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#7286925 - 09/15/13 07:26 AM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Sir Ironpool]
Ampsman in Extremis Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 04/10/00
Posts: 15463
Loc: San Jose, Ca, USA
Race report to follow soon. Amazing day. I convinced myself to drop twice but somehow kept going. I found out that no matter how bad something hurts you can usually run until it hurts less. Long story short, 50 miles and 10k of elevation in just over 9 hours. I def went out to fast. First 25 mile loop was about 3:50 and the second was 5:10. lesson learned.

Paki: 3:36

#7287027 - 09/15/13 09:37 AM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Ampsman in Extremis]
Sir Ironpool Offline
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Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 71803
Loc: Long Beach, CA
Congrats man. Gutting it out and finishing a race is always more impressive to me than a badass performance. Besides, sub 10 is a fantastic 50 mile time!

Edited by Mrs. Ironmom (09/15/13 09:37 AM)

#7287904 - 09/15/13 06:15 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Sir Ironpool]
Ampsman in Extremis Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 04/10/00
Posts: 15463
Loc: San Jose, Ca, USA
This is probably going to be rambling but I am writing it while watching the kids and trying to prep for having family over for dinner tonight.

So I stared the race with alot of doubt about my IT band, I even went to the sports therapist the day before because I had some tightness on a short run on thursday and I was freaking out. I'm pretty sure he thought I was crazy trying loosen up my IT the day before a 50 miler.
Along with all the IT issues came some doubt about my fitness since I hadnt been able to get a good solid long run in about 6 weeks. I was still running 40-50 miles a week thru the whole thing and getting lots of vert but no good long runs.
The race was a 7am start at Rodeo Beach, just north of the golden gate bridge. It was a cloudy and slightly chilly start, perfect weather.
I saw some familiar faces before the race but pretty much kept to myself, nervous as hell.
The race consists of two 25 mile loops, each with about 5k of elevation. The first is run clockwise and then you run the second in reverse.
I decided to start with one handheld since the first 3 aid station were all only 4 miles apart, I threw a waistpack that holds two 10oz bottles in my drop bag and also had my hydration pack, I wanted to have some options after my first loop since I had no idea how I would feel.
The best part about these types of races is how impromptu the starts are. I saw everyone heading to an area in the middle of this road so I followed and moved my way towards the front, next thing I know everyones running. I didnt even hear a count or a go or anything. Oh well, lets do this.
The first 2 miles a starts with a solid climb and I felt great heading up it, a little to good perhaps because I ignored all the sections where people were walking and powered up the whole thing.
Ended up hitting the first aid station feeling awesome, filled my bottle and headed back out.
I caught up to this guy Adam and started chatting with him, it was nice cause it helped me settle down a bit and get into a rhythm.
About a mile after we started running together we see this guy John (who ran western in just over 20 hours this year) stop to hit a porta-potty, he comments that he shouldnt be catching up to John and hes definitely going to fast. We hit a hill soon after that and he says hes going to take it easy...I on the other hand power up the hill.
So far no issues at all with the IT, though every little twinge has me panicking.
I power thru the next couple aid station and get to the final aid station (mile 18) before the first loop is over.
Still feeling super strong.
I powered back up the hill out of this aid station and started the 3 mile downhill/flat to the start line to finish the fist loop.
This is wear shit went pear shaped.
Both of my hips started hurting like a bitch and I honestly didnt know how I could keep running, I convinced myself to drop at this point. There was no way I was going to go back out for the second loop.
I rolled up just under 4 hours, my goal pace.
I filled up my bottled, ate everything I could see and tried to act like I was going back out even though I knew I wouldnt.
I then started running, even though I had decided to drop...for some reason I was still running.
I told myself I was going to run to the next aid station about 6 miles away, just so I could atleast have run 50k. 6 more miles, thats all.
The great part about ultras is how humbling they are, I was run/walking up a section of hill, feeling like complete shit when I hear someone coming up behind was a 50+ year old woman...who was running the 100 mile race. Turns out shes an ultra beast who has run western in 19 hours.
She lied and told me I was looking strong.
I finally got to the top of the climb and started the downhill to the next aid station where I was going to drop and call it a day. During this downhill I started feeling the familiar tightness and knee pain that had been haunting me...fuck.
Oh well, I thought, a couple more miles and Im done anyway.
By the time I got to the aid station I was hurting pretty bad, which became apparent when a couple people came up to me and asked if I was ok.
I told them about my IT band and they offered some ibuprofen, I decided to take it and give them the impression that I planned to keep going. Even though I was done.
Just then I see a guy I had run with briefly earlier cruise up behind me, hes hurting pretty bad also and gives a head nod.
His girlfriend is there crewing for him and has a cooler full of goodies so he calls me over and says I need to pound a sierra mist because its the best thing ever when you're running.
I figure I might as well, I'm done anyway. So I wash down my ibuprofen with some sierra mist.
He lingers a bit and I am wondering if he is going to thing I know hes out of there. Fuck.
Maybe I can make it to the next aid station?
I start walking out of there.
Eventually start jogging up the hill, and not long after catch up to my buddy with the sierra mist.
We start talking and find a good rhythm.
The next thing I know there is no pain and we are only a couple miles from the next aid station. Holy shit.
We cruise into the mile 38 aid station by ourselves, I dont think I have ever been so motivated by strangers clapping and telling me I look great.
We fuel up and head out within about 30 seconds...he tells his girlfriend we have to hurry up and points to me and says, "because his kids are waiting for him."
The next 12 miles are kind of a blur, lots of power hiking up some pretty gnarly hills and cresting the final hill and seeing the finish line about 2 miles away.
I was about to finish something that I had convinced myself wasnt possible.
Part of me wanted to run as fast as I could and part wanted to savor it.
I ran across the finish line to my kids jumping on top of me. \:D
I think I ended up at 9:03, which means I ran the second loop in over 5 hours after running the first in under 4. I'll work on pacing next time.
All in all an incredible experience, you read about the highs and lows during ultras but its amazing how fast they come on. Moments of euphoria where you could run forever followed by hating everything.
I recommend it highly.

