#6195763 - 03/09/12 08:32 AM
Re: First Crossfit class...
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Man I was sure I'd get more than six rounds...
I did, but barely, lol. I got 6 rounds plus box jumps and 6 push presses. The box jumps were surprisingly the hardest part, I think. I'm not used to doing them slow Push press didn't feel too heavy but it just winded me big time. Toes to bar I did unbroken up until the last couple rounds. Anyone else hit this yet?
#6210627 - 03/15/12 11:30 AM
Re: First Crossfit class...
[Re: lunchbox]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 11/05/03
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Loc: Canadistan
#6214416 - 03/16/12 03:33 PM
Re: First Crossfit class...
[Re: Euphoricuck]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
so whats everyone's goal on this week's games WOD. i'm going for 10 muscle ups. but i have a feeling the double unders are going to trip me up bad when i have no legs left.
#6214527 - 03/16/12 04:09 PM
Re: First Crossfit class...
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Ugh. This one is awful. Doing wall balls on your own and wall balls with a judge is a totally different ballgame. Pun intended. I had a lot of missed reps, probably ended up doing about 165 total. And I was feeling pretty shitty so I only got to 55 double unders. I had about two minutes to get that many, so I probably need at least 2 more minutes to at least get to the muscle ups.
Pretty frustrated with it since my Karen time is 7:34, didn't help that it took me 10 minutes to do the wall balls I was hoping to do better on this one, doubt I'll have the time to repeat it. Oh well.
#6214585 - 03/16/12 04:22 PM
Re: First Crossfit class...
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
ive done karen in 7:15 but that was over 2 years ago when i had a cardio base and was new-ish to crossfit. now my cardio is worse. also i was DEAD after doing it in 7:15 and that clearly wont work in this WOD. my goal is to do the WB in 8:00, get through the DUs in 2:00 which will require some luck, and then have 2:00 to pump out MUs. i'm guaranteed to get at least 5 on the first set.
#6240255 - 03/27/12 10:10 PM
Re: First Crossfit class...
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
Mens Health magazine
how does this get all the way to print...seriously...proof they know absolutely nothing about fitness, i guess
#6271019 - 04/11/12 10:26 AM
Re: First Crossfit class...
[Re: lunchbox]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Thread dying!!! How's everyone's training going now that the Open is over?
I hit the 30 rep 155lb squat clean & jerk this morning, did pretty well. PR'd by 40 seconds or so for 10:22. I've been lazy lately, only doing like 3x a week, gotta kick it up a notch...
#6315147 - 05/01/12 10:26 PM
Re: First Crossfit class...
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST

Who can complete this year's Regional CrossFit Games events?
Chase Daniels, finished 1st in Southeast region:
Event 1 - 2:21 Event 2 - 13:21 Event 3 - 4:17 Event 4 - 18:20 Event 5 - 215# Event 6 - 14:54
#6335976 - 05/11/12 01:50 PM
Re: First Crossfit class...
[Re: toothy]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
Diane in 1:35 holy shit
id like to see them enforce a stricter deadlift standard (shoulders back at the top) and not sure he was fully locking out the HSPUs but still really good
#6337044 - 05/12/12 11:31 AM
Re: First Crossfit class...
[Re: Impulsive]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
The head standing thing is a joke of a movement. It's balance and then a 2" movement.
I like the idea of cross fit as in do real exercises for time, but sometimes they seem to make up odd shit just to be odd.
Perhaps, but handstand pushups get pretty hard once you're tired. Even some really good athletes struggle with them, surprisingly enough. We had a badass girl from my gym go to regionals, only to get eliminated on that very workout (Diane) because she sucks at HSPU.
I still can't believe Bailey did it in 1:35.
#6338899 - 05/13/12 10:54 PM
Re: First Crossfit class...
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 01/10/05
Posts: 8757
Loc: So Cal
Our girl got 10th place for Socal Regionals.
#6340738 - 05/14/12 05:24 PM
Re: First Crossfit class...
[Re: Rumbelstiltskin]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Nice. A dude at my gym, Daniel Petro, came in 10th in the southeast. Dude's strong as shit and young, he could maybe make it to the Games in a couple years.
I think Ben Smith has a shot this year, dude won 5/6 events at his regional. Impressive shit.
#6385020 - 06/05/12 12:49 PM
Re: First Crossfit class...
