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#8554705 - 02/15/16 07:55 AM saying that this situation would do the investigation.
mnopqr892281 Offline

Registered: 01/25/16
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The hospital also suspected counterfeit media, misappropriation of others' banner Acknowledgements ",, in violation of" Advertising Law "
? Express reporter Liu Heng
19-year-old Zhang Jiaxing treatment of chronic prostatitis, 11 smallpox more than 40,000, of which a photophysical treatment alone cost more than 20,000. Zhang Jiaxing suspect, is not really need to spend so much money, then he told the newspaper reported the hospital to treat him, lying in a hospital in Guangzhou Logistics Yuexiu District No. 243 small North.
Hospital doctor said that he had taken the treatment, the patient is the best kind of treatment, if replaced by other cheaper treatments, "I'm not sure give him cured."
Reporter investigation found that the hospital did not own official website, but its various departments have their own website, and have dubbed "the Guangzhou public gastroenterology first brand", "the first brand of liver disease in Guangdong Province", "National the most popular male hospital "and so on, it is attracting a lot of information to the patient treatment.
But in fact, the hospital is a "dimethyl hospital."
Guangdong Hiroatsu law firm lawyer Cheng Lei told reporters, according to "Advertising Law" stipulates that advertising may not use national,, most advanced, best terms such as "first" and "national" in their departments appear hospital site, "most" and other words, contrary to "Advertising Law",air max 90 pas cher, such as cheating and misleading patients, should bear civil liability.
There are 11 ceiling 40,000 yuan did not cure the symptoms
said he chose this hospital, because at the time of the online search for relevant information, found that the hospital is known as "first class hospital",piumini moncler, "public non-profit", "professional", "can be reimbursed," the information made him feel this hospital is more suitable.
August 1, Zhang Jiaxing came to the hospital for the relevant inspection. Doctor is Yuan Yong,woolrich outlet italia, head of urology physician, after he saw the test report to said, "serious condition, to receive physical therapy."
According memories, Yuan Yong told him that treatment costs more than three thousand a day. Zhang Jiaxing too expensive, can not accept, Yuan Yong told him just a few days ago to be so expensive, the latter will be very cheap. "But in fact, but later more and more expensive, but also the last time more than four thousand."
The so-called physical therapy, including laser method, radio frequency method, deep hyperthermia, etc., are expensive. Just two days ago,, the cost of physical therapy are 3072.8 yuan, plus other costs, totaling 7231.1 yuan.
At this time, Zhang Jiaxing said he is in rural areas, can not accept such a high cost. He said the doctor told him that Yuan Yong, hospitalization, rural cooperative medical insurance can be reimbursed, so do hospitalization.
From August 3 to August 11, a total of nine days to live.
After hospitalization, Zhang Jiaxing found spending has not decreased, but have money like water per day. But think of the last can be reimbursed,piumini moncler sito ufficiale, but also no more care.
In the hospital print out a list of the final cost, nine days, 2160 yuan a laser therapy done five times, a total of 10,piumini woolrich,800 yuan; 1080 yuan a radio frequency therapy done six times, a total of 6480 yuan; 450 yuan once deep hyperthermia (including ultrasound and electromagnetic waves hyperthermia) made 11 times, a total of 4950 yuan; three only this treatment, they total 22,230 yuan.
From August 1 to enter the hospital began to August 11 was discharged, he has spent 40,000 yuan.
Finally, Zhang Jiaxing still not sure, his chronic prostatitis really healed. August 11, from the small North Canton 243 of a Logistics hospital discharge, he came home to hospital, the doctor told him that did not heal. He then went to Guangzhou Nanfang Hospital examination also showed that he had recovered. He told reporters: "I now have some of the symptoms is not good."
August 11, Zhang Jiaxing back home Conghua, when he took back to a local hospital invoices for reimbursement when you want to, he was told, a small North of this hospital is not in the from of a new rural cooperative medical care in hospital reimbursement. This means that the treatment costs $ 40,000 to be Zhang Jiaxing themselves.
Zhang Jiaxing then began to suspect that their own treatment process and the fees are reasonable.
"Put another treatment
I'm not sure give him a cure. "
Reporters found that in the list of charges and physical therapy fees higher, then he needs to accept such an expensive disease to treat it physical?
September 24, the reporter went to the hospital. After communicating with telephone, hospital registered a complaint sheets and hope to personally come to the hospital. Zhang Jiaxing, said they are in the field, working hours can not come to the hospital, will be entrusted to act on behalf of their parents. The hospital expressed his approval, saying that this situation would do the investigation.
September 26, Zhang Jiaxing's father came to the hospital, the hospital can only hope that this time has been saying. However, to his disappointment, the hospital refused to explain face to face with their doctor. Office staff, said: "I will raise him (doctor) up fight it?" 2 days ago registered hospital staff complaints again did register its complaints father, and said that the hospital would be thoroughly investigated. " eleven after the holiday to reply. "
Reporters then called the doctor Yuan Yong phone.
