#4148960 - 10/09/09 08:11 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Anyone still out there? What workouts have you done this week?
This morning I doubled up on WODs since I am super anal about posting 5 workouts per week on the whiteboard and I am behind. I did
Thrusters 5x5 95, 95, 115, 135, 155
And then:
400 jump rope skips 50 box jumps 50 ghd situps 50 wall balls 1000m row
20:35. The rowing at the end was miserable.
#4148994 - 10/09/09 08:22 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
Anyone still out there? What workouts have you done this week?
This morning I doubled up on WODs since I am super anal about posting 5 workouts per week on the whiteboard and I am behind. I did
Thrusters 5x5 95, 95, 115, 135, 155
And then:
400 jump rope skips 50 box jumps 50 ghd situps 50 wall balls 1000m row
20:35. The rowing at the end was miserable.
any tips on thrusters? i dont feel i can do anymore than i could shoulder press. the hip movement isn't giving me any help.
at the box, the WODs have been short lately. for the next 6 weeks they're doing a 5x5 strength program followed by a short met con. the box opened 3 months ago and I think they've found the members are lacking in strength. unlike some boxes, most of the members are not weight lifters that switched over to crossfit.
#4149016 - 10/09/09 08:32 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
I think a big part of it is being at the point where you can comfortably hold a heavy barbell on your collar bone while keeping your elbows up. Keeping your elbows up (as in elbows and biceps parallel to the floor) is absolutely essential, because if they are at your side you are just wasting energy. At first it can be painful for your wrists but you will get used to it. That way you can do the front squat correctly and then explode up at the top and make sure your head is in front of your arms/shoulders. You can always work on the two components separately: front squats and push presses.
Good for your box for concentrating on strength work. I think I've adapted pretty well to Crossfit because I have a weightlifting background so a lot of my strength gains may have been easier than other people might find it.
#4150886 - 10/09/09 07:35 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell
Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
I've been taking it easy these past few days in preparation for a CrossFit Competition tomorrow. I worked out mon, tues, wed. Then have taken the past 2 days off.
We just got info about the 1st WOD tomorrow. I'm in the first heat, and I'm not worried about the wod, just wanted to see it done once to get an idea of how long it should take, etc. fuck, well here's what I have in store for me tomorrow at 8am!
run 400m 15 thrusters (135) row 500m 15 cleans (155) jump rope 200 (no double unders) 15 cleans (155) row 500 15 thrusters (135) run 400m
for time...
The top 10 finishers from the 1st WOD, qualify for the 2nd WOD which is later in the day. There is also a team WOD taking place that sounded pretty fun. A few highlights are a buddy carry, 200 dead lifts split between 3 people, some sort of puzzle/problem solving situation. It all looks great!
Any thoughts on how pace for my WOD? Time it should take?
#4150897 - 10/09/09 07:41 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Andrew Mitchell]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
#4151656 - 10/10/09 09:27 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Holy shit that WOD is nuts. I think it really is gonna depend on if those cleans are squat cleans or power cleans. The thrusters will be powerfully shitty after the first run. On something with that many heavy reps I would just focus on actually finishing.
Let us know how it goes, I'm really curious to see results!
#4153207 - 10/11/09 03:24 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
I did my first Fran today!
On the very first rep I managed to hit myself on the nose with the bar. Next rep I started smelling blood. I continued on anyway, and actually got the whole first 21 thrusters unbroken. 
6:35 rx! I'm pretty happy with that for it being my first time.
#4157827 - 10/13/09 08:44 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell
Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Yeah the WOD was insane. There were some hard hitters there too. The cleans were power cleans and were the easy part of the WOD. The thrusters were awful, whoever decided on that wod was sent up from the depths of the deepest, darkest shittiest hell ever. It resulted in my 2nd DNF ever in a wod, the 1st one was the badger, a week or two after starting CrossFit. I had 6 thrusters left and they cut me off. They never mentioned anything about a cutoff time, so when the head judge came over to mine and I heard him say "he's got 1 min left" i nearly attacked the guy, I was pissed, I was able to bang out a few more thrusters but couldn't get all of them. I believe the fastest time for the first WOD was 15:40 or something, but that guy didn't even come close to winning the 2nd WOD, so it's good to balance and go fast the first wod, but not too fast that you have nothing left in the tank.
We also had the #5 female from the CrossFit games compete and of course she won, Lindsey Smith is an amazing athlete and competitor, it didn't even look like she was exerting herself all that much. Simply amazing.
I really need to work on being comfortable with uncomfortable, it's such a mental game, my body is capable of moving that weight, my mind just says no...
