#5383430 - 02/18/11 04:24 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
They sure have you doing lots of volume for a crossfit newb. As long as you still feel good, more power to you!
Keep at it man. It will always suck but you will notice your times on everything improving eventually. You'll also learn how to push harder mentally but it takes time. Not sure what happened to everyone else in this thread, lol. Seems like it's just me you and anthers left...
#5388017 - 02/21/11 06:16 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Ugh...awful wod today. Did "Eva":
5 rounds of 800m run 30 kb swings with 70lbs 30 pullups
So yes, that is 2.5 miles, 150 kb swings and pullups. What a fucking beat down. Took me a little over 50 mins which I'm a bit disappointed about. Ripped the ever-loving shit out of both hands too. Glad every day isn't like this
#5391954 - 02/23/11 11:18 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Mick in SD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Let us know how it goes
#5402920 - 02/28/11 11:59 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: Mick in SD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
#5405425 - 03/01/11 09:37 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Ahh, I was going to post that too. It probably needs its own thread. Mikko's pretty much my hero. 11 fucking rounds of King Kong, unfriggingbelievable.
#5405586 - 03/01/11 10:51 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: NateD]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
my rounds of king kong: 0
i hurt my back on a similar style workout
1 DL @ 311 1 PC @ 185 3 muscle ups 15 burpees
it was 5 rounds and i got the first few rounds in just over 1 min each then i had my first DL fail ever, with pain. still working the weight back up. DL when exhausted is just so hard.
#5408672 - 03/02/11 01:35 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
getting better at cleans. power cleaned (it was really a muscle clean) 190# yesterday and it was still not that hard. most i had attempted prior to that was 165#. 100kg C&J is probably possible very soon
my form issue w/ cleans is i don't open the hips all the way and just row the bar up into the rack position and don't drop down under it, especially when its heavy
#5415012 - 03/05/11 11:50 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Hey antness...still working on muscle ups? I did 30 again for time today...4:38! PR by a little over a minute
#5421451 - 03/08/11 03:02 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
did a muscle up WOD yesterday
4 rounds of 5 muscle ups, 5 power clean 155#
got the muscle ups unbroken, but had never done more than 133# cleans in a WOD, so that was a challenge. my form sucked in the WOD and i was just muscling it up. last round of cleans took almost 2 minutes lol. ended up w/ a time of 6:35
#5428317 - 03/11/11 11:07 AM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Nice work man, keep up the good work. It's good to see others around here get bitten by the bug 
If you haven't already, get some good protein powder for better recovery. I've been adding bcaa and l-glutamine to my optimum whey smoothies (also with blueberries and strawberries for carbs) and it has helped tremendously. I feel much better after wods and especially the day after.
Today I did: 4 rds 7 muscle ups 15 deadlifts @ 225 30 lunges
17:23, the deadlifts were tough, really winded me.
Also did a really crazy barbell wod this week of: 8 deadlifts 6 power cleans 4 push jerk 2 back squat All with 135lb, for TEN rounds, lol. That's 200 reps, it was pretty nuts.
#5437639 - 03/16/11 12:41 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: lunchbox]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Yeah I'm signed up. Of course the first workout they posted has double unders, which I suck at.
#5438959 - 03/16/11 09:20 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: lunchbox]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
i'll probably end up around the 65th percentile, like i do with most things in life.
i figure you need to be at least top 5% to have a shot at advancing to regionals, maybe top 1-2% if you live in a very competitive area.
you'll probably need 8+ rounds for this WOD.
i did a similar WOD today as a warm-up, and my double unders were clicking, but that is usually not the case. if they click I will probably get 5 rounds, 6 would be pushing it i think.
#5440426 - 03/17/11 12:34 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Yeah, you might as well wait until next year. Think of how much of a badass you will be after a year of what you're doing now.
Also I don't know if your gym participates, but you should consider tracking your workouts on http://www.beyondthewhiteboard.com . I've been on it for two years, it's completely invaluable. It tracks previous times, how often you work out, shows your benchmark scores, your ranking compared to others, and a lot more. Well worth the $3 a month.
#5444632 - 03/19/11 03:18 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: lunchbox]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/06/00
Posts: 36692
Loc: EST
did the Open WOD today
4 rnds + 30 du's + 10 snatch
the way they count the score is by total # of reps so it is weighted heavily in favor of du's. could i have rested slightly less and done 5 more snatches? yes. enough to have 10 seconds left to pump out 20 more du's? yes. but when you're breathing heavy in the WOD it's really, really hard to get that extra motivation. it's all hindsight.
even so, i doubt any less than 7 rounds will be good enough
#5444949 - 03/19/11 07:27 PM
Re: CrossFit
[Re: ElementBabe]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/26/01
Posts: 10953
Loc: Atlanta, GA
I like BTWB but unless your affiliate is putting the workouts up, it can be pretty grueling to input the workout format. True, mine follows the main site so it's much easier.
4 rnds + 30 du's + 10 snatch
the way they count the score is by total # of reps so it is weighted heavily in favor of du's. could i have rested slightly less and done 5 more snatches? yes. enough to have 10 seconds left to pump out 20 more du's? yes. but when you're breathing heavy in the WOD it's really, really hard to get that extra motivation. it's all hindsight.
even so, i doubt any less than 7 rounds will be good enough
Very true. I haven't done it yet since I'm just now getting over a minor bout of food poisoning...
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