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#4179451 - 10/20/09 06:33 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Sick job on the tabata! Do you excel at the sit ups and squats? or pull ups? push ups?

They're awesome for lifting, kind of like converse all stars, no padding, no heel lift or anything, they're great. No pain from running in them yet, only have run 800m total between yesterday and today though, so i can't really comment on that yet. Did tabata something else today also, but paced myself for 10 reps each sequence/round thinking it was your lowest score... I ended up with 299, i could have done 5-10 more on squats each time easily, fuck!

Good thing today was i got 3 bar muscle ups in a row no problem before the WOD just practicing, then a few more broken up relatively easily.


#4179867 - 10/20/09 09:24 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
I haven't figured bar muscle ups yet. I am jealousy.

I did okay on each of them on tabata. I got 80 pullups (pretty happy with that one), 100 situps, 87 pushups, 117 squats. Each was a marginal improvement except for pushups. I always get burned out on them at the end, it definitely could use the most improvement. I almost did the squats nonstop since it was the last exercise and I wanted a good score.

#4180531 - 10/21/09 08:14 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
I can't do them on the rings yet, so no big deal..

I'm going continue working on them, doing a couple every time I go workout, before or after the WOD. I'll work my way up to 30 MU's. It's probably a completely different movement than rings. So when I do get the chance to do rings I'll probably fail miserably.

We've started working on the snatch progression in our warm ups and are going to start incorporating snatches into our WODs in a few weeks once everyone has them down comfortably. I'm a fan of the snatch.

#4180548 - 10/21/09 08:19 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
For those that read this and aren't doing CrossFit, or have tried it and didn't like it, or are afraid to try it, or any other iteration of something similar... I ask you, Why? What don't you like? What scares you?

#4180729 - 10/21/09 09:26 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
mrnismo Offline
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Registered: 12/08/01
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 Originally Posted By: Andrew Mitchell
For those that read this and aren't doing CrossFit, or have tried it and didn't like it, or are afraid to try it, or any other iteration of something similar... I ask you, Why? What don't you like? What scares you?

I read this all the time and I really do want to try Crossfit bad someday. Right now and until spring I am focusing on adding size and strength. When spring comes I really want to try it but am afraid it will cost me size.

What do you guys think? Have any of you leaned out doing Crossfit while not losing much/any muscle? I really, really like the concept and enjoy reading about you guys' accomplishments :-)

#4181356 - 10/21/09 12:09 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: mrnismo]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
I can't speak for everyone, but I leaned out and gained muscle at the same time. You'll be doing so much olympic lifting that may you may even gain some more. For instance my chest has filled out way more than when I did bench all the time, which is ironic since we seldom do it. You will definitely be more balanced, because there's no neglecting of bodyparts.

There are also fairly frequent heavy days where you're doing low reps, like 3-3-3-3-3, etc. And your strength will really come in handy on the heavy metcons ("DT" is a good example, it's 5 rounds of 12 deadlifts, 8 hang power cleans, and 6 push jerks, all with 155lbs and it's absolutely miserable.)

So, that's all to say that you won't need to worry about your size. You may even get bigger.

#4184373 - 10/22/09 11:48 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
HotHB Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/09/01
Posts: 30309
 Originally Posted By: Andrew Mitchell
For those that read this and aren't doing CrossFit, or have tried it and didn't like it, or are afraid to try it, or any other iteration of something similar... I ask you, Why? What don't you like? What scares you?

I like the idea,m and am like 90% convinced I will do it.

Big things:

Price...150 per month is out of control IMO.

Set workout schedule varies enough that committing to 1 of 5 times per day there is a session may fuck me over.

Accessibility...on the weekends i go to the gym and do light cardio just to get the blood flowing...the crossfit gym i went to is just a warehouse and does not seem like people workout outside of the sessions...which is kinda lame.

#4184679 - 10/22/09 01:08 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: HotHB]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Price...150 per month is out of control IMO.

As I said near the beginning of the thread, you really have to think of it like personal training and coaching. It's expensive, but worth every penny.

Set workout schedule varies enough that committing to 1 of 5 times per day there is a session may fuck me over.

Fair enough. Most gyms are pretty flexible with scheduling though. You will find a way to make time if you fall in love with it like some of the others in this thread have.


Accessibility...on the weekends i go to the gym and do light cardio just to get the blood flowing...the crossfit gym i went to is just a warehouse and does not seem like people workout outside of the sessions...which is kinda lame.