Our gym had 2 guys do the scaled version of that wod and the weight was 95# and 105# thrusters/cleans respectively. One of those guys qualified and made it to the 2nd WOD. He didn't know this until they called his name minutes before it started. So he had been drinking shiner blacks and eating bbq and having a good ol' time! He finished the 2nd WOD last. If you thought the 1st WOD was bad, this was a mean chipper and went something like this...
50m sprint to pick up your wall ball 30 wall balls 50m sprint to pick up your kb (53) 30 kb swings 50m sprint to pick up your disassembled barbell, and 50lbs of weight with clamps assemble barbell and do 30 SDHP (95) 50m sprint to pick up dumbbells (35) 30 man makers 400m sandbag carry (45)
The weights/equipment were 25m away, so they competitors had to sprint to them, grab them then run back to the start point to execute the movements, it was insane...
There was also a team WOD, which was fuckin awesome to watch. Co-ed teams of 3 people. Our gym had 3 teams entered, and we ended up winning 1st and 2nd place. We also had an over 40 team that rocked it.
The Team must complete the following, in order, for time: (Rules and Movement Standards Included In Event Description Below)
1. 400m run: Each Member runs separately. Once all finished, they can move on. For each Member, the run around the trail (2 laps) must begin and end on exactly the same spot – where the athletes’ judge is standing. The next Member to run can begin when the athlete before him/her taps them on the shoulder.
2. 30 Wall Ball Shots: Each Member completes 30 Wall Ball Shots. There will be a 20lb, 14lb and 12lb balls present. The Team Members determine who uses which ball. Members can be moving at the same time, but all Members must complete the 30 reps before the Team can move on. For each rep to count, the athletes hip crease must go lower than the top of their knee at the bottom of the movement, and medball must hit the wall within the square target at the top of the movement. Dropping of the medball is permitted.
3. 30 Burpees: Each Member completes 30 Burpees. Members can be moving at the same time, but all Members must complete 30 reps before the Team can move on. For each rep to count, the Member must complete the following: chest hits the ground at the bottom, and they clap overhead while in the air, with open hips at the top of the movement.
4. Problem: The Team must figure out how to untie all of their deadlift equipment as fast as possible, everyones equipment was tied up the same way, it was crazy.
5. 200 Deadlifts: The Team must share 200 repetitions of Deadlifts. All Members must participate. Team must rotate in same order throughout the 200 repetitions. Once a Member begins executing reps, the bar cannot rest on the ground; if it rests on the ground, the next Member must start their turn of reps. For each rep to count, the rep must begin from the ground (but not rest) and the hips must be fully open at the top of the movement (judge is looking for shoulder behind hip at top of the lift). The set up – Each Team will have 1 45lb bar, 1 pair of 45lb bumpers, 1 pair of 35lb bumpers and 1 pair of 25lb bumpers. Upon completing step 4 above, the Team is to assemble the Deadlift bar by putting the 35lb bumpers on the bar. Member 1 is to use the bar + 35’s during their reps. Member 2 is to use the bar + 35’s and either the 25’s or 45’s during their reps. Member 3 is to use the bar + 35’s and the set of bumpers not used by Member 2 during their reps. The Members decide who will lift which weight and what order they will rotate, and they will rotate until all 200 reps have been completed.
6. Partner Carry: The entire Team must move together. One Team Member carries another Member approximately 50m (across the field). Any type carry is allowed but the carried Member cannot touch the ground; if they touch the ground, the carrier must stop before continuing. On the trip back, another Team Member must carry another Team Member. Every Member of the Team must be involved in one of the carries (1 person can’t walk both) and at least one female must do one of the carries.
So that's what was up, it started at 7am and I left there around 4:30pm...it was a long fucking day!
Sick job on "Fran" that's a great time, especially since it's the first time you've done it! It's amazing how much it taxes the body.
We did "baby murph" yesterday 400m run 100 pull ups 200 sit ups 300 squats 400m run 27:54
I was hurting so bad from this weekend and from going out drinking saturday night with my friends from NY, yesterday felt horrible and was the first time I almost threw up...
Edited by Andrew Mitchell (10/13/09 08:47 AM)
#4159428 - 10/13/09 03:41 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Andrew Mitchell]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 09/09/01
Posts: 30309
This shit looks really cool.
There are a few gyms around here I'm gonna look into.
From what I have seen $100-150 per month is about standard?
#4159445 - 10/13/09 03:47 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: HotHB]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
This shit looks really cool.
There are a few gyms around here I'm gonna look into.