Paki: 3:36

#7287979 - 09/15/13 07:11 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Ampsman in Extremis]
Sir Ironpool Offline
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Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 71803
Loc: Long Beach, CA
Dude...awesome report. It's pretty amazing how you have those mental battles along the way, feeling super low then bam...on top of the world. Sounds like hooking up with that other guy was your saving grace. That happened to me on the run at the Louisville Ironman. I was hurting bad, then ended up running and chatting with another guy and the next thing I know we've put away 6 miles.

So we're you saying maybe, or hell no about another race at the finish? \:D
You're at least putting infor the WS lottery, right?

#7290030 - 09/16/13 04:27 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Ampsman in Extremis]
2000SiRacer Offline
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Registered: 04/19/02
Posts: 42801
Loc: Colorado
Congrats! Great write up man - can't wait for your next report \:D

What's your upcoming race calendar look like now?

#7290146 - 09/16/13 05:15 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: 2000SiRacer]
2000SiRacer Offline
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Registered: 04/19/02
Posts: 42801
Loc: Colorado
Fun weekend this week. I woke up at 3:00a on Saturday to get in a two hour run before volunteering at an aid station all day for Run Rabbit Run. I was absolutely beat by the time I got home late in the afternoon. Waking up that early did afford me the opportunity to use my sweet (and it really is sweet) new headlamp. I was a couple miles outside of town doing a short out and back section before climbing up Emerald Mountain when I had the wits scared out of me. I had just turned around and was passing a section of pavement I had covered ~6 minutes earlier when I saw something on the trail (remember, it's pitch black and I'm all alone with my headlamp). I got closer and saw it was a big, 10" trout with deep claw marks torn into it. It hadn't been eaten yet and was obviously fresh since it hadn't been there 6 minutes earlier. I just stared at it, getting goosebumps, before I whipped around looking for a bear (hopefully) or mountain lion (please no). Didn't see anything and I took off running with a renewed vigor. Twenty minutes later I begin my climb up Emerald and there are eyeballs reflecting back at me from all directions. So unnerving. I definitely need to get more comfortable with running alone at night out here.

