(Post Master Sr)
10/01/14 09:00 PM
Madcow-ver- amialoser?

I tested my 5 RM's today in Bench, Overhead Press, Deadlift and Squat. I added weight until I slightly struggled with the 5th lift.

whats odd to me, is that every lift except for Overhead, came to the same amount of weight. What the fuck?

I just had knee surgery (scoped). But I shouldn't be this lopsided.

What say you?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/01/14 10:54 PM
Re: Madcow-ver- amialoser?

See where you're at in 6 months. If it's still the same, you're doing something wrong. If not, don't worry about it.

10/02/14 07:28 AM
Re: Madcow-ver- amialoser?

Yeah, you're new...right? I agree with Silock.

Work the hell out of form and stick with it and you'll see changes.

Some lifts aren't good lifts for a person, tho. My bench isn't that far off from my squat and I've never really focused on one more than the other. I just have weak legs.

Here's some strength stds I use as a guide.

(Post Master Sr)
10/04/14 07:07 PM
Re: Madcow-ver- amialoser?

I've been lifting since I was 17. But it has been severely lacking for a number of years. I'm at 225 for all my lifts except press. Which puts me between novice and intermediate according to OB1's link.

I guess that just means I have plenty of room for improvement. I just figured my legs should be stronger.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/04/14 09:50 PM
Re: Madcow-ver- amialoser?

You just had surgery. And the limiting factor may be your core, not your legs by themselves. It should progress super quickly, though.