From what I have seen $100-150 per month is about standard?
yes, and no that is not expensive
#4159792 - 10/13/09 05:56 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
It IS really cool. Come drink the koolaid with us 
Andrew that competition sounds insane. I can't decide if I'm going to do any more competitions because not only am I not that competitive, and for a week before the only one I ever did I was super nervous waiting for the WOD to be posted. I have no idea why I was so wound up about it, since it was just a fundraiser affiliate meet. There might be a Georgia CF games qualifier next year, and I don't know if I want to go yet.
How early did they cut you off? That workout would probably take me a half hour, minimum.
I really need to work on being comfortable with uncomfortable, it's such a mental game, my body is capable of moving that weight, my mind just says no... This is something I've been thinking about a lot lately myself. Up until recently my usual mode was to try to break things down in certain sets of reps, such as 3 sets of 7 for 21 total reps or something like that. The problem with that is that it's so damn hard to get back on the bar cause my brain is screaming at me to stop. I think it's something that comes with time, the ability to really dig deep when every fiber of your being is screaming at you to rest, as corny as that sounds. I think I'm getting a little better at it.
Anyway I did Elizabeth tonight, 21-15-9 135lb squat cleans/ring dips. Beat my previous PR by 40 seconds or so for 13:15 rx. I got real sloppy on the last few cleans. I'm pretty happy with that considering I haven't eaten much today and didn't feel nearly as strong as usual. But instead of resting and waiting until I could do 3 or 4 reps straight I ended up doing most one at a time. I tried to not really wait longer than 5-10 seconds between reps, and I think it helped me a little.
#4160425 - 10/13/09 11:08 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 09/09/01
Posts: 30309
so what are you guys paying per month?
#4160806 - 10/14/09 07:50 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: HotHB]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
$150 a month. Make sure you get an unlimited package, because you're going to want to go at least 5x per week so your body can adapt to this style of training.
#4161134 - 10/14/09 09:57 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell
Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
Yeah I was getting pretty nervous before the comp too, then I found out I was in the 1st heat and wouldn't even have a chance to watch it once, I wasn't happy.
They cut me off at 20min. I had 6 thrusters left and the last 400m run, if you weren't on the run by 20 min they stopped you. Unfortunately they didn't tell us this before the WOD. I would have thought that if the fastest time was 15 something then the cutoff should be like 25. I dunno, I def. could have finished in time. I fucked up a few things,for instance, on my first thruster i dropped it from overhead and that's a 5 burpee penalty so I was in a bad place from the very start. Then I was doing the thrusters by 2's and taking what felt like 3 second breaks, but after seeing some vids it was more like 10 seconds.
In something unrelated, we were doing a no sugar challenge at our gym for a month and i did the weigh in/measurement and post challenge WOD. i dropped 1inch off my belly, 4 inches off my hips (lower stomach) my arms,legs stayed the same, I gained 4 lbs of what I would like to think is lean muscle and I cut 34 seconds off the WOD which was 12:18 before the challenge and 11:44 after.
No Sugar WOD 25 burpees 400m run 50 push ups 50 sit ups 50 air squats 400m run 25 burpees
After that I thought I'd stay for the 4:00pm class and do "Joshua".
21 OHS (95) 42 pull ups 15 OHS 30 pull ups 9 OHS 18 pull ups
I wasn't happy with my time at all, but I think it wasn't terrible for doing the sugar wod right before it. We have some serious fire breathers at our gym, the owner did it in 6:XX, and my friend did it in 5:59. Fucking cyborgs! It's kind of disappointing that he's such a machine cause he has no desire to compete in anything.
I pay $180 a month for 5 days a week, but he usually lets me do 2 a days a couple times a week. For anyone thinking they might try it, DO IT! It's fucking awesome and has really changed my life, as corny as it sounds, it's true. This shit is amazing.
#4161674 - 10/14/09 12:24 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Andrew Mitchell]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
I pay $180 a month for 5 days a week, but he usually lets me do 2 a days a couple times a week. For anyone thinking they might try it, DO IT! It's fucking awesome and has really changed my life, as corny as it sounds, it's true. This shit is amazing. I have to say that it's changed my life too. As someone who was so bored by traditional fitness (cardio + weights) it was truly a breath of fresh air. Now being in the best shape of my life is fun and not a chore like most people consider it to be. This is definitely a new lifestyle for me, one that I can stick with for life. I'm pretty grateful for that.
#4161895 - 10/14/09 01:21 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
today's WOD is Helen (3 rounds of: run 400m, 21 kb swings, 12 pullups). best time on the board right now is 9:45, by a guy who won the 20-24 age group in a sprint triathlon last week. im scared..