Anyway, after the run I grabbed some beer and donuts and drove up to the top of Rabbit Ears pass. It was a cool aid station, up above 9,500 but with a parking lot (it was near a campground) so lots of crowd support. In addition to the great atmosphere I got to see Arnolfo Quimare come running through. I even gave his crew chief a bottle of Coke for his own little aid station he had set up for him. He was in 2nd place when I saw him but dropped back to 8th by the finish. Here are a few pictures of it:

(this dude drove out of the woods and crossed the course with this chopped up elk in his bed)

It was a fun group working too. They brought a ton of beer and started drinking at 8:30. At altitude haha. Kept things interesting.

#7290631 - 09/16/13 10:37 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: 2000SiRacer]
Sir Ironpool Offline
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Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 71803
Loc: Long Beach, CA
No Timmy Olson pics? Total fail!

#7291345 - 09/17/13 10:38 AM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Sir Ironpool]
2000SiRacer Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 04/19/02
Posts: 42801
Loc: Colorado
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
No Timmy Olson pics? Total fail!

Because 50 miler aid station

The 100 started at noon on Friday and I was working all day.

But did I ever tell you guys about meeting Timmy's wife's cousin? Super small world, met her at a noodle shop in Saigon and she says "oh yeah, my cousin is married to a guy who runs those. Super cool dude. Maybe you've heard of him - his name is Tim and he won Western States this year" haha

Here we are on New Year's Eve spreading some good cheer!


#7291374 - 09/17/13 10:49 AM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Sir Ironpool]
Ampsman in Extremis Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 04/10/00
Posts: 15463
Loc: San Jose, Ca, USA
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
Dude...awesome report. It's pretty amazing how you have those mental battles along the way, feeling super low then bam...on top of the world. Sounds like hooking up with that other guy was your saving grace. That happened to me on the run at the Louisville Ironman. I was hurting bad, then ended up running and chatting with another guy and the next thing I know we've put away 6 miles.

So we're you saying maybe, or hell no about another race at the finish? \:D
You're at least putting infor the WS lottery, right?

The first thing I told my wife when I finished was I'm never doing that again.
I'm totally putting in for western though, thats one of the reasons I did this race. I know its a super long shot but might as well go for it. I'm thinking about actually going up there for the drawing because they have a bonus drawing if you are present for the drawing.

Paki: 3:36

#7291984 - 09/17/13 03:42 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Ampsman in Extremis]
Sir Ironpool Offline
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Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 71803
Loc: Long Beach, CA
Yep. That's how my buddy Joe (the guy I paced) got in...he was the last wild card handed out.

Good news: Quad Dipsea is way shorter than 50 miles. \:D

Edited by Mrs. Ironmom (09/17/13 03:44 PM)

#7292028 - 09/17/13 04:04 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Sir Ironpool]
Ampsman in Extremis Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 04/10/00
Posts: 15463
Loc: San Jose, Ca, USA
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
Yep. That's how my buddy Joe (the guy I paced) got in...he was the last wild card handed out.

Good news: Quad Dipsea is way shorter than 50 miles. \:D

But the same elevation gain as the 50.

Paki: 3:36

#7292309 - 09/17/13 07:13 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Ampsman in Extremis]
Sir Ironpool Offline
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Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 71803
Loc: Long Beach, CA
But there's stairs! That's like an escalator, right?

#7299125 - 09/21/13 02:05 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Sir Ironpool]

50% chance of snow for my race tomorrow.
#7299297 - 09/21/13 05:57 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: ]
Sir Ironpool Offline
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Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 71803
Loc: Long Beach, CA
 Originally Posted By: dirtyS13drifta
50% chance of snow for my race tomorrow.

It's snowing outside my window right now at Squaw. Gun goes off at 6:45 tomorrow morning.

#7299305 - 09/21/13 06:04 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Sir Ironpool]
lessthanmike Offline
Major Member

Registered: 09/01/03
Posts: 1486
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio
My buddy is racing in Tahoe tomorrow, and just posted the forcast.

