#4089132 - 09/17/09 11:48 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
did my own modified crossfit style workout today..
5 rounds for time of..
20 Pullups (strict) 30 Pushups 40 Situps
Rest 3 minutes after each round
Hit 18 pullups on the first set, a PR. The pushup portion was too easy so I tacked on 50 more at the end.
Tomorrow's workout at the local box looks pretty tedious. Warmup of 50 double-unders, WOD is 100 burpee broad jumps
#4089950 - 09/18/09 10:16 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Why not just do Barbara? Almost the same thing, just with squats thrown in 
I am still awful at double unders. Have fun with those burpees, lol. One time I did the 100 burpees for time workout, worst ten minutes evAr.
#4090066 - 09/18/09 10:43 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
im not at the point yet where i can do similar things on consecutive days. like a few days ago at the box, it was heavy squats 3-3-3-3-3, then the next day was the 300 workout. my ass would have been too sore to do the deadlifts.
i've gotten a lot better at double unders, but i still have to do 1 or 2 singles inbetween each DU. its all timing though, once you get it down you barely have to jump any higher than you do for a single jump so its not as exhausting
#4092855 - 09/19/09 03:51 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
im not at the point yet where i can do similar things on consecutive days. like a few days ago at the box, it was heavy squats 3-3-3-3-3, then the next day was the 300 workout. my ass would have been too sore to do the deadlifts. Stuff like that is why I don't trust affiliate programming as much as the main site's. The main site doesn't do stuff like that; it's almost always spread out in a manner to where you're not doing similar stuff one day to the next for each three day cycle. Sometimes there is added emphasis on a particular part of your body, but nothing that most people couldn't handle. Doing heavy squats and then the 300 workout the very next day just smacks of poorly thought out programming to me. It's sloppy.
#4092902 - 09/19/09 04:13 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
i think the affiliates might be afraid people wont feel they're getting their money's worth if the workouts are the 'free' ones from the main site.
yesterday i did..
tabata intervals of: push press deadlifts
then 50 burpee broad jumps
today i did the box workout, which was 40-30-20-10 of: - walking lunges (10kg overhead) - air squats - calories on rowing machine i had to hold onto the railing walking down stairs after this one
#4096396 - 09/21/09 07:54 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
i think the affiliates might be afraid people wont feel they're getting their money's worth if the workouts are the 'free' ones from the main site. Yeah, but almost all the affiliates post their workouts publicly. It's part of the open-source nature of Crossfit. You're paying for the training, not the programming. I think most people just don't realize that HQ programming is better. But that is just my opinion.
I did GHD situps/back extensions on Friday and my core is still sore. It hurts to sneeze!
#4097491 - 09/21/09 01:10 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
this what you did? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxGYLxIYxRg
i'll have to check and see if the box has that
yesterday, did Annie for the 2nd time, first time was a month ago. Think my time then was 13:25, this time it was 11:50, so double unders getting much easier. i got the first set of 50 unbroken with a single hop between each one
#4103753 - 09/23/09 12:07 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: lunchbox]
Andrew Mitchell
Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Nice dude, good to hear you're enjoying it. You've made it this far, you're hooked. Hold on, it just keeps getting better. Not easier. Just better.
As for todays wod, we did:
box jump burpees..... sit ups 20......................... 5 15......................... 10 10......................... 15 5......................... 20
did that in 4:50, it was a mind fuck big time. Your body just says, no more half way through, and fighting through that was tough. It doesn't sound bad, but it was.
Oh and we did "daniel" yesterday. My time was 20 seconds slower than when I did it a month ago, which i'm chalking up to horrible wedding diet/gf's family visit diet/ and too much beer. I also wasn't completely there mentally. Still eeeked out a 20:51, which isn't horrible...i guess
I signed up for my first competition for october 10th. The mens standard weights are 135 and 155. I was thinking about doing the scaled weights which are 95 and 105, but i never scale at my affiliate, so why do it for the comp..Who knows what movements those will be for. My guess is thrusters at 135, 155 might be hanging power cleans, or squat cleans, maybe clean and jerk, there's a small chance 135 might be overhead squats, i fucking hope not. I'm stoked for the comp though!! WOO!
#4110348 - 09/24/09 09:05 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell
Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Did Fran today for the 2nd time. Last time was 2 months into starting CrossFit and it was an embarrassing 12:45 of suck. Today was 3 months after that first attempt and I did it in 4:51. I'm fucking stoaked with that time!
Yeah I'm looking forward to the comp. We're also doing a small in-house comp the weekend before with some prizes and stuff, nothing crazy, so that will be a nice prep.
