#4328972 - 12/11/09 11:00 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 11/28/09
Posts: 8385
Loc: NY
You're right dude, I thought to myself, maybe I should do this with 135? since I can rep that over my head pretty rapidly without "thrusting"
no. Wrong answer. 95# was fine. the thrusting doesn't exactly help, kind of makes it harder you get more tired, bloods going to your legs and not your arms etc etc
#4329075 - 12/11/09 11:19 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: fART dUST]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
They actually do have "heavy fran" variants of the workout but I've never tried them. Crossfit ought to have the motto of "harder than it looks" because whenever I think a workout is easy I usually end up getting destroyed. Fran is definitely one of those workouts, because on paper 95lbs doesn't seem like much. But doing a full body movement like thrusters (especially that many) will wear anyone's ass out. It's almost scary how brutally effective it is.
Fuck, now I want to go to the gym.
#4329095 - 12/11/09 11:22 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 06/05/05
Posts: 5330
Loc: Brooklyn, NY
Hell yeah dude, 7 minutes is a really good time especially for someone who doesn't do Crossfit. I did it in 6:30 and I had been doing CF for like 8 months. If you follow it for a few months, you'll be a monster. Once your body gets used to the intense style of training, you'll make gains like mad. Especially with all the olympic lifting. I think I may start doing crossfit for awhile. I don't want you guys to be all beating me and shit  I don't know if anyone else even reads this thread anymore, but I challenge any other CSi meathead to do this workout and post the time. Silock and wolfsburg, I'm looking at you. You really don't know what you're missing and how hard it is until you actually do it.
what workout?
#4329096 - 12/11/09 11:22 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 11/28/09
Posts: 8385
Loc: NY
I just need now to find the balance between straight stength training, my cardio and crossfit.
#4329099 - 12/11/09 11:23 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: toothy]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 11/28/09
Posts: 8385
Loc: NY
nobdy considers you a meathead
#4329158 - 12/11/09 11:33 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: toothy]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
i'm no longer interested in being a member at a gym where you're not allowed to drop the weights
#4329226 - 12/11/09 11:49 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: fART dUST]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
It's called Fran. 21-15-9 reps of 95# thrusters and pullups. So as antness explained it goes like this:
21 thrusters 21 pullups 15 thrusters 15 pullups 9 thrusters 9 pullups
The workout, as almost all CF workouts, is supposed to be done as fast possible. If you've never done thrusters before, it's a full front squat and push press all in one - you come up from the squat and explode into a push press. You can watch an example video of it here or look at the video I posted of the girl doing Fran a few posts back.
I just need now to find the balance between straight stength training, my cardio and crossfit. Honestly, if you're doing CF enough, you don't need regular old cardio anymore unless you just like it in its own right. The intensity will strip fat off of you. And quite a few workouts involve multiple 400m or even 800m runs (or rows). Hell sometimes a 5k or 10k run is even posted on the main site. And the variety of training prepares you for it too - I can run a mile way faster than I ever could before I started crossfit. The only time I have ever run farther than 3 miles at once was when they posted a 10k run over the summer, so I did it. I finished in an hour, which I was really proud of considering I had never even attempted to do that distance in my entire life. And there are people out there who have actually run marathons using only Crossfit as their training, and they've done well. I recently read about someone who did well at an ultramarathon by using only the programming on Crossfit Endurance, which is a variant of Crossfit for people who like to do those types of things.
The strength training is a good question though and it's something I have kinda gone back and forth about. A lot of people will do something like a 5x5 of a compound lift and then do a CF workout afterwards. And there are strength training days with the actual workout, so once or twice a week they will post a 3-3-3-3 of deadlifts or the like. And like it is with the cardio, you will probably get enough strength training with the WODs to make gains if your gym's programming is good (or if they follow the main site). It really depends on your goals though.
I will say that for me personally, I have done the 3 days on/1 day off routine with the WODs almost since I started CF and I have had great results. I look better and am leaner and stronger than I ever was when I was just doing regular type workouts. I mean shit my chest actually filled out and I hardly ever bench, and I can actually bench more now than when I did it on a regular basis.
Since you're already really strong as you are now, you'll have a huge leg up on others like me who came into it not being all that in shape or strong. I would suggest that you try just CF for 6 to 8 weeks and see how you feel after. Plus if you really get into it, they're going to be having sectional qualifiers for the Crossfit Games in the spring. Since you're competitive and have extra energy to burn, it's something you may want to consider.
#4329245 - 12/11/09 11:56 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 11/28/09
Posts: 8385
Loc: NY
I don't think I'd ever attempt to lift before doing CF. I mean, I always incorporated it, or at least it's premise somehow. heavy deads followed by box jumps will kick your ass all day.
I think I'll try to do cross fit more than my normal lifting but still have set days to get my heavy squats, heavy deads and heavy bench in. Well, now that I think about it, I could probably incorporate that after a CF workout, depending of course on what CF workout I'm doing.