I hope you brought your wettie for the swim and maybe the bike. LOL

NOHC--D, Because she knows I couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a handful of pardons.

#7299338 - 09/21/13 06:43 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: lessthanmike]
Sir Ironpool Offline
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Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 71803
Loc: Long Beach, CA should see my T1 bag:

2 pairs of gloves
Tri shorts and top
Knee length compression socks
Arm warmers
Toe covers
Long sleeve thermal jersey
3/4 length tights
Helmet liner beanie
Neck warmer.

Shit was bursting at the seams.

#7299503 - 09/21/13 11:00 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Sir Ironpool]
Ampsman in Extremis Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 04/10/00
Posts: 15463
Loc: San Jose, Ca, USA
I'm turning up the heater in my house a couple extra degrees tonight in memory or mr. mom.
Goodnight sweet prince. \:\(

Paki: 3:36

#7300196 - 09/22/13 05:10 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Ampsman in Extremis]

High alpine half was outstanding. Beautiful terrain, nice snowy weather, sunshine at the finish. Finishers kegs of local Bend beer, and catered Mexican. Super cool event.
First trail 1/2 in the bag. 2:15
not bad for like 5 training runs

Already thinking about the 50k

#7306413 - 09/25/13 09:02 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: ]
lessthanmike Offline
Major Member

Registered: 09/01/03
Posts: 1486
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio
I got peer pressured by a couple of friends and signed up for my first 50k yesterday. The course is part of my regular bike training routes, so I know what to expect, just never thought I'd run it.

It's not until early March so it looks like a lot of treadmill training in the Cleveland winter.

Here's the elevation graph

NOHC--D, Because she knows I couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a handful of pardons.

#7306431 - 09/25/13 09:10 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: lessthanmike]
Sir Ironpool Offline
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Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 71803
Loc: Long Beach, CA
Hell yeah. You're gonna love it man.

#7309193 - 09/27/13 10:50 AM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: lessthanmike]
2000SiRacer Offline
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Registered: 04/19/02
Posts: 42801
Loc: Colorado
 Originally Posted By: lessthanmike
I got peer pressured by a couple of friends and signed up for my first 50k yesterday. The course is part of my regular bike training routes, so I know what to expect, just never thought I'd run it.

It's not until early March so it looks like a lot of treadmill training in the Cleveland winter.

Here's the elevation graph

That's awesome, man!! March in Ohio isn't exactly fantastic weather so make sure you log some hours out in the elements this winter! And keep us posted here, I love love love following training logs leading up to a big race and then reading the report. Gets me emotionally invested I suppose

I just read something yesterday about the illustrious Matt Carpenter's treadmill - he has a $10,000 220v unit with 3 motors capable of 3:20 miles @ 27% grade

and re: the elevation profile; what dat Y-axis do?

I've run races with elevation profiles reminiscent of seismographs but upon closer inspection the entire scale is something like 80 vertical feet

#7309648 - 09/27/13 01:58 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: 2000SiRacer]
Sir Ironpool Offline
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Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 71803
Loc: Long Beach, CA
Well, 4 days of recovery and I as able to run an easy 4 miles today. No soreness at all...just some overall fatigue.

#7309960 - 09/27/13 04:38 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Sir Ironpool]
Design Offline
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Registered: 12/11/02
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Loc: The OC
Congrats guys on some great mileage. Hit my goal this week and put away 25 miles. Squeezed out 13.1 in 2:07 on the treadmill lol. Not expecting to break 2 hrs at Long Beach but we'll be happy just beating my previous time.
09 CWP MS3
01 Echo 5MT
00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics
89 Camaro - Sold
CSI. What's your diversion?

#7310843 - 09/28/13 02:42 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Design]
2000SiRacer Offline
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Registered: 04/19/02
Posts: 42801
Loc: Colorado

How many people do you recognize in this picture??

