work through it, it will eventually go away faster and you'll get better results. I've been told that people who do Crossfit only a couple times a week never adapt to the training method and end up dropping out. It'll change your life man. You'll be jacked in just a few months. Stick with it

#4019805 - 08/26/09 02:21 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST


This California-born workout is a hit among hardcore fitness fanatics who love a challenge. It is made up of strength, power, agility and speed exercises, and CrossFit enthusiasts create their own high-intensity workouts and post them on the Internet for others to try.

The popularity of CrossFit rests not just in its content, but also in its reputation. The emphasis isn't on technique or safety, but on performing an impressive number of reps with an impressive amount of weight or running as fast or jumping as high as possible as often as possible before calling it quits.

The ability for anyone and everyone to design their own workout without any knowledge of exercise design and safety will eventually be CrossFit's downfall.

Unfortunately I agree with the last line of this. CrossFit corporate has decided the way to make the $$ is by basically making it free to start an affiliate, you just have to pay $1,000 to become a certified crossfit trainer, which means you attended a weekend seminar. People coming out of there teaching out of shape people how to squat and deadlift while designing their own workout plans is a bad idea. And those who really know what they're doing aren't going to be attracted to starting a CrossFit box because despite the high monthly fees, there really isn't any money in it

#4020429 - 08/26/09 04:48 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
All sorts of wrong with that article.

It is made up of strength, power, agility and speed exercises, and CrossFit enthusiasts create their own high-intensity workouts and post them on the Internet for others to try.

Not exactly. Most of the workouts come from HQ. Some gyms do their own programming, but the majority of the workouts have been created already. And for the gyms that don't follow HQ's order (as in the workout they post each day) most of them use the HQ workouts, just in their own particular order.

he emphasis isn't on technique or safety, but on performing an impressive number of reps with an impressive amount of weight or running as fast or jumping as high as possible as often as possible before calling it quits.

Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Technique is always emphasized, and different workouts do different things. Sometimes it's an AMRAP (as many reps as possible for usually 20 minutes, you have to pace yourself) sometimes it's for time, sometimes it's for total weight moved. Crossfit is very big on teaching exercises correctly, as many of them are highly technical and take a lot of practice to master. It's why you never see anyone doing olympic lifts in a globo gym; they're inherently difficult to get the form correctly.

The ability for anyone and everyone to design their own workout without any knowledge of exercise design and safety will eventually be CrossFit's downfall.

Anyone that knows anything about Crossfit knows that good programming isn't easy. I've been doing it for seven months now and I honestly have no idea how to program a workout on my own. I think a lot of people would be in the same boat. There really is an art to it.

Articles written by people who clearly know absolutely nothing about CrossFit bug the shit out of me.

CrossFit corporate has decided the way to make the $$ is by basically making it free to start an affiliate, you just have to pay $1,000 to become a certified crossfit trainer, which means you attended a weekend seminar. People coming out of there teaching out of shape people how to squat and deadlift while designing their own workout plans is a bad idea. And those who really know what they're doing aren't going to be attracted to starting a CrossFit box because despite the high monthly fees, there really isn't any money in it

Becoming an affiliate isn't free, you do have to be certified with them as you said but you also have to pay a yearly fee to HQ. I agree with your criticisms about giving certs for a grand, but everyone I know who's gone to the certification has come back with a lot of knowledge. So I can't really say on that part either way. But as for people starting their own gyms, I can name at least three people off the top of my head that are planning on opening their own box. All the locations in Atlanta are doing very well, my particular gym has around 70 members. At 150 a month, that is pretty decent scratch if you manage your expenses properly.

I don't think Crossfit is a fad at all; Glassman started it in the 90s, and the website went up in 2001. It's only getting more and more popular, given how addicting it is. Shit I don't think I will ever stop doing it because it works so much better than the stuff I've done for most of my adult life. I predict that in five years we're going to see the CrossFit Games on ESPN (classic?) like you do the Strongman competitions.

#4025673 - 08/28/09 04:34 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST

#4029767 - 08/29/09 09:06 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
240sx805 Offline
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Registered: 12/11/01
Posts: 61595
Loc: CA
they just bumped up their affiliate yearly fee by a shit ton from what i heard.
i dont know where you got this crossfit isnt safe thing? yes you work hard and fast but there is a stress on proper movement and form.

crossfit/crossfit style workouts are badass, it will be here to stay. military, law enforcement, ect love it, special forces guys are hard for it.

