Mick in SD
(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 09:03 AM
Who's done a 5/3/1 program? I have a question

I've been "doing" 5/3/1 for a while now but have been horribly inconsistent. I never seem to make it past cycle 2 before I derail and do something else. I'm committed doing this thing for at least 6 months and seeing how I fair. One thing I was wondering is about recalculating 1RM and then using that to train for. The guidelines say that you should calculate your max and then train at 90% of that number which is what I did for cycle 1. Today was 5/3/1 for squats and I blasted out 6 reps of the supposed 1RM weight. Should I enter that in to the formula and recalculate for cycle 2 or should I just add 10 lbs onto the max like the guidelines say?

10/06/14 09:24 AM
Re: Who's done a 5/3/1 program? I have a question

I alternate from 531 to 5x5 every Q or so. I don't use my own calculations. I use the stronglifts app. I install my max's for the 4 lifts and it does all the calc work. I have the older version but this is it. http://stronglifts.com/apps/

Be careful on being too modest...because this system is rep-based...going low means a lot of reps.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 02:02 PM
Re: Who's done a 5/3/1 program? I have a question

Use your actual weight pushed. If you're going to stick with it, it will be better in the long run. If you're going to quit after two months again, just add whatever weight you want.

(Sr Member)
10/06/14 10:43 PM
Re: Who's done a 5/3/1 program? I have a question

I've been adding 5 pounds to the push exercises and 10 for the squats and deads for every new cycle. Progress has been steady thus far. Been using this calculator: http://www.strstd.com

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:25 PM
Re: Who's done a 5/3/1 program? I have a question

I did the 531 for a couple years and finally got tired of it.

If I remember correctly the guidelines say to do as many as you can on the last set.

I'd say you miscalculated your 1RM, I'd change it on the second cycle using the 1RM calculator posted or one similar to it.

Mick in SD
(Post Master Supreme)
10/10/14 12:00 PM
Re: Who's done a 5/3/1 program? I have a question

That's probly what I'll do for the next cycle.