Crazy weekend so far - this was my drive down to Breckenridge after work yesterday:

Warning, Spoiler:

And then it was a whopping 18* in Breck when we woke up to get down to the start. I guess that's what being at 9,600' will do for you

The start was awesome too - just walking around (the surprisingly small) crowd at the start I saw:

Kilian Jornet
Dakota Jones
Emelie Forsberg
Geoff Roes
Sage Canaday
Rob Krar
Tony Krupicka
Joe Grant
Cassie Scallon
Michael Wardian

And I'm sure a handful of other elite guys and gals I didn't even recognize. This has to be the most stacked field for any race I've followed in the past few years. I didn't get any great photos of these groups because I felt super awkward being that guy who's like "hey, can I take your picture?" so I didn't haha but that's OK.

I'm now posted up at a coffee shop in Vail waiting for the front runners to come through the finish. The light was pretty rough at the start so I'm hoping to get some better photos at the finish. Stay tuned!

Edited by 2000SiRacer (09/30/13 08:15 AM)

#7312702 - 09/30/13 08:15 AM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: 2000SiRacer]
2000SiRacer Offline
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Registered: 04/19/02
Posts: 42801
Loc: Colorado
The rest of UROC was a blast - I hung out taking pictures at the finish area for a good four hours or so. During that time I got some great shots and met some really interesting people. One of my photos from the start in Breckenridge was published on iRunFar as well as the local Vail newspaper (The Summit Daily) - so that's cool.

I don't have a lot of time right now so here are the pictures without commentary:

Warning, Spoiler:

(big game of where's waldo)


#7313078 - 09/30/13 11:46 AM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: 2000SiRacer]
Ampsman in Extremis Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 04/10/00
Posts: 15463
Loc: San Jose, Ca, USA
Awesome pics man! So jealous!
I have to say I'm a huge Rickey Gates fan, guy is such a beast. Did you see the vid about him running mount marathon this year?

What was the buzz about Kilan post race? I heard alot of talk that he didnt seem to take the race seriously and kinda was acting like a douche.

Paki: 3:36

#7313081 - 09/30/13 11:48 AM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Ampsman in Extremis]
Ampsman in Extremis Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 04/10/00
Posts: 15463
Loc: San Jose, Ca, USA
Oh and where the pics of stephanie howe?

Paki: 3:36

#7313441 - 09/30/13 03:07 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Ampsman in Extremis]
2000SiRacer Offline
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Registered: 04/19/02
Posts: 42801
Loc: Colorado
 Originally Posted By: ampsman
Awesome pics man! So jealous!
I have to say I'm a huge Rickey Gates fan, guy is such a beast. Did you see the vid about him running mount marathon this year?

What was the buzz about Kilan post race? I heard alot of talk that he didnt seem to take the race seriously and kinda was acting like a douche.

Rickey Gates was awesome! He started hurting towards the end of the race and we were getting reports of him walking into aid stations and asking for beer

As for Kilian, I think it's ridiculous the sort of flack he's getting. I have no doubt he made an offhand comment or two to spectators along the road section of the course, but when he crossed the finish line and was talking to people with cameras he was very positive about the race, his fellow runners and the RDs. I think it was clear that he was only there to notch enough points for the Skyrunner series win and nobody there seemed to hold that against him. Everyone was too stoked on the Dakota/Krar battle to really care that Kilian fell off the back (and again, reports of him walking through aid stations later in the day).

He's made some comments this year (Pike's Peak is a flat race, 80% effort in races, etc) that have made me raise an eyebrow but he came across as a very friendly guy. I only talked to him for a minute but he seemed happy to take pictures with folks at the start and stick around chatting after the finish. All this nitpicking and analyzing of things he may have said 40 miles into a race while grunting up a mountain is typical internet ridiculousness in my opinion.

Here's another of my favorite photos of the day:

Me: Hey, pretend you're running across the line for an official iRF finish photo
Bryon: *sticks beer back into front of pack* like this?

Oh, and Stephanie Howe finished too late! I barely had enough light for Emelie's finish and at the point I was cold and tired and still had a couple hours of driving ahead of me.