#4029782 - 08/29/09 09:14 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: 240sx805]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
 Originally Posted By: 240sx805
they just bumped up their affiliate yearly fee by a shit ton from what i heard.
i dont know where you got this crossfit isnt safe thing? yes you work hard and fast but there is a stress on proper movement and form.

crossfit/crossfit style workouts are badass, it will be here to stay. military, law enforcement, ect love it, special forces guys are hard for it.

are you responding to me? i do some crossfit workouts and i didn't say it wasn't safe. I said I don't think it's safe to let anyone who paid $1000 to attend a seminar teach people how to do movements like deadlifts and olympic lifts. especially when some of the crossfit workouts will be going for 1 rep max and speed.

#4038022 - 09/01/09 01:28 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
lunchbox Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/12/02
Posts: 12883
Loc: Detroit
2 days into the actual classes and this is what he has me doing, kind of a shortened W.O.D.:

first day:

light ballistic stretching

warm up
1/4 mile run
30 Push ups
30 situps
30 squats

then 3 sets of
200m sprint
10 push ups
10 situps
10 squats

Elements, work on powerclean form


100 clean and jerks (squat to shoulder press right?)
(He had me do 80 with a 45# bar)


Day 2:


warm up is 3 sets of
10 wall balls
10 sumo squats with a shoulder press holding a med ball
10 squats with medicine ball were you slam the ball into the ground at end of movement


75 1. sumo squats w/ 45# bar to my shoulder, no press
25 2. hanging Knee to elbows (I did mine on a flat bench)
50 of 1 (I did 30)
50 of 2 (I did 30)
25 of 1 (I did 20)
25 of 2 (I did 20)


at the end of the workouts I am torched. I can am dripping sweat and I can feel heat radiating from my body. I thought I was in good cardio shape, before crossfit I was running 20 - 30 miles a week at a moderate pace, but this shit leaves me gasping for air. My knees are banged to shit from the bar, but he said that is because my form is still a little loose. Need to work on getting my butt back during the deadlift so the bar can ride up my legs without my knobby knees getting in the way. Tomorrow is day 3, then I get a rest day.

#4039098 - 09/01/09 06:20 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: lunchbox]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Sounds like you're getting a few good intro sessions or "on ramp" sessions before you dive into the deep end, you will be thankful for this and remember you can always scale weight/reps/intensity to your fitness level.

Be careful though, it's f'n addicting!

On a side note, I'm back from vacation, got to check out Albany CrossFit, but not Boston. Albany CF has a great box and Jason the owner/head trainer knows his shit and was really friendly in allowing me to jump into his classes 3 days in a row. He did give his local athletes a little bit of a hard time/motivation because I was kicking most of their butts (obvious brag is obvious). We did "Nancy" on my first day there. 400m run, 15 OHS (95#) for 5 rounds and I managed to make it in just under the cut off (20 min) with 19:06, I think only myself and this chick did it Rx'd which was cool, she was putting out a lot of effort!

The 2nd day we did: 100m sprint, 7 kb swings (55#) and 7 burpees for 15 min AMRAP. That fucking sucked. I ended up with 10 rounds + 4 Kb swings, I was happy it was over.

Day 3 was: Just plain ol' bad - same set up as fight gone bad, except the 5 stations were...

thrusters (95#)
box jump (20")
kb swing (55#)
hanging squat cleans with 2, 50# dumbbells

the hardest part of this was the hanging squat cleans, fuck, I can do barbell hanging squat cleans all day, but the dumbbells were awful. I'm really happy with my improvement in all the areas I've been working in CrossFit, it's amazing the results that can happen when you have your nutrition dialed in right and aren't out boozing all weekend, and go to CrossFit 5 days a week. A lot of the people at Albany CrossFit were amazed that I would come to work out on my vacation, I guess I'm hooked!

#4041312 - 09/02/09 10:33 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Nice work man. Nancy is tough as hell to do prescribed. I've only done it once and it took me half an hour \:\( But in my defense that was my first time doing OHS for reps.