No need, just do a Crossfit workout instead because there will be no more need for cardio. I personally see it as a waste of time. The whole point of it is so you don't have to slog it out on the treadmill or elliptical for x amount of time. If you prefer it then go for it, but I personally was always bored senseless by any type of cardio. I've come to really enjoy the weekend workouts, it keeps me from sleeping in too much and I feel great for the rest of the day.

As for your gym not wanting people to do their own thing, you need to remember it is not a globo gym. For the sake of organization, most gym owners prefer that people are all doing the same thing, otherwise it just becomes pure chaos. Since most affiliates are small, space and equipment is definitely an issue. You just have to think about it differently; it's not the type of place where you go in with headphones and do your own thing. This will probably be completely different from anything you've done in the past.

#4187073 - 10/23/09 09:21 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Woke up feeling kinda shitty this morning, I think my glands are a little swollen. Decided to go knock out the WOD anyway since I had packed all my shit the night before. Today's WOD was "Tommy V" and it was killer.

115 pound Thruster, 21 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 12 ascents
115 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 9 ascents
115 pound Thruster, 9 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 6 ascents

Thrusters weren't so bad, rope climbs took awhile. I am the only one today in my gym that has done this workout so far cause everyone is scared of the rope climbs. A military guy showed me awhile back how to do them (push out on the rope with the outside of your right foot and hook your left foot underneath the rope so you can stand on it) and ever since they haven't been too much of a problem. So I am pretty proud of myself for doing this one rx, 31:09. It was a pretty long slog, I had to rest for about 30 seconds after each ascent. I probably could have gone a little faster but it's just so damn hard to get back on the rope after you come down.

So, kinda slow but at least I finished it.

#4189441 - 10/23/09 10:43 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Damn. I'm glad we don't have a climbing rope set up yet. That looks like a gnarly workout! Good job man!

In all seriousness, I look forward to getting the climbing rope up and doing some of those in wods.

I got my ass handed to me by double unders today.

30 wall balls
30 box jumps
30 double unders
3 rounds

I got in under 15 minutes. barely. I was so f'n pissed, normally i'm pretty consistent with DU's, but today they just beat me up, mentally and physically!!

This was also my 5th day in a row working out, but that's because i'm going out of town for a wedding this weekend and wouldn't make it to the gym. Ok, no more excuses. I sucked today.

#4190697 - 10/24/09 05:13 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Sometimes you just have a bad day, happens with regular workouts and sometimes with Crossfit too since it's so mental. Even so, that workout looks like no joke. I get destroyed by anything involving a lot of wall balls.

I am more sore today than I have been in quite awhile, my entire lower body is wrecked. Needless to say I skipped max effort deadlifts today.

#4201869 - 10/28/09 06:16 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
lunchbox Offline
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Registered: 03/12/02
Posts: 12883
Loc: Detroit
haven't checked in in a while but just wanted to say whats up and I am still doing the workouts. Get into the gym 5 times a week. Definitely stronger, but still got to work on losing about 10 lbs. I got my kip pretty well straitened out on the bar and am working on getting it on the rings to get the muscle-up. Did the hero workout on tuesday (subbed ring pu and dips for the muscle up) and it kicked my ass.
#4206091 - 10/30/09 04:09 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: lunchbox]
ElementBabe Offline
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Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
about to do Linda for the first time...

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of..

1.5x BW deadlift
1x BW bench press
0.75x BW squat clean

i plan to scale the deadlifts to 1.25x BW, the bench press will be easy, never done squat cleans but it would be ok with power cleans so I'll see what happens..

#4206127 - 10/30/09 07:16 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
ok that sucked.

Rx weight would be..
DL: 215
BP: 143
SC: 107

DL: 187(10)-177(9,8)-155(7,6)-138(5-1)
BP: 143(Rx)
SC: 89 (also first time doing SC)


could proably have toughed it out on the DLs and not dropped the weight but my ass was on fire

#4209016 - 10/31/09 09:15 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
Is CrossFit building an army?
#4211831 - 11/01/09 08:13 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
lunchbox Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/12/02
Posts: 12883
Loc: Detroit
I had the weirdest thing happen on Friday, was doing the wod:

1/4 mile run
10 pull ups
15 burpees
5 rounds

and around round 3 I got crazy light headed and started sweating like mad. I went from a mild sweet and breathing hard but still in control to soaking wet and about to pass out in seconds. I struggled through round 4 but when I went to do my last set of 3 burpees I practically collapsed. needless to say I threw in the towel at that point, but I was really freaked out. I took saturday off and am a little anxious for monday. Nothing like that has ever happened to me and I have done some pretty tough workouts.