#7313565 - 09/30/13 04:09 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: 2000SiRacer]
Sir Ironpool Offline
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Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 71803
Loc: Long Beach, CA
Great pics! I became a HUGE Rob Krar fan after seeing his performance at States, and then various interviews I hear where he talked about setting the FKT for the R2R2R. Dude just seems like a really nice, total badass.

I signed up for my first 50 miler this morning, American River 50 in April. Its a long ways off, but I got a busy race schedule before then.

#7313751 - 09/30/13 06:03 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Sir Ironpool]
2000SiRacer Offline
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Registered: 04/19/02
Posts: 42801
Loc: Colorado
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
Great pics! I became a HUGE Rob Krar fan after seeing his performance at States, and then various interviews I hear where he talked about setting the FKT for the R2R2R. Dude just seems like a really nice, total badass.

I signed up for my first 50 miler this morning, American River 50 in April. Its a long ways off, but I got a busy race schedule before then.

Thanks! And your Krar assessment is spot on - he's such a nice guy, even in a sport full of genuinely nice folks he stands out. His wife is also a really friendly badass in her own right - she ran Wasatch Front this year as her first 100 miler

I'm super excited that you've signed up for American River!! What's your busy race schedule before then? Usually an ultra in April is way early in the season.

PS I'm going to *try* to lay down a respectable time at JFK so you'll have a CSi competitive target to aim for at AR50

#7313854 - 09/30/13 07:15 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: 2000SiRacer]
Sir Ironpool Offline
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Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 71803
Loc: Long Beach, CA
Haha...I like ultras right now as I'm so new to them I can go into the race with zero expectations....other than to not get lapped by Ampsman. \:D

My schedule so far:

Oct 19th: Seal Beach Sprint Tri (have to defend my AG win from last year, lol small field)

Nov 9th: Bootlegger 50k (Bootleg Canyon in Boulder City NV)

Nov 23rd: Quad Dipsea (Mill Valley, CA)

March 8th: Way Too Cool 50k

April 5th: American River 50 miler.

I'll probably do some 10k races in December and January too.

#7315480 - 10/01/13 04:56 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Sir Ironpool]
Ampsman in Extremis Offline
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Registered: 04/10/00
Posts: 15463
Loc: San Jose, Ca, USA
Nice! I had been thinking about doing the American River, but think I am going to try and get into Lake Sonoma the weekend after. Its usually pretty stacked and I want to see all the ultra celebs! \:D
When does reg open for way too cool? I definitely want to try and get into that one.

Paki: 3:36

#7315577 - 10/01/13 05:56 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Ampsman in Extremis]
Sir Ironpool Offline
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Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 71803
Loc: Long Beach, CA
I havent seen anything published about when the lottery opens. I seem to remember it being october/november last year though. Sonoma would be an awesome race to do, but my parents and brother live very close and I paced my brother there 2 years ago and knew I wanted to do it.

Looks like they've done away with the first half on pavement this year too, which should be nice.

#7315625 - 10/01/13 06:20 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: Ampsman in Extremis]
2000SiRacer Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 04/19/02
Posts: 42801
Loc: Colorado
Stacked schedule for sure, mom! You'll be a finely tuned running machine by the time American River comes around. What was the big(?) course change for AR in 2014? I saw something mentioned about a course re-route but didn't follow the link to read up on it.

And I didn't know you were an ultra celeb groupie, Ampsman! Sonoma will be perfect for you

If you scroll through Rickey Gates' photos from Leadville this year you'll see he snapped a pic of "Tony Krupicka" making a guest appearance

Same guy was hanging around the UROC finish this weekend. I asked Bryon if he knew anything about the guy but he didn't. I did a double take when I saw him on the street in Leadville - he even dresses like Anton! Anyway, watch out for dopppelganger celebs at Sonoma next year

#7315742 - 10/01/13 07:25 PM Re: Running/Cardio Thread [Re: 2000SiRacer]
lessthanmike Offline
Major Member

Registered: 09/01/03
Posts: 1486
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio
What kind of training plans are you guys using for the 50k's...I've looked a bunch up and they all are different.

NOHC--D, Because she knows I couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a handful of pardons.

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