apparently it's a 'thing'

example: yea dude I didn't get chicked until way towards the end of the run? *HI FIVE ME BRI*

"... naw dude, I didn't even get chicked at all. At least if there were any chicks, they didnt have boobs! eg same difference! " HI FIVE ME BRO*"
"...see that dude over there? He was getting chicked on the bike!"

the reason being the male/female pros all go first. So male age-groupers go before all the women. the younger you are the more of a headstart you get.

depending on how big the event is you might have a 8-12 minute lead over all the age-group chicks. So they have to beat you by that much [at least] to pass you.

on the last one I did in April I got hella chicked on the run [it was a sprint] , but they were super cool about it.
"I can see that nurses head bobbing around going "I AINT CANCELIN MUH PLANS, FUCK A CDC. WHO DEY ANYWAY NAH MEEN? IMA GO SEE MUH BOO" -johnso