Edited by StateOfTheArt (12/11/09 11:57 AM)
#4329320 - 12/11/09 12:13 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: fART dUST]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
I don't think I'd ever attempt to lift before doing CF. I mean, I always incorporated it, or at least it's premise somehow. heavy deads followed by box jumps will kick your ass all day. Indeed. But that's the point. Doing stuff like that really seems to take your body to the next level. But it's funny how a lot of us have incorporated CF type concepts without realizing it, or at least I used to. I recall one workout that was 21-15-9 rounds of 225lb deadlift, and 800m runs. A lot of workouts are somewhat targeted in one way or another. Some are pullup-centric, others are leg centric. And speaking of heavy deads, you'd probably like the "Linda" workout, fondly otherwise known as the three bars of death: Deadlift 1 1/2 bodyweight Bench BW Clean 3/4 BW For reps of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. It's fucking awful. But, there's people out there that can do it in less than 20 minutes.
And then there are also workouts that are entirely bodyweight based, that you could do after a strength workout. They'll involve pushups, situps, running, rowing, body squats, etc. IMO those are probably the best to do after the 5x5 stuff, cause you get in some cardio.
I think I'll try to do cross fit more than my normal lifting but still have set days to get my heavy squats, heavy deads and heavy bench in. Well, now that I think about it, I could probably incorporate that after a CF workout, depending of course on what CF workout I'm doing. Probably not a bad way to start, just as long as you attack each CF workout with full intensity and not say something like, "well I planned to do back squats tomorrow, I won't do this one as hard." It's the beauty of not knowing what the workout is going to be from day to day, because you'll go balls out and not worry about whether you're going to have to do a similar movement on the next day. And if you do have to do something similar, then you suck it up and do it and feel really good afterwards that you did. 
If you've never looked before, you should check out the Crossfit FAQ.
#4329625 - 12/11/09 01:10 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: toothy]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
The goal for most Crossfitters is to be able to engage in any pretty much any type of athletic activity and be competent at it. For instance powerlifters are good at lifting heavy things but only once, they couldn't go out and run. Marathoners are good at running long distances but can't lift weights. They're specialized for what they do. Kinda like a dude who has a huge bench but gets out of breath from going up a few flights of stairs. Crossfit really appealed to me since I'm not that great at sports, and it's a great and fun way for me to stay in shape at a time when all my married friends are getting fat. I've been lifting weights since I was a junior in high school and I'm now 27, I was really burned out on the regular stuff. This stuff is an actual lifestyle for me, and I'm really glad I found out about it. So I guess my goals are to get faster, stronger, and leaner. All of which have been happening spectacularly so far.
A lot of Crossfitters are really lean but also very built. There's not really anyone that look like bodybuilders but they're all really jacked. Don't let all the running and bodyweight exercises fool you, they will put muscle on you for sure. There's quite a bit of olympic lifting as well, which is really good for you and produces an anabolic response. Plus the whole lack of isolation for muscle groups is really beneficial so when you get bigger you get bigger proportionally.
So, in short, you should try it. 
edit: A good example of an ectomorph at the 2008/2009 games would be Chris Spealler. Dude is 5'5 and 139 lbs but he's a monster.
Edited by NateD Z24 (12/11/09 01:14 PM)
#4329706 - 12/11/09 01:24 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Jr Poster
Registered: 12/11/09
Posts: 132
I'm none too worried about losing weight, I'll just eat more food
#4330005 - 12/11/09 02:28 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Arttvandelay]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
CF is weird. first time i did cindy, my chest got really sore from nothing but sets of 10 pushups. second time i did it...nothing, wasnt sore anywhere. 3rd time, now im sore everywhere again.
next time i do fran im going to try going up to 95#
#4336232 - 12/14/09 01:19 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: toothy]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
that's not bad. 7 minutes is about an average time for people with some CrossFit experience.
From what I have seen there are 2 things that will cut your time in half and it's mostly technique not strength
- Using your hips/legs to generate the upward force on the thrusters, not simply a front squat into a shoulder press. Few people would be able to shoulder press 95# for 45 straight reps which is almost what you'll be doing if you get down to the really fast times.
- Kipping pullups. Just like the thrusters, only freaks can do 45 straight strict pullups.
So really its all in the technique. I can't really do either of the above yet but I'm working on it.
best time at my box is 3:36 and the guy squats like 425# for 5x5. haven't seen his pullups though.
#4336448 - 12/14/09 07:32 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
first WOD today where i tried nothing but kipping pullups. there were 4 rounds of 20. both of my hands tore open
#4336519 - 12/14/09 08:13 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 11/28/09
Posts: 8385
Loc: NY
wait...wait...wait.... Can we put the bar down? like even if its for 10-15 seconds just to rest?
#4336564 - 12/14/09 08:36 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: fART dUST]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
yeah you can put it down. not sure that's worth it though. you'll waste a rep having to clean it back up
#4354898 - 12/19/09 09:36 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: toothy]
Andrew Mitchell
Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Back is still jacked up from some uneven hip issues i was having so I've been scaling some WODs that have power cleans/thrusters/dead lifts.