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 03/12/02
Posts: 12883
Loc: Detroit
pulled the trigger today on a garage kit. Some of you guys might remember a while back I was going to switch boxes, and after putting some careful consideration into it I am going to go with a home gym. Our coach (OMG don't let anyone know I said that) is technically (his "lifting technique", not "factually") one of the best in the area, has a ton of real world training experience as well as an Olympic lifting background, but he struggles with managing our box as it has gotten bigger. My wife and I both are members and individually came up with the same complaint. Because we have been crossfitting for a few years we have most of the movements on lock down, so we feel like we are kind of ignored. $250 a month for both of us is toooo much money to not get the personal attention we used to get. After checking out some of the other area gyms I don't think it would be any better (most were much worse) anywhere else.
I crossfit with my wife (who is a total bad ass, way better then me) so I will use her as motivation. She is going to do the crossfit endurance seminar this fall and I am looking to get the level 1 cert. Neither of us have any plans on expanding this beyond our garage, but if our old coach asked us back to help train I would for sure.
The gear should arrive this weekend and I am currently cleaning out my garage. pics to come. I ordered a Rogue Wall mount Rack, their bravo crossfit package (bar/plates/kettlebells/rings/etc.), and an extra set of 45 bumpers. I know there are cheaper options out there, but we have both been at this for a few years, workout 5-6 times a week, and are pretty serious so I don't mind the investment. I didn't order a bench because we almost never bench press, but I could see getting one in the future. We are also going to make our own boxes based on the Rogue 3 height box. With that gear the only thing we will be missing is a rower. It is a bitter/sweet loss for both of us, lol.
#6386185 - 06/05/12 09:43 PM
Re: First Crossfit class...
[Re: Dahlia]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
decent mainsite pic today
#6386659 - 06/06/12 04:15 AM
Re: First Crossfit class...
[Re: lunchbox]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/06/02
Posts: 41861
Loc: Newsomville, CA
so expect a lot more posting in this thread from me, you guys will now be my gym buddies.
haha many days I somewhat feel like you and your wife, but like I said in the crossfit shit fest in out there, I like the more personal setting of 5-6 of us working rather than 30 motherfuckers going nuts getting in the way, etc, etc.
I did 2 wods today at separate boxes.
first one was at a more popular box due to a prime location, but it's ridiculously confined.
The workout was a 5 rounds for time 3 squat cleans @ 185 7 push ups
this should've taken me 4 minutes, the place didn't have platforms, I didn't have my o-lift shoes and the sponge mat they had on the floor gave a few times caused me to drop at the bottom of my squat. ended up taking 8 minutes, not to mention I was in a corner back 3 feet away from the wall with some dipshit 2 feet in front of me NO BUSINESS AT ALL DOING THAT MOVEMENT AS PRESCRIBED (RX)his form was shit and quite frankly I felt I was going to get injured by him ditching a clean on my shoulder while doing my pushups or slap my head with his bar. Class was only 12 people, but the gym was PACKED I can't even begin to imagine what their 5:30, 6:30pm classes look like with 30-40 people in there.
I went back to my box around noon, mind you I did that workout at 6:30am
did some power snatches into OHS 3 seconds down, 3 seconds up working on technique.
then 3 rounds for time 400m run 35 double unders 20 ball slams (15lbs)
took me 13 minutes, had all of the room in the world, my coach gave me some great tips about my shoulders being in the right position which really helped with my overhead squat. I instantly felt a difference in where the load was.
And he wants me to draw a logo in his gym in trade for my membership for a bit so that's cool as well.
Needless to say, a lot of crossfit gyms are popping up and focus is getting members at low rates, not being able to pay attention to their members and just shit form all over the place. I mean I'm not perfect at all and I have my vices, but if you think anything you've seen me do is bad, just magnify that by 100x for people not getting the right coaching.
This dude at the first gym front squats 275 this morning due to brute strength, weight wasn't on his shoulders, he dropped to the floor and used the bounce to get back up, all pressure and weight on his wrists (he's going to break them eventually) knee's curled inside, on his toes rolling forward.
Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolly shit.
Going to sign up for LA Fitness to do some supplemental training and conditioning. Kind of like running outside at the Rose Bowl, but driving over there to run 3 miles is kind of stupid then having to drive elsewhere to lift weights.
#6390802 - 06/07/12 07:59 PM
Re: First Crossfit class...
[Re: Duc]
Crossfit gives me wood...
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