Don't think I've ever done cleans with barbells. I've done dumbbell snatches though, shit's tough.

lunchbox, keep it up man. Glad to see someone new around here finally trying Crossfit. You're going to be ruined for regular bodybuilding workouts now \:\)

#4041333 - 09/02/09 10:36 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Oh and I did Elizabeth this morning. Posted it in the PR thread but I will do it here too. 21-15-9 135lb cleans/ring dips, finished rx in 13:50. Pretty big PR for me since it took me 16 minutes to do it last time with less weight.
#4043704 - 09/02/09 10:12 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
 Originally Posted By: NateD Z24
Oh and I did Elizabeth this morning. Posted it in the PR thread but I will do it here too. 21-15-9 135lb cleans/ring dips, finished rx in 13:50. Pretty big PR for me since it took me 16 minutes to do it last time with less weight.

Good job bro! It's a great feeling to set a PR. With Elizabeth, you did squat cleans? or just cleans? We did Elizabeth today also, but the trainer told us to do just cleans not squat cleans, which i know according to the main site isn't RXd unless you do full squat cleans. So I guess I didn't do it RXd, but i did do 135lbs and didn't use any assistance for the ring dips. I finished in 6:13, my buddy in the class after me was like alright, thats the time to beat, and then the fucker went and did it in 5:40 something...bastard.

Nancy was tough, we've done a quite a few WODs with OHS being done for reps/time and i'm just now getting better/consistent at them. I've been working on the snatch every saturday when we have skill sessions before our team wods or our crazy "fire breathers" wods, it's getting better but still not quite there.

#4045585 - 09/03/09 12:31 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
I did full squat cleans. Shit I can do power cleans all day long, lol. I don't know what it is about olympic lifts that just leave you so breathless after just a few.

If a Crossfit HQ workout says cleans, it always means full squat cleans unless otherwise specified as power. Same for snatch, etc.

#4049819 - 09/04/09 04:56 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
here's a good one that anyone can do at a regular gym...unusual to see bench press in a crossfit workout. it's the one thing that i'm concerned about if i do crossfit full time. it's difficult for me to grow a chest even w/ body builder style exercises. so far in my crossfit gym pushups is the only thing I've seen that hits the chest directly. i know, spare the lecture about only doing real world exercises

Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press
Body weight back squat

Record total # of reps

^^ but anyone know if you do 1 round of BP, 1 round PU, then squats for this, or do the 5 sets for each exercise before moving on?

#4050593 - 09/04/09 10:12 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Pretty sure you do it as follows, bench max reps/pull up max reps/back squat max reps = 1 round, rinse and repeat 4 more times...

You're right about bench not being in there much at all, but honestly and I know you said spare the BS about real world stuff. I haven't done bench at all since I started CrossFit, and I'd probably not done it for at least 9-12 months up until a week or so ago when I did 205 for 2 sets of 3 reps pretty easily.

My bench was never impressive, and when I say that I mean 205 was my best 1 rep max ever... So yeah they don't do bench very often, unless the trainer is doing a strength bias program, but it isn't necessary to build strength there, yeah it helps to do it more often, but not required is all.

#4054387 - 09/07/09 11:49 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
3 dead lift (315#)
5 chest to bar pull ups
7 box jumps (30" box)
100m run

7 rounds

Saw this on a CrossFit journal video, think I'm gonna give it a shot today.

#4056919 - 09/08/09 11:00 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Yikes. Let us know how it goes. Definitely couldn't do that, 315 is probably around my 1RM.

As for bench, I don't do it often either except for that max bodyweight bench/pullup workout (I haven't seen it with back squats) and have done pretty well. My pecs are fuller than they ever were than when I was working out with traditional weights.

lunchbox, you done a regular WOD yet??

#4056940 - 09/08/09 11:06 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
what are the rules for a 'legal' deadlift? when i start getting tired i find i start doing something between a standard deadlift and a straight-leg deadlift. probably not the safest thing for my back, but so far i've only deadlifted with weight that I could probably handle for 20+ reps.
#4056999 - 09/08/09 11:20 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
I think a lot of people do that, sounds like you're rounding your back. I have done the same thing a lot where I lock out my legs too soon. If you're finding that you're rounding your back too much or locking your legs too soon, maybe put the weight down and reset so you can do it correctly. Or scale the weight down.

