I just wanted to thank several of you for amusing us while we tried to make our way to Flagstaff from the North Valley last Saturday. I realize that some of you are young and have not been versed in the art of cruising, so let me let you in on a little secret. SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT. The idea is to be seen, not be annoying and inconsiderate. While the sound of a herd of bumble bees trying to get totally vertical was fun to hear, the novelty wore off within the first 5 miles. It was not necessary to block traffic for 50+ miles in both lanes. We get it, you want everyone to look at you and go Ohhhh Wooooow. But all you really managed to do was annoy soccer moms and old men trying to make their way to games and the casinos. When I am not behind the wheel of my 18 wheeler, which, for the record, would climb some of those hills fully loaded better than some of your cars managed to do, I drive a Ford Lightning. I, along with most of the other people whos forward progress you were impeding was not impressed. What would have impressed me would have been a show of consideration and respect for the rest of the people unlucky enough to be gracing the interstate at the same time as you as you moved over and let us pass. Now, don't get me wrong, I will give mad respect to an Si or a Lancer that is fast. But there is a time and a place for that, and if you AREN'T fast, keep your slow AZZ in the right lane and let the rest of us get on with our day. Thanks for your time...By the way, where were all your ladies? I counted all of 3 chicks with you. Was that a "special" kind of pride cruise? Not hatin', just wonderin'.
Over the years, when I was more active on the racing scene I have posted on this site, and if things are still the same here it won't be long before my post is deleted by a moderator and if that is the case, so be it. But should this post be deleted, please let your drivers know that if they don't want the rest of the world to think they are a bunch of punks the best way to put a stop to that reputation and not perpetuate it would be to respect others and BE CONSIDERATE.