#4162015 - 10/14/09 01:40 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Is it your first time? Helen is a benchmark WOD and can be a doozie if you really push yourself. I did it about a month or so ago and got it in about 12 minutes, down from 15 minutes when I first did it non rx.
Biggest tip is to just do all the kettlebell swings at once if you can. My shitty running really held me back from getting a good time on it. My last 400m run took me 2.5 minutes which really hurt my score big time.
#4162091 - 10/14/09 01:58 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
i don't think i'll need to take breaks on the KB swings. the problem will be the 2nd and 3rd 400m, and also being able to do 12 pullups when tired (my max 1 set strict is 19)
my best 400m is about 1:00, but i was DONE after running that, like barely able to walk and about to pass out.
i did a WOD that was like a mini-Helen; 3 rounds of run 400m, 15 wall-balls. i think i got 7:40 on that one. the guy who did 9:45 on Helen got 5:48. my goal was to just do 1:30 on each 400m. wasn't able to hold that pace on the final 400m. maybe with all the kb swings and pullups I'll get more recovery for the runs
what i'd like to get:
400m's: 1:30 each kb swings: 1:00 each pullups: 0:30 each x3 sub-total: 9:00 add lost time between exercises: 9:30
#4162231 - 10/14/09 02:27 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Are you still doing strict pullups on all these WODs?! If so, you're a monster. Kip, man, kip.
9 minutes is pretty ambitious. Let us know how it goes. Maybe one day I will be as fast as you and Andrew Mitchell
#4162258 - 10/14/09 02:32 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
yes, i dont know how to kip
i havent run the 400m route at the box yet. its in an industrial area. i really hate it. uneven concrete, i think there may even be a few stairs involved
#4162416 - 10/14/09 03:17 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Kipping is easy. Just swing on the bar, hips forward, legs back. Sounds like you'll be screaming through workouts once you get it down. It's a skill definitely worth learning.
There's no way I'd make it through any workout without it.
#4163125 - 10/14/09 06:05 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
by the time i got there, the best time on the board was 8:17. there was no way i was gonna do that!
- way too slow on last 400m (this was mostly mental i think) - too much rest on last set of pullups
one of the trainers is in the marines, i figured if i just kept pace with him i'd be fine. that worked on the run, but by the time i picked up the KB he had done ~10, and when I was getting on the pullups he was out the door! he finished in 8:47
#4164470 - 10/15/09 06:30 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Andrew Mitchell
Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
That's a great time, especially without doing kipping pull ups, they make things much faster. That's awesome you can do all the wods without kipping though, that just means you'll be that much stronger/faster when you nail the form.
Watch some videos of people kipping, that's what really helped me get it down and has helped me doing butterfly pull ups too. You can just go to youtube and search for kipping pull ups/butterfly etc. or you can go to Crossfit.com and go to their exercise FAQ I believe there are some good instructional vids on there.
Edited by Andrew Mitchell (10/15/09 06:31 AM)
#4165148 - 10/15/09 10:55 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Andrew Mitchell]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
yeah i've seen the kipping. it doesn't even look like pullups. crossfit talks about everything having real world value, kipping seems to be the exception
today's WOD, 5x3 heavy squats, half cindy. gonna go for 12 rounds
#4165177 - 10/15/09 11:03 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
I'll have to disagree with that statement. In a real world situation, if you had to pull yourself up over something, would you make sure you started from a deadhang and pull yourself up slowly, perhaps with your legs crossed? Not exactly. Plus you can do workouts faster with them, which keeps the intensity up and the time down.
Deadhangs are definitely better for building strength (and I do wish Crossfit incorporated them more often), but the kipping pullup does seem to have more real world applicability. Just my two cents.
#4167109 - 10/15/09 06:30 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
ended up w/ 11 rounds + pullups on the Half Cindy. the pullups were strict, i was on the 7th or 8th round at 5:00 and then my pullups started to fail. with kipping i'll probably be able to hit around 25 rounds on a full Cindy
#4168563 - 10/16/09 10:46 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 09/09/01
Posts: 30309
150 per month...god that seems like so much.
there is an intro course here that they require you to take before you sign up for the WOD's...
should I do it...?
I have a hard time justifying such an expensise gym that you can only go to at set times, when they have the WOD.
#4168649 - 10/16/09 11:11 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: HotHB]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
It does seem like a lot until you get in there and realize how truly valuable it is. This ain't a globo gym: you don't go in there with headphones, do a workout and go home with saying a word to anyone. It's a social climate, you're with a group of like-minded people who encourage you, and you get personal attention from the coaches. It's a great community, and the collective enthusiasm will really help you keep going back. I was addicted after just a few times.