Yuan Yong believes that this was the best treatment options for patients with a scheme. He said, "other treatment options, and I told the patient, but I can not guarantee the effect, put it another way, I'm not sure give him cured."
In addition, Yuan Yong also confirmed to reporters that he knew the other side of the purchase from the new rural cooperative medical insurance, it is recommended hospitalization.
Yuan Yong told reporters, although the high cost of treatment,, but "is the patient's own choice." He said he knew the other poor economic situation,, it is recommended hospitalization, can be reimbursed is not final, "doctors do not understand the local policy."
Conversation, Yuan Yong also told reporters that Zhang Jiaxing's condition at that time as "moderate." Reporters on the site of the Hospital, to see that "prostate specific treatment, the need for prostate symptom classification, generally divided into mild, moderate and severe three. The cost of treatment of prostatitis is generally a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. "this is Zhang Jiaxing" spent 40,000 yuan, "are quite different. For this information, Yuan Yong should not be considered "dead end", "the money spent on him, everyone is not the same disease, spending is not the same."
Lawyers say:
The hospital should bear
Certain fault liability
Complaints against of Guangdong Hiroatsu Lawyer Cheng Lei told reporters, whether Medicare can reimburse, patients should consult a physician before Medicare reimbursement mechanism, otherwise the patient will bear the primary responsibility, "If the doctor in unverified case, indicate Medicare reimbursement after hospitalization may mislead patients for medical treatment, the hospital should have to bear some fault liability. "
Related treatment costs for hospital site advertises "a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars," a far cry from the actual costs between $ 40,000 question, Cheng Lei believes that, due to "(both) serious discrepancies, (hospitals) exist misleading. "
Fake media reports
Fiction "banner Acknowledgements"
Zhang Jiaxing reason to go to this hospital a small North, because in line to see the hospital's website.
In the Baidu search hospital in Guangzhou,, it is often because the promotion is now out in a prominent position: "Guangzhou Public gastroenterology first brand", "the first brand of liver disease in Guangdong Province", "National Top Men's Hospital" ...... these were the first loud are different departments of this hospital.
Hospitals do not always official website, but the same departments often have several sites, and are added "V" in the Baidu search, to confirm they are indeed the hospital site.
the treatment of urology, on its website showing the "national male urological minimally invasive surgery demonstration unit", "national key andrology medical center", "the country's most reliable male hospital" and other honorary medals. Reporter found after careful observation, both before and there is no specific issue units, while units last piece inscribed on the sign is "Guangzhou City Health Committee."
Reporters on the Internet has never been able to find any information, "the Guangzhou Municipal Health Council". After the call the Guangzhou Municipal Health Bureau, the staff also told reporters that, "we registered various medical institutions, there is no health committee." Meanwhile, in the Guangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau disclosed the list of social organization, nor the "Guangzhou City health Commission. "
Similarly, in the hospital's website, as well as a copy of a newspaper November 17, 2011 A10 version of the story, reported that the hospital on Hyperthyroidism high cure rate, but the reporter then find the electronic version of the daily newspaper, and found that it is an article on Jianlibao news, and there is no written reports of the hospital.
The Hospital, the site of the publicity to get a banner to thank the four rehabilitation cases reporters after the Internet search found that one of the two pictures can find out exactly the same picture,, but the figure is for other banners hospital.
Online publicity through the hospital approval
Reporters also found a number of online complaints about the hospital: 6,000 tinnitus treatment, cure hemorrhoids 10000, cure cervical erosion, 20000 ......
A hospital staff member surnamed Chen told reporters, related to the specific complaints, patients need to control a list of charges, the hospital can only be one explanation, as did find irregularities at will correct immediately, "our team of experts weekly monthly check the doctor's visits will be recorded in the inventory list of the sick, to see whether there is unreasonable,, if true, will be treated. "
Appearing in the publicity for the site management problems, staff surnamed Chen told reporters, will put questions to their website management departments to reflect. Another hospital leaders told reporters that the various departments in the hospital after the online publicity of approval to publish, the reporter found the "to check it." But as of press time reporter, the above problems can still see in the site.
Hospital alleged false advertising
Lawyer Cheng Lei told reporters that patients can get information by browsing the hospital site, so "the website content can be identified as advertising."
According to "Advertising Law" stipulates that advertising may not use national, most advanced, best terms such as "first", "National", "most" and other words appear in their department hospital site, contrary to this provision. "Hospitals such as to deceive and mislead patients, should bear civil liability." Cheng Lei told reporters.
Meanwhile, Cheng Lei told reporters, "The hospital website images with rehabilitation case patients advertising and diverted elsewhere pictures to posing, it should belong to the false propaganda legitimate rights and interests of patients are harmed by the hospital to bear civil liability according to law."
 (Edit: SN077)

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#8728833 - 07/19/16 07:16 AM Re: saying that this situation would do the investigation. [Re: mnopqr892281]
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