The comp is basically all the affiliates in Houston, 80 participants. Only the top 10 make it to the 2nd WOD. It's a $30 fee to participate, so there's a nice little prize for 1st-3rd place in the 4 different categories. Men's RXd and scaled and Women's RXd and scaled. Here is the link to the affiliate hosting the comp. http://www.crossfitchampions.com/archives/1937
#4111328 - 09/25/09 08:18 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: lunchbox]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
When I started I was out of shape and had gotten up to around 185, which is kinda chunky for my frame since I am 5'10". Now I'm back down to 165 and fairly jacked for my frame (which isn't really saying much, but I have never been a big dude.)
Initially I lost a lot of fat and gained muscle at the same time so there wasn't a lot of movement on the scale. I've gradually gotten leaner and leaner (because I was watching what I ate too) but now I am at the point where I am going to start making sacrifices if I want to get that six pack.
#4114488 - 09/26/09 09:40 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: lunchbox]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
on the way to do the same one..
#4116454 - 09/27/09 07:52 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Andrew Mitchell
Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
#4120522 - 09/28/09 08:14 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Silock]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
today's box wod...
deadlifts 5 sets / 3 reps. worked up to 200, dont know how many reps i could have done but well over 3. didn't want to do too much since that's still the most i've ever tried. 300 for 3 reps is probably where i should be right now.
WOD was 30 thrusters / 40 pullups / 50 double unders. did 67# thrusters and strict pullups, finished in 6:49
#4120539 - 09/28/09 08:20 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Silock]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
I'm going to try and do a couple of these per week in the offseason. I've just got to talk to the local Crossfit gym and see if they have any reasonable plans. I'm already paying $20/mo for my other gym, and I don't want to give up the things it offers.
i'm already paying $100/mo for my regular gym membership, so i didn't have any sticker shock when i saw the crossfit rates. i had never gotten any training to do deadlifts, cleans, or any other olympic lifts. the regular gym would charge $60/hour for trainers and they probably wouldn't do most of those lifts. when you go into crossfit, for any strength training you have someone watching your form and spotting. fortunately, i've only received good advice so far although i am weary of their low requirements to become certified. they also help motivate you to push yourself in the workouts. i'm paying an intro rate which got me 3 foundations classes + 6 months unlimited for $550. Going everyday, that's $3 per session which average about 30 minutes. It's a bargain really
#4122195 - 09/29/09 11:30 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Well I guess I'll find out firsthand about people's criticisms of the certification process, since I just signed up for a Level I seminar in Atlanta for February. It's a fucking shitload of money, but I'll be able to be a trainer at my gym and at the very least work enough to where it will pay for my membership fees. Plus I've always wanted a side job and I think this is something I will be good at.
#4122230 - 09/29/09 11:39 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell
Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Nice! There is always differing stories of the certs. About 6 or 7 people at my gym went and they all had positive stuff to say, I don't know how much it helped their knowledge because I'm not sure how much they knew prior, but they all seem to be pretty good coaches now.. I'm going the first week in Nov. to a L1 in Dallas, and then my gym is hosting a kettle bell cert in Dec. that I'm going to attend.
Did you participate in Fight Gone Bad this weekend? Our gym raised about $6k which isn't bad for it being their first year to participate as an affiliate I think.
I realized yesterday how weak my core/abs are when we did a workout with squat cleans and sit ups, and it took me a good amount longer than someone I've been beating consistently, and it wasn't because of the squat cleans. I just get that awful muscle burn and it's almost impossible to breathe cause my stomach is so tight and sore during the damn sit ups that I need to stop...
#4125402 - 09/30/09 11:46 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell
Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
No I'm actually just talking about ab mat sit ups haha, the coach at our gym doesn't want people going crazy on the GHD until they're capable of doing so without giving themselves rhabdo, so he has it put away for a while I guess...
Yesterday we did "Angie" because our abs didn't get enough from the day before or anything!!
100 pull ups 100 push ups 100 sit ups 100 air squats
The abs again were the worst part of this, fuckin weak core! It took me 20:54 to finish, and I probably spent the majority of that on sit ups. Only had one callus rip too, on my pinkie which is sort of strange but I've ripped there a few times on my right hand, so I gotta figure out what I'm doing wrong there. I probably did 25-30/100 pull ups butterfly instead of regular kip. I just need to work on the rhythm of those, sometimes i nail it, other times I'm way off and i just flounder around on the pull up bar.
#4125452 - 09/30/09 12:12 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Andrew Mitchell]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Yeah, the first time I did GHDs I overdid them and had difficulty standing for a solid week. It was pretty bad. You definitely have to work up to using it, especially since whenever they post a workout involving them it usually entails around 150.