That said, I think any rep is technically "legal" but you want to do it correctly so you don't hurt yourself.

#4057770 - 09/08/09 02:31 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
 Originally Posted By: NateD Z24
I think a lot of people do that, sounds like you're rounding your back. I have done the same thing a lot where I lock out my legs too soon. If you're finding that you're rounding your back too much or locking your legs too soon, maybe put the weight down and reset so you can do it correctly. Or scale the weight down.

That said, I think any rep is technically "legal" but you want to do it correctly so you don't hurt yourself.

As far as legal in terms of if you were being judged, your shoulders have to be behind your hips for it to count I believe.

I didn't do the dead lift, pull up, box jump wod yet, we ended up doing the deck of cards wod that day and then some friends were talking about doing the bear complex, which we didn't do either. I did a baseline wod* this morning for a no sugar challenge we're doing, today is day 1, then we were supposed to do max dead lifts for our cool down, but I had to go, so i'm going back and i think instead of the max deads i'm gonna try the wod then. I'll let you know how it feels...

*the baseline wod was:

25 burpees
400m run
50 air squats
50 push ups
50 sit ups
400m run
25 burpees

I did that in 12:18, it wasn't bad, it was just an all out sprint basically.

dude in my class that always tears it up did it under 10 min, he's sick.

edit: so I just got back from CrossFit for the 2nd time today. I did max deads and got 405, which was my max last week, I didn't try for more cause I wanted to do the other wod.

I did the wod as follows:

3 deadlifts (315#)*
5 chest to bar pull ups
7 box jumps (30")
100m run
7 rounds

*So I did the deads as RX'd for the first two rounds, then it was so damn heavy that I dropped it down to 225 and flew through them the rest of the wod, I should have dropped it to 275 or 295 instead, oh well. It was tough, but good.

oh and loving the picture of the CrossFit chica's butt, where did that come from?

Edited by Andrew Mitchell (09/08/09 06:38 PM)

#4059561 - 09/08/09 11:00 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
its from crossfit bogota, in colombia

i did "Lynne" today (5 sets bodyweight bench / pullups, add up reps). Pullups were both over/underhand, no kipping. I got 103. In the 5th set I did half as many reps as the 1st set. i think that has to be the greatest area for improvement.

#4060883 - 09/09/09 12:03 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
lunchbox Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/12/02
Posts: 12883
Loc: Detroit
our WOD today was

12 deadlifts 75% body weight (I did 50%)
8 hanging kness to elbow (did all 8)
4 handstand pushups (did mine with my knees on a high bench)
1 block run (350 meters by google earth)


Definitly working my ass off and getting closer to full on WODs

tomorrow is rest.

#4078165 - 09/15/09 09:12 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: lunchbox]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
nice lunchbox, are you enjoying the wods?

Is anyone participating in Fight gone bad 4 the weekend of the 26th at their local affiliates?

#4078745 - 09/15/09 11:46 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
lunchbox Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/12/02
Posts: 12883
Loc: Detroit
I am in week 3 and so far loving it. I have to clean up my diet though like mad. I am 5'8" and hovering around 180 @ 19%BF by the tanita scale. I don't eat junk (usually) i.e. very very little fast food. My problem is portions. Something for me to work on though.

today was

3 front squat
50 double unders
50 sit ups
3 front squats
40 double unders
40 sit ups

etc. down to 10

after that I worked on my kip.

yesterday I worked on the handstand push up. I am no where close to doing it right, but I can do it in negative (get up into handstand position and slowly lower down). It is encouraging and discouraging at the same time (if that makes sense) to see dudes hammer shit out that I am no where close to being able to get. But I just keep working at it as hard as I can and hopefully some day I will be there. Every workout I give it all I can right to the last rep.

In a week or so I will post up some pics. All the way back to when I was a big fat lump to my current medium sized lump... lol.

#4082641 - 09/16/09 11:20 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: lunchbox]
LNXGUY Offline
Tougher than Logan Roy
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 107692
Loc: Barrie, Ont,
There is a Crossfit facility in Barrie, I think I might check it out.. Monthly fee's are $100CAD (Classes 3 times a week)

I definitely need the motivation (some asshole yelling at me, etc)
The GN would OWN you, your children and your children's children.
Left foot, right foot, just keep moving!!! -Jeffrey P. Murphy

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