Was asked to make a thread about this from another one.
So I wanted to control my PS3 when watching/streaming movies from my laptop. Hated using the game controller. Was about to by the Sony BD remote but I didn't want ANOTHER remote to add to the collection and since I already have a Harmony 880 universal remote I wanted to see if there was anything out there that would allow me to use it.
Did some googling and read that some used the Nyko BluWave remote in a way that allowed the use of the Harmony 880. Not bad and for the price it didn't break the bank. Researched some more and came upon some others that actually used a IR to BT interface. The one that got my interest was the IR4PS3. It actually uses the innards of the Sony BD remote and interfaces with the IR circuit board that the person made.
Here's a vid I made and yah my place looks like a mess
*edit* ok...how the fuk do I embed a vid from photobucket?? *edit* figured it out
awesome...a vid include too. Thanks. No lag at all either, wicked. So which "kit" did you end up with? the prebuilt one? so it turns on the ps3 no problem either?
awesome...a vid include too. Thanks. No lag at all either, wicked. So which "kit" did you end up with? the prebuilt one? so it turns on the ps3 no problem either?
Yup got the pre-built. Didn't need to have a scrap remote sitting around and why go to the trouble of buying one and putting it all together when it's the same price as a pre-built one.
I can't test the turning on feature yet until I get the power adapter. The unit needs to be on constantly to receive the signal and since the PS3s usb port is off when the console is off it won't work. But I don't doubt it won't work as "advertised".
Originally Posted By: Dumbass
Is there a website or link for this device? Seems like a great and simple solution.
There's no website that this guy has but he is located in Montreal. Google IR4PS3 and you'll find a lot of info on A/V forums. He also posted a vid on youtube on how to put a DIY together if you already have a Sony BD remote http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgfJAKEhZy4