I got a few, also in no particular order:

1.Meeting everyone for the first time at Hagues Lake house, that was very memorable for me at least.

2.The Clearwater hooters meet, which the only thing I remember saying to Hector, can I bum a light of you, many years later, I even bummed one of his room in 2 separate residences.

3.Getting off work at 9pm on Friday and haul ass straight to Panama City to meet with everyone.

4.Going to O-town almost every weekend to hang, shoot sometimes I would even drive during the week, just for giggles.

5.FudRuckers meet when I met OSM for the first time.

6. Ditching one of Hector's first christmas party becuase I just traded the bronze TE-37's for a supercharger, and I was rolling in all blackies.


8. Marks & Kevin's, there was always some shennanigans going on there.

9. Billy Bass

10. Gold Schlager

11. Hee Haw

Im sure I got more, just can't remember.