Go for it and try out the foundations class. It will probably be a good intro course into what CrossFit is all about, plus you'll probably get some good personal coaching on your form on very exercises and lifts. And even if you don't like it (which I think you will, based on that other thread you started) then maybe at least you'll come away with some new ideas to start thinking about fitness differently.
#4168711 - 10/16/09 11:36 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 09/09/01
Posts: 30309
I think thats what I will do. They are doing an evening intro course starting in 2 weeks - its a 4 week program 3 times per week to get you used to the programs or whatever.
Not commitment other than the intro fee, which is 200 bucks I think.
I like the idea of not hating everyone else in the gym cause they walk around with a chip on their shoulder - and their arms like 6 inches out from their body.
#4168736 - 10/16/09 11:50 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: HotHB]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Cool man. Let us know how it goes. If you end up getting into it, you'll probably be pretty loyal to your gym. I don't think I could ever go anywhere else now. It's definitely a comfort thing to be around people you know in a place you're familiar with. And as far as people having chips on their shoulder, it's almost unheard of. I think a big part of that is the humility that gets bestowed on you for every workout. Often times I go in thinking something won't be that bad and by the time I'm done I'm laying on the floor gasping for breath.
CrossFit: way harder than it looks. 
And just look at the progression of people in this thread: Andrew Mitchell started it just a few months ago and now he's a monster. I've made tons of progress since then, and so has antness. I usually get a new PR around once a week. You will see results really fast if you go enough per week (they recommend 3 on 1 off, it really works.) It's fucking amazing how well this shit works.
#4169897 - 10/16/09 06:44 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
what a humbling workout. 30 each of sumo deadlift high pulls, thrusters, hang power cleans, pullups, pushups, knees to elbows, 24" box jumps, walking lunges, squats, burpees. the Rx weight was 77# but the trainers scaled it down to 57#, i was going to object, but it was a good thing i didnt. my grip was completely shot after the lifting. finished in 20:29 (again strict pullups). best time was 15:07 Rx
#4170805 - 10/17/09 08:07 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Andrew Mitchell
Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
That's a fucker of a chipper right there, damn!! I heard the main site workout on Thursday was brutal. I usually take Thursdays off so i didn't do it. I think it was 15 hanging squat cleans (135#) and 30 push ups for 5 rounds. Everyone that did it at my gym said they felt like they got into a bar fight the next day. Anyone here do it?
We had a chipper yesterday also. 400m run 60 box jumps (20") 60 push ups 60 kb swings (35#) 60 pull ups 60 double unders or 500 singles 60 sit ups 400m run
It was fun, but pretty rough! I did it in 23:18. Fastest time was 17 something, longest time was like 40 minutes. ouch. Afterward one of my friends had his wife pick up some beers on her way to the gym and we hung out and watched the next 2 classes and drank some beers outside with a bunch of people, anyone ever do that at their globo gym? Yeah, didn't think so...
#4172847 - 10/18/09 09:20 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Andrew Mitchell]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
I did Thursday's workout, not with prescribed weight though. A guy in my gym who usually has similar times as me posted a half hour for it, so I scaled it down since I already did Fran and Elizabeth that week. I did it with 95lbs instead of 135. It wasn't TOO bad, definitely a lung workout since the hang squat cleans are pretty easy with that weight. I got burned out on the pushups by the end. Took me 16 minutes and change.
Watching subsequent classes is always fun, especially when it's a really hard workout. It's nice to see people suffering what you just suffered through, lol.
#4176280 - 10/19/09 06:01 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Andrew Mitchell
Registered: 10/28/01
Posts: 797
Loc: The Bayou City
"Savannah" (named after a guy at our gym's baby girl that was born today)
10 thrusters (135) 20 k2e 10 squat cleans (135) 20 sit ups
3 rounds
fuck this sucked bad. heavy thrusters again, kicking my ass! Although I did eat a lot of shit this weekend and drank copious amounts of beer, so i'll be sticking to that excuse.
First day with my new vibram five fingers, they felt great throughout the WOD, felt very stable and comfy, the warm up 400m run was fine except on the gravel. I have a slight over-pronation and i tend to heel strike a bit on my runs so i'm hoping these help correct these issues and strengthen my calves/ankles/proprioceptors etc.
#4178665 - 10/20/09 01:59 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Andrew Mitchell]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Cool, I saw someone wearing those the other day and wondered about them. I need some new gym shoes, are these versatile for lifting and such too or just running?
Did Tabata Something Else again today. 384 reps rx total, up from 363 last time and 307 my very first time. Gonna get 400 soon.
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