#4216340 - 11/03/09 11:47 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
haha why do you ask? All the tactical/SPEAR related videos with Tony Blauer?

I'm heading to my L1 cert this weekend in Dallas, hopefully I'll be feeling better by then, I've had a sore throat and cough since Sunday and it's sidelined me from working out at all, fucking sucks!

#4216694 - 11/03/09 01:15 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
I've been sidelined myself since Thursday. I dealt with a move over the weekend and it was probably the worst thing ever. I'm hoping to get back in the gym this afternoon, but fuck if I go a couple days without going I get so lazy. I might drag myself there, half ass it and maybe start feeling better about it again.

lunchbox, maybe you pushed yourself a little too hard? How you feeling now?

Linda is fucking terrible. The bench gave me no problems, it was really the deadlift that gave me the most trouble. It didn't help that we had done max effort deadlifts a couple days before and my back was still stiff as a board. It took me almost an hour to do it, I am such a puss

#4218765 - 11/04/09 07:25 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
just did Tabata Something Else. ive done it twice before (both in the same week) about 3 months ago before I was a xfit member.

44 pullups, 95 pushups, 101 situps, 136 squats = 376. cant remember what I got before, it was around 330 or 340. i went up the most in the situps because I anchored this time. everything else was a small improvement of a few reps. (40 to 44, 90 to 95, 130 to 136 or around that). still cant recover from the pullups fast enough. whats the best strategy for that? like a % of max 1 set reps to try and do per round

#4225822 - 11/06/09 10:19 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
That's a really good score considering you don't kip, you'd be well into the 400s otherwise. For pullups I tried to get at least 10 for each round, and the most I could at the start while I was fresh.

Andrew, you un-sick yet? I am looking forward to reading your impressions about the cert since I have mine in a few months.

#4225922 - 11/06/09 10:50 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
just checked the site, about a month ago we did 3 sets strict dead hang PUs (3 mins between sets). i got 17, 10, 11. another guy got 10, 10, 10. on the tabata, with kipping he got 73 and for me no kipping i got 44. so i guess there is a huge improvement to be had there.
#4235794 - 11/09/09 06:12 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Yup, i'm un-sick now and loved the cert. I went in with a pretty good understanding of the movements and the foundations, and came out with a clearer more defined understanding. It was great to focus on how the fundamental 9 movements, squat, front squat, overhead squat. Press, push press, push jerk, deadlift, sumo DL and medicine ball clean all broke down into a progression. We also did some tabatas. It's amazing how a pvc pipe can work your body and muscles after 8 hours of working with it. We finished the first day with some time with "fran"! This all sucked pretty bad especially after a week with the swine flu...

Second day we focused on the more difficult from the first day, the push jerk and the med ball clean for a bit before starting into new stuff. We learned how to teach GHD sit ups, back extension, hip extension and the back/hip extension, as well as double unders, kipping pull ups, butterfly pull ups, muscle ups and rowing. We also had a team WOD that pulled together some of the elements from the first day to break up the classroom/lecture time.

Overall it was very helpful, and I know some people bitch about how they don't learn much, either they don't pay attention or already have a strong foundation in o-lifting. Even if that is the case, they do some lecturing on nutrition and programming workouts as well.

That's a quick run through, I've got dinner waiting... if you have specific questions feel free to ask guys/gals.

#4242654 - 11/11/09 09:52 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
first time doing fran today -- scaled weight of 77#, pullups strict dead hang (still no kip) 6:28
#4243587 - 11/12/09 09:59 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Antness i'm sure you could have used 95#, seeing the other weights you're using I think you short changed yourself in scaling it. Still a great job, and still probably kicked your ass, but first and foremost is safety obviously, but 2nd you want to do the WODs RXd, even if it takes a bit longer, if you can do the weight, i'd say split 50/50 for when you scale and when you suck it up and do the RXd even if it takes forever. A good example was me yesterday... I could have used the bands for the HSPU and finished in 15 min or something but i'd rather do RX and not worry about having the fastest time...

Did J.T. yesterday.

handstand push ups
ring dips
push ups

Took me 30:26 RX'd, yeah it was a fucking pain storm! Although, last time I tried HSPU, I couldn't even do one, so being able to complete the WOD RXd was awesome, even if it took me forever.