I did Angie on Monday. This is one that's really easy to underestimate, my arms turned into putty on the pushup part. Situps were ok but not as fast as I would have liked. Took me 24 minutes and change though, so I guess slow by your standards
I did Helen this morning in 12:19 rx, beat my previous PR by 3 minutes. I was so close to getting sub 12 but my grip just couldn't handle the last round of pullups.
#4126776 - 09/30/09 08:51 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
how long did it take you guys to get good at overhead squats? gotta be the hardest movement for me right now. i have flexibility issues at the bottom of the squat, and have trouble keeping my elbows locked or preventing the bar from coming forward. i'm just doing the bar right now. feels like there are muscles in my mid-back that im working for the first time ever
#4127600 - 10/01/09 07:32 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
I learned with a PVC pipe, might be a little easier for you than a bar. I think it's mostly just a matter of remembering to stay on your heels and stick your ass out. Also when you are locked out you want to be actively pulling on either side of the bar like you're trying to pull it apart, as well shrug your shoulders to the top (as in trying to get your traps to your ears). Doing them even a little incorrectly can do all sorts of weird things, for instance my fingers on my left hand always have the pins and needles if I do a lot of them. And be careful too, you can really hurt your rotator cuff.
They're definitely hard, but once you figure them out you've also pretty much figured out the snatch.
#4131642 - 10/02/09 01:26 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: lunchbox]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
^ same, that helps. it really is tiring on my traps which i thought were plenty strong. also i wasn't using a wide enough grip
today's WOD was Elizabeth, 21-15-9 of power cleans (135/95#) and ring dips. first time doing power cleans, i used the girl weight. did the clean sets unbroken, got 20/21 on the first set of dips, so close. finished in 7:29
#4132292 - 10/02/09 05:54 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell
Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Haha hardly slow by my standards, hell i'm just starting to break into decent times!
OHS is tough, and like NateD said, just be sure to keep your shoulders shrugged, I like to think, ear muffs or active shoulders. As far as staying on your heels and keeping your knees tracking behind your toes, best thing is to think of is a string pulling your hips back and down vs. just squatting. These are things that have helped me and some ques that i've seen work that my coach uses.
#4136801 - 10/05/09 07:10 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Andrew Mitchell]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Speaking of tough exercises, anyone done the 30 muscle up workout yet? I've been waiting for that one to be posted ever since I learned how to do them. I was slow as shit but I finished, 23:57.
Pretty proud of that, since muscle ups are something that the vast majority of people can't do.
#4137138 - 10/05/09 10:03 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell
Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
That's fucking awesome bro, the muscle up has been very elusive for me. Does it shred your shoulders pretty bad? I can do pull ups on the rings, and ring dips no problem, but I haven't been able to get the transition, I also haven't had rings to practice on since our affiliate has been having some issues with the city and had to move back to the 1st location until its cleared up, low ceilings = no muscle ups...
I'm confident that given some time to practice and learn the transition I could do them though.
Again, fuckin' awesome job!
#4137201 - 10/05/09 10:25 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Andrew Mitchell]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Yeah, sounds like you just need to practice. Once I was pumping out ring dips I knew I was ready, just had to learn it. You just gotta make sure your false grip is good, cause when I was first learning I would start with a false grip and then lose it.
The transition part is definitely the toughest. I failed on a few reps this morning cause I didn't keep my arms tucked close to my body: if they're not right next to your waist then you're finished. The thing that really made it click for me was realizing that you're really just trying to go "through the window" rather than up. That, and a lot of jumping muscle ups. Jumping muscle ups will help you learn the transition of turning your hands around once you get above the rings. Once you can do those easily, it's really just a matter of time and practice.
edit: Nothing really feels shredded right now but I guess I'll find out later if I get sore
Edited by NateD Z24 (10/05/09 10:27 AM)
Moderator: Silock, Professor Paki
[ Rex B16]
everything but needles and poor people shit like meth
[ awful_david]
If it wouldn’t destroy my life I’d use some meth every now and again
[ awful_david]
If you could have the effects without the negatives it would be the best drug ever
[ randomosity]
well david, you're in luck. I heard it's Elon's latest venture.
[ BobBarker]
i like to wrap my friends in plastic and beat them with a stick
[ BobBarker]
coke n weed probably be alright for me. Couple shrooms here and there
[ Rex B16]
do you do the coke and weed at the same time?
[ TexasSI]
Kinda wanna go see Eric Prydz in Austin on Sat. Am i too old lol?
[ Rex B16]
[ Rex B16]
everybody put down your glasses