I found a bunch of old pics from 2001. Sorry for the quality, I only had a shitty 2.0MP camera back then. I'll probably post more pics as I come across them. I still have a few discs to go through. These pics were taken at speedworld, firebird, lot 59, and kiwanis.
I have a bunch of photos from whatever meet that was at Kiwanis, back in the day. I really need to scan those things in, but I've been saying that for 6-7 years? Damn that sounds like a long time.
Damn son, that was my brothers Prelude.. I miss having a car that I enjoy to drive. Those pics bring back lots of memories. lol Kiwanis and rolling around afterwards w/ two-way radios was the shit!
Those bring back some good ol memories from the old school days...Good stuff
haha, when I found the pic of your car I knew whom it belonged to by all the bling under the hood. That was one nice engine compartment, do you still have the SI?
'05 SRT-10 '87 325e '95 525i '03 600 GSXR (totaled along with me)