#4245068 - 11/12/09 03:48 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
lunchbox Offline
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Registered: 03/12/02
Posts: 12883
Loc: Detroit
I was able to do my first 3 HSPU this week. Pretty stoked. Now to get that damn Muscle up.

You guys ever do a drill where you lower the rings to about a foot off the ground then do kind of like an ab-roller move with them from your knees? We do those about once a week for warm-up and holy shit I thought I hated the GHD machine. Brutal!

#4245124 - 11/12/09 04:00 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: lunchbox]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
andrew, how many days off do you take per week?

ive done 1 WOD so far w/ HSPU, there were 3 rounds of 10, i almost failed on the last rep. id guess i can probably do at least a set of 15. my max shoulder press is around 105% BW

#4250508 - 11/14/09 10:56 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
I usually try for 3 on 1 off..

Yesterday was my rest day but I went up to the gym with my gf to hang out since it was so nice outside, that was a fucking mistake. I got roped into doing "Eva", it was my first experience with this particular benchmark and it sucked.

800m run
30 kettlebell swings (70#)
30 pull ups
5 rounds

yeah, that's 2.5 miles, 150 kb swings and 150 pull ups total. The cut off was 50 minutes, I did it in 48:31.

#4251103 - 11/14/09 05:37 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
thats a brutal one. when i did helen its a weird feeling to run after doing pullups, it takes the arms out of it
#4260473 - 11/18/09 07:38 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Andrew, good stuff about the cert, I was looking forward to your writeup. It makes me kinda nervous for mine. Are you going to do any training at local affiliates?

It's been tough lately to maintain my 3 on 1 off routine. I was just starting to get back into it and I did Angie a couple nights ago. I guess I didn't stretch enough because my shoulder has been hurting pretty bad for a couple days (which I made a related post about.) So now I am sidelined again at a time when I really want to be at the gym, they posted Fran yesterday and Elizabeth today. I heart the benchmark workouts and it sucks to miss them. I hope I can heal soon so I can get back into it, it's driving me crazy.

#4273002 - 11/22/09 10:29 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Hows the back/shoulder doing? Have you continued with the WODs just scaled for your injury? That's honestly the best and fastest way to get better...

I went for a 5k run for active rest today in memorial park for those that know Houston. I used my vibram five fingers, felt awesome during the run, now I've got blisters on my toes and my calves are killing me haha. I thought my feet were broken into them enough...the blisters are on the bottom of my 1st, 4th and 5th toes fuck they're painful!

#4273418 - 11/23/09 04:38 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST

It's a little deceiving because CrossFit is international, but you get the idea

#4284657 - 11/26/09 12:21 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
anyone else a member at if not, i highly recommend it. it's only $3 a month and really is worth it.
#4286159 - 11/27/09 04:27 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: ElementBabe]
ElementBabe Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
can you kip on chest to bar pullups?
#4286290 - 11/27/09 09:20 AM Re: CrossFit [Re: Andrew Mitchell]
NateD Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
 Originally Posted By: Andrew Mitchell
Hows the back/shoulder doing? Have you continued with the WODs just scaled for your injury? That's honestly the best and fastest way to get better...

I have in the past but I took it easy last week. I'm fine now, I've been back a few times this week.

For yesterday's thanksgiving day WOD we did the deck of cards workout. Team of five, one exercise for each suit (hearts = squats, clubs = burpees, spade = pushups, diamonds = pullups). Jacks were 11, queens 12, kings 13, aces 14. For the jokers one person had to run a 200m sprint while everyone else did a plank. Pretty fun workout, my team won.

antness I have been on whiteboard for a long time. It's a great site, and it's been absolutely invaluable. I have been really anal about making sure I have 5 posts per week to keep that graph nice and straight and yes you can kip on CTB pullups.

#4290615 - 11/29/09 06:56 PM Re: CrossFit [Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell Offline

Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Got the butterfly kip back finally, fucking hate that I go through phases where I have it and then lose it... I think it helped that i was coaching some people at the gym recently on how it works in theory...practice is different.

Today was

10 pull ups
20 squats
7 rounds

I was gassed, and this was a slow time. The owner did it in 4:30...he's a monster with a 2:40 something Fran, significantly more than body weight OHS and a 2009 games competitor...I'm working on all those things, already my HSPU are better than they were when we did "JT" a few weeks ago. I also had a slight injury to my back, my hips were inadequate (uneven) and it was causing some problems, I went to a myofascial release guy yesterday and that was great, won't necessarily feel the full results for up to 72 hours though. I'm planning on going for some airrosti treatments this week if it continues to bother me.

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