We did a pretty good one for the arms yesterday.
1000m row 50 pull ups 50 push ups 50 sit ups 50 squats 500m row 25 pull ups 25 push ups 25 sit ups 25 squats
finished in 19:08, did butterfly pull ups the whole time which I'm really happy about finally being able to get them consistently.
Another one we did before my back was messed up which was pretty good was:
5 power cleans (135) 10 k2e 15 push ups 5 rounds
I finished in 5:40, and was fuckin stoaked, but then the next day my back was jacked again...haha
We have a few people that like to not lock out on pull ups or not touch their chest to the ground on push ups and don't lock out at the top of the push up and shave reps too in fact, it's BS, but I guess they're just cheating themselves, it's still a workout, it's not a competition and you aren't winning anything. You want a pat on the back for being first in a workout, awesome, we can do that, but if you need to cheat to get that? come on...anyone else notice those sorts of things?
#4360525 - 12/21/09 12:46 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Andrew Mitchell]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 11/28/09
Posts: 8385
Loc: NY
6:39 on "fran" today
my ass is kicked right now, I'm finishing some abs
#4363468 - 12/22/09 07:18 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: fART dUST]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
From the CrossFit Addicts Anonymous facebook group
It's more than a workout...it's a way of life. So how do you know if you've drank a little too much of the Kool-Aid?
1. You tell your girlfriend that you spent your morning with Fran, Cindy, or Helen, and she's not mad 2. You refuse to eat out any more, because there are no Zone-friendly restaurants 3. You have left a sweat angel on the floor of your gym 4. You are on your last warning for violating your globo-gym's "no oly lifts" policy 5. "So I think I dig this chick." "What! How can you say that? You don't even know what her Fran time is!" 6. You wake up after a night at the tavern, and your pockets are full of napkins with WOD that you made up in a drunken stupor ("10,000 kettlebell swings....underwater!") 7. You've power-cleaned your SO 8. People give you a lot of room at your gym 9. You understand the meaning of "stomp for power" 10. If you didn't puke, you didn't go hard enough 11. You feel sorry for people who read Muscle and Fitness 12. In your trunk, you have: at least one kettlebell, spare running shoes, a med ball, and rings 13. You know that the phrase "Oh yeah???" is very dangerous in the right context. 14. You talk about Coach, Eva, Brandon, Annie, Greg, etc like they are your best friends 15. Your favorite numbers are 21, 15, and 9 16. You have a lucky t-shirt (or headband if you're April) that you wear on big days out 17. You've banged your head on a ceiling doing pullups 18. You can use the words "snatch" and "jerk" in a sentence and not giggle. 19. You watch affiliate videos while at work/in class 20. You do everything "for time" 21. Except sex, for which you go for max rounds in 20 minutes (I made myself laugh with this one) 22. In the same day, you've broken personal records in deadlifts and sprints 23. You psych yourself up by telling yourself you don't need to breathe for the next few minutes 24. People accuse you of lying when they ask you how you got in such great shape and you respond that it only take 1/2 hour a day.
#4375052 - 12/27/09 01:49 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 11/28/09
Posts: 8385
Loc: NY
Fran again today, 7:09, felt a little shitty this morning. Felt much better after working out though.
#4375071 - 12/27/09 02:03 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: fART dUST]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
you should do like 60 workouts before trying Fran again
#4375081 - 12/27/09 02:13 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 11/28/09
Posts: 8385
Loc: NY
I'm just tossing in a Xfit workout or two into my routine. Aside from that I'm currently bulking and working on getting my strength numbers up.
#4375102 - 12/27/09 02:35 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: fART dUST]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
im probably going to try Erin today since i can do it at home. 5 rounds of 40lb dumbbell split cleans (15 reps), pull-ups (21 reps)
#4380959 - 12/29/09 09:52 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
#4380962 - 12/29/09 09:54 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/23/00
Posts: 60326
Loc: Jayhawk Country
I've done them, but nowhere near that much weight
#4386343 - 01/01/10 01:33 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: toothy]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST

(no homo)
#4386749 - 01/01/10 02:23 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: toothy]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
feel like i made a break through today
did Jackie (1000m row, 50 thrusters 45#, 30 pullups)
wanted to do the whole thing unbroken with a modest 4:00 1K row. didn't happen. 4:07 on the row, then 27 thrusters, break, 40, break, finish. pull-ups, almost but not quite. did 25, grip started to slip, got back and did last 5.
7:56 Rx want to get this one sub-7
#4386753 - 01/01/10 02:26 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
oh shit, i posted Jackie on 8/18. i did that one at a globo gym. and i took a leisurely walk with the timer stopped moving downstairs from the rower to the weights.
8/18 - looks like a tough one, i did "Jackie" a couple days ago
1000m row (4:01) 50 reps 45lb thruster (20, 15, 15 reps) 30 pull-ups (broke it into 4 sets)
I thought it would be easy, but my legs were wobbly after the rowing. probably could have pushed through the thrusters in 1 set but no competition to push me
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