#8966359 - 03/07/17 11:28 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
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Loc: The OC
Solid performance Chris. Way to tough it out.
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8967448 - 03/08/17 08:19 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Registered: 10/13/01
Posts: 818
Loc: Gilbert, Az
I majorly overestimated how recovered I was only two weeks out from Black Canyon 100k, but I wasn't about to miss my 5th straight Way Too Cool 50k. Also developed a nice little cold right before the race, but wasn't going to let that stop me.
Nice work man! It's rough going into it when it feels like so many things are already against you before mile 1, kickass for stepping up and getting it done anyways.
#8976318 - 03/17/17 12:55 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: SJP0tato]
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Registered: 12/11/02
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Loc: The OC
Welp, my 4 months of marathon training is coming to a close. LA this Sunday, followed by Ragnar a few weeks later.
Just hoping to survive uninjured.
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8976550 - 03/17/17 03:24 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Design]
pathetic sad bitch.
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Registered: 01/23/12
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good luck! guessing it wont be quite as surface-of-the-sun conditions as usual?
general douchebaggery
#8979441 - 03/21/17 02:18 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: schtickaz.ai]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
Posts: 11510
Loc: The OC
Thanks man. I'll provide a proper update when I have time. But in short, I was malnutritioned for the first 16.5 miles. Fell in and out of consciousness from mile 3-10. It was so bad I nearly called it quits at the halfway point. But looking back I'm glad I stuck it out.
My slowest and toughest marathon to date. 4:37:55.
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8979509 - 03/21/17 03:09 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Design]
pathetic sad bitch.
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Registered: 01/23/12
Posts: 36495
Loc: State, Country, etc.
JFC! it's ok to tap out on a bad day man!
general douchebaggery
#8979569 - 03/21/17 03:37 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: schtickaz.ai]
^taps out on track 5km training sessions
#8979635 - 03/21/17 04:39 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: schtickaz.ai]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
Posts: 11510
Loc: The OC
For the record, I never really faded to the point that I couldn't keep a line. I had lost total awareness of where I was or what was being said around me... by mile 3. The only time I've had that happen is maybe the last mile or two of my first marathon, or a really hard training run. Never, ever in the beginning of a race.
I'll save the rest for proper write-up. But thanks for the kudos.
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8980638 - 03/22/17 12:58 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
Posts: 11510
Loc: The OC
Thanks Chris. I have a couple minutes so I'll jot down some random thoughts about this weekend.
Leading up to the marathon, I was feeling pretty good. I still had some congestion from the flu a few weeks back. But nothing I thought would hold me back. Got plenty of rest Thursday and Friday. Did my 2 mile run Saturday. Got a late start to LA to pick up my race bib. And was due in Riverside later that day for a friends gathering. The traffic and hectic pace of the day screwed up my rest and meal plan. But I ate OK around 6 PM. As I found out later, it wasn't enough.
I got home late after our friends gathering. Slept for 1-2 hours. Got up and had my typical fruit and yogurt. Headed to Santa Monica. Felt a bit hungry so I ate a protein bar and a little more fruit. Started the race like I normally do, settling in to a comfortable 8:50-9 mile pace.
By mile 2 I could tell something was wrong. My legs had difficulty turning over. My mood was getting sour. And my awareness was fading fast. At the time I had no idea what was wrong. Maybe a bit of sickness left over. Maybe congestion making things tougher than usual. I tried toughing things out for a few miles. No improvement. Still fading, now slowing to a 9:15 pace.
By Mile 4 I knew I was in serious trouble. Passed up by everyone around me including the 4 hr pacer (almost missed them too, despite the crowd being right next to me). I began reflect on what I could have done wrong. Training was good. Rest was good, despite not getting much on Saturday. I figured I had eaten enough.
Given all this, I figured I'd try to take an extra gel and some Gatorade at the aid station. Started feeling better, a little more aware. Then faded back to a slump after 1-2 minutes. Mood was horrible too. Repeated this strategy at the next aid station, and the next. Then I finally figured out by Mile 7 that I was probably in a major calorie deficit. Continued to try and get ahead of it. But I figure I was burning more than I could take in.
By mile 8 I had slowed to around 11-12 minute miles. Wasn't paying attention to GPS, music, crowd - nothing. Just the pavement 4-5 feet in front of me. I had no idea where I was on the course. Just trying to get one foot over the next. Things were progressively getting worse. And at that point, knowing I had another 17 miles to go, I abandoned all hope of finishing the marathon either by running or walking. So my strategy changed from "how to finish," to "how the heck to I get back to my car." That resulted a VERY rough 4-5 miles.
Somewhere along Mile 12, I figured there would be an aid station and shuttle at the half marathon relay point (Mile 13) where runners swap out. So I just focused on making it there so I could get a ride back to my car. Let me tell you... when you're in this state of low blood sugar, for this long, you become someone else entirely. This is a full chemical breakdown in how the brain processes thoughts and emotions. Everything was negative, impossible, hopeless, worthless... you name it, I thought it. Definitely the lowest point of the race.
Just past mile 13 I saw the corral exchange. I saw the first aid tent, shuttles, and a spot where I could sit down and recoup for a bit. I slowed to a walk on the side of the road and got within 10 feet of the exit, ready to sit down and take the first shuttle back (it was already loading some of the relay runners who'd finished). It was at that point I realized, for the first time during this miserable race, that walking was getting me to feel ever-so-slightly better. I stopped, pondered, and decided I'd continue walking a bit to see if things would improve. Worst case, I felt like I could walk back if things got worse again.
My strategy at that point was simple. Walk, eat, drink... repeat. Got to the mile 14 aid station. Drank nothing but Gatorade the next several miles. Grabbed oranges, pretzels, red vines... anything I could find on the course to scarf down. Mile 15... a little better. Mile 16... better.
By the middle of mile 16 I was feeling like I might try to run again. It sucked. Legs were stiff. Calves were hurting. And I could feel excessive fatigue in my right hip extending all the way down to my heel. But I kept running a bit. Took a single ibuprofen to see if I could minimize distractions. Things got a little better.
By Mile 17 I was feeling around 60%. I ran easy. I walked through the aid stations. I kelp eating and drinking as much as I felt comfortable doing. But the key turning points in the race were two mini aid stations - one serving Dr Pepper, and the other serving beer. Finally, by Mile 18, my mood lightened a little. And I got back into a 10 minute mile. Continued to walk through each aid station, but ran comfortably. And I began to run a little faster each mile.
By Mile 23 I was feeling around 75%. Stopped by my run club's aid station. Had a brief conversation with the group about what happened. They all agreed it was malnutrition and possibly fatigue from overnight. And now that I knew what was going on, I felt I had some my groove back. Completely opposite of what most marathoners go through. I left the Club tent, feeling pretty good, and kicked into high gear, darting in & out of a visibly faded crowd.
Those last three miles were amazing. Feet were heavy. Legs sore. But I was passing everyone, holding 7:45-8 minute miles the final 5K. I crossed feeling strong, a little loopy, and glad that I had refused to give in. Perspective is a b*tch though. Everything inside me told me to quit. And to be honest, I probably should have. Could have passed out on the course or done serious damage to my body. But in the end I finished both the marathon and the Conquer LA challenge (10K, half, marathon).
4:37:55 was the official time. And with all the training I did, I might turn June's Half Marathon into a full. Regardless, a great learning experience. One I never plan to repeat. And I am all the better for it.
Thanks for reading.
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8981701 - 03/23/17 11:17 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Design]
Sir Ironpool
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#8981839 - 03/23/17 12:52 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
Posts: 11510
Loc: The OC
Thanks man. You know me, I try not to exaggerate things or act like a b*tch. It was quite simply, a tough race.
Funny too, your words were nearly verbatim from other experienced runners in the club. The race (good or bad) will culminate into experiences that last a lifetime.
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8982800 - 03/24/17 11:44 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
That sounds bad enough I might have consider pulling a stickaz. Nice job toughing it out
I'm happy to have cracked 100 already.
#8983213 - 03/24/17 04:18 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: schtickaz.ai]
#8984958 - 03/27/17 10:21 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
Posts: 11510
Loc: The OC
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8992683 - 04/03/17 10:39 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: chris4652008]
pathetic sad bitch.
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Registered: 01/23/12
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^good luck! hope you're doing enough mpw [35+?]
new shiny half PR for me, 1:43 [former PR was last years SF RnR at 1:47:mid, which had way more hills ofc, but was cool af/perfect temps] I went out only ~:15-:20s over my current 10K PR lol [went out in 47:45 or so 10k] and held on more or less. I was expecting to be able to handle 7:30 pace in the final 5k but obviously didn't. Although the temps were cool [60s] the direct sun/dehydration were getting to me. Plus to be honest I think it was an aggressive pacing decision and really represents me having probably gone out a hair too fast and then simply paying for it in the back half. Still if it was overcast/not direct sun I feel like I could have gone much faster in the back half. But my right hammy started to twinge about a half a mile before the finish line and as I closed the race/sped up a bit it was getting a little worse. I chock this up to not enough long runs and my 6 month layoff last year. OK it was possibly just dehydration related/dunno.
For fueling I used [1] cliffblox with the 2x/caffeine, carried my smallest water bottle and used the last [3] water stops only as I was running out of water [just tossed it in the bottle and went]
general douchebaggery
#8993033 - 04/03/17 03:10 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: schtickaz.ai]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
Posts: 11510
Loc: The OC
Nice work man. Solid time!
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8993491 - 04/04/17 03:08 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 01/17/04
Posts: 4569
Monday at the start of the week of my first Marathon, it all feels VERY REAL right now. Go out and enjoy the payoff of all that training. When you hit the wall around 18-21 just tell yourself there is no wall and it'll be over before you know it.
Thank you, there is no wall
#9001346 - 04/12/17 01:11 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: chris4652008]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 01/17/04
Posts: 4569
#9002083 - 04/12/17 04:30 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: chris4652008]
pathetic sad bitch.
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/23/12
Posts: 36495
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here's my bum-tour of Oakland. I PR'd everything over 10k here

kinda fell apart around mile 10, was hoping to close around a 24:nn final 5K but just couldnt do it //gassed. Probably because I went out within :30s of my current 10k PR lmao coincidence
this race represented a bit of 'risk' to me as I hadnt really been able to do any HMP in a year pretty much, sidetracked for 6 months with a hip injury.
Picked a HMP goal-pace really just on a guess, and made it fairly aggressively close to my current 10K PR and am surprised it worked out. TBH though I was hoping for a 1:41:nn here heh
I had to play some mental games with myself to stay mostly on ~7:45 pace the whole way. Like at one point I told myself "well, at least get a solid 10m split if you're gonna blow up, at least blow up after the 10m marker..." heh. And when I got to the 10m marker I was like.... "ok, so its only a 5K, time to go"... but there was nothing there hehe.
at the end after the finish line I had to grab the rail/barrier and lean over it for a while and a tinge of nausea came over me. Verdict: worked hard/good effort. Didnt feel like I had left a shitload on the course like I sometimes do. Usually either a blow-up or a sandbag, nothing in between. I think I finally got that in-between.
general douchebaggery
#9002703 - 04/13/17 10:59 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: chris4652008]
pathetic sad bitch.
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Registered: 01/23/12